Delhez / Mittemeijer | European Powder Diffraction EPDIC 1 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03859-777-3 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1020 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Delhez / Mittemeijer

European Powder Diffraction EPDIC 1

Sonstiges, Englisch, 1020 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-03859-777-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Materials Science Forum Vols. 79-82
Delhez / Mittemeijer European Powder Diffraction EPDIC 1 jetzt bestellen!

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The Role of Munich in X-Ray Crystallography and the Development of Powder DiffractionIndexing of Powder Diffraction PatternsQuo Vadis Quantitative Powder Diffraction Phase AnalysisAutomated Multicomponent Phase Identification using Fuzzy Sets and Inverted Data Base SearchXRD as a Tool in Phase-Diagram ImagingAmbiguities in the Interpretation of Powder PatternsDetectability of Phases in Protective Magnetite Thin Film SamplesDepth Distribution of Phase Content Reconstruction in Thin Films X-Ray DiffractometryQuantitative Phase Analysis of Textured MaterialsX-Ray Diffraction Line Profiles due to Real PolycrystalsQuality of Unravelling of Experimental Diffraction Patterns with Artificially Varied OverlapPC-Profile Analysis of Peak Clusters in Angle and Energy Dispersive Powder DiffractometryDesummation of Mixed Powder Diffraction LinesA Method for Data Reduction and Optimal Experimental Design in XPDThe Method of Synthesizing the Function of the Diffraction Maximum Shape. 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5H2OFourier Maps Obtained from Powder Diffraction Data - Applications Beyond Pure IllustrationInfluence of Crystallite Size and Microstain on Structure RefinementCrystal Size Dependent Anisotropic Line Broadening in Rietveld X-Ray AnalysisA Theta-Dependent Error Present in Powder Data of Highly Absorbing Materials: A Surface Roughness Effect?Qualitative XRPD Analysis SystemQualitative X-Ray Phase Analysis on the Basis of the Calculated StandardsProgram Package COMPHYS for IBM PCSolution of Nontraditional Problems Based upon PDF-2Database for Qualitative X-Ray Diffraction Phase Analysis of Natural MaterialsGUFI-WYRIET: An Integrated PC Powder Pattern Analysis PackageMRIA - A Program for a Full Profile Analysis of Powder Neutron-Diffraction Time-of-Flight (Direct and Fourier) SpectraNumerical Refinement of Lattie Parameters: Monoclinic CaseThermal Coefficient of Expansion (TCE)-Program for Calculation of TCE's for Single Crystals of all SystemsDatabase for the Structural Problems of High Temperature SuperconductorsPULPLOT - A PC Routine for the Graphic Representation and Superimposition of X-Ray Powder Diffraction PatternsNew Instrumentation in Powder DiffractionA Powder Diffractometer for Large-Sized SpecimensThe Quantitative Powder Diffractometer, QPDImaging the Focus of a Microfocus X-Ray Source with Zone PlatesFluid Cooled Rotating Anode Without Mechanical Feedthrough of the Anode Axis to the VacuumDiffractometer with a Curved PSD for Analysis of Polycrystalline MicrosamplesX-Ray Diffractometric Sensors in Commercial ProductionNew Detectors in X-Ray DiffractionHighly Stable Position-Sensitive Detectors for Powder DiffractometryThe INEL X-Ray Position Sensitive Detector: A Study of D-Spacing Accuracy and Exposure TimeA Two-Dimensional CCD-Based Detector for X-Ray RadiationAnalyser and P.S.D.: Energy Resolution ImprovementPhysical Principles of X-Ray Storage PhosphorsSilicon Pin Photodiodes as Detectors with High Dynamical Range for X-RaysA High Resolution Gas Electroluminescent Detector for X-Ray Structure AnalysisThe Application of a Proportional-Scintillation-Detector in X-Ray DiffractometryAutoradiographic Image Enhancement of Debye-Scherrer PatternsEnergy Dispersive XRPD at High PressureX-Ray Diffractometer for High Pressure and Low TemperaturesFirst Experiments with a Newly Developed High-Pressure/High-Temperature Cell for Neutron Powder DiffractionLow- and High-Temperature Accessories for the D500 Powder DiffractometerA New Attachment for Non-Ambient X-Ray Powder Diffraction Studies in Various AtmospheresA Furnace for X-Ray Powder Diffraction with Synchrotron RadiationPowder Diffraction using Synchrotron RadiationThe Use of Debye Scherrer Geometry for High Resolution Powder DiffractionA New Beauty for Adone: A High Resolution Powder Diffractometer for Synchrotron Radiation ExperimentsDepth Profiling in Thin Films by Grazing Incidence Diffraction using Synchrotron RadiationA New High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometer at the Brookhaven High Flux Beam ReactorA New Neutron-Multi-Detector Diffractometer at the Rossendorf-ReactorStatus and Horizons of Time-Resolved Neutron Scattering at the Pulsed Reactor IBR-2Characterization of Epitaxial Thin Films by X-Ray DiffractionGlory and Misery of the Structure Analysis of Thin Polycrystalline FilmsApplied Crystallography in Advanced CeramicsNeutron Powder Diffraction and Oxide SuperconductorsElucidation of Deformation and Recovery Mechanism in Nickel-Base Alloy 600 by X-Ray Rocking Curve MeasurementsX-Ray Determination of the Martensite Structure in Fe-Ni Base Aged AlloysChanging of the Crystalline Structure of Martensite of High-Nickel Steel at Low TemperatureX-Ray Examination of the Ribbon, Prepared by the High Speed Solidification of the Fe-Ni-Co-Ti AlloyX-Ray Diffraction Studies of Secondary Hardening in CrMoV Hot Working Tool SteelsX-Ray Study of Annealing Process of Au3Cu, AuCu and AuCu3 at 270? 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