Dr. Yuri Demchenko
is a Senior Researcher and lecturer at the Complex Cyber Infrastructure Research Group of the University of Amsterdam. He graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" where he also received his PhD degree. His main research areas include Data Science and Data Management, Big Data Infrastructure and Technologies for Data Analytics, DevSecOps and general security architectures. He was involved in many European projects such as EGEE, GEANT4, FAIRsFAIR, and SLICES-DS. His current involvement is focused on the building of European SLLICES Research Infrastructure for experimentation on emerging digital technologies in the SLICES-PP project, and developing foundations for improving energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of the future digital RIs in the GreenDIGIT project. He actively researches the architectural and design aspects of research data management infrastructure for experimental research reproducibility and automation.
J. Cuadrado-Gallego, PhD
is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain, in the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. He has been a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering of Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada, and in the Department of Software and IT Engineering of the École de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal, Canada. He has also been Visiting Professor, in the National Polytechnic Institute, in Mexico City, Mexico. Juan J. Cuadrado-Gallego is an MRes, MSc, and BSc in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain and PhD in Computer Science from the Carlos III University of Madrid. In 2010, she obtained the Outstanding Research Pathway certification by the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the program I3 Program. Dr. Cuadrado-Gallego has carried out research stays at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; the Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany; the University of Reading, UK; and the Università Roma Tre, in Rome, Italy.
Prof. Dr. Oleg Chertov
is the Head of the Applied Mathematics Department at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and the author of the textbook “Calculus for Programmers” (2017). He received his Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics (1987) and a PhD degree in Engineering Sciences (1991) from the same university. He is a Habil. Dr. (Doctor in Engineering Sciences, 2014) from the Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of the Ukraine National Academy of Science. He was a university project coordinator in some Horizon2020 and NATO Science for Peace & Security projects and a consultant for the World Bank and the United Nations Population Fund for some Big Data projects. He is interested in Official Statistics, Data Mining & Machine Learning, and Information Security (Group Anonymity).
Dr. Marharyta Aleksandrova
is an Applied Scientist at Amazon Luxembourg. She received her master's degree from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", and a double PhD from the same university and the University of Lorraine, France. After completing her PhD, she was a postdoc at the University of Luxembourg, where she worked on multiple research projects and started a new research direction in her hosting group. At Amazon, she works on various projects that contribute to smooth transportation execution. Her research interests and experience include recommender systems, application of ML to security, causal ML, prediction with accuracy guarantees, and optimization. In her current role, she also got exposed to industrial-level problem scales and coding standards.