Denecke / Kuhn / Stürmer | Liquidity, Flows, Circulation | Buch | 978-3-0358-0481-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 360 Seiten, Format (B × H): 118 mm x 190 mm, Gewicht: 350 g

Reihe: Critical Stances

Denecke / Kuhn / Stürmer

Liquidity, Flows, Circulation

The Cultural Logic of Environmentalization
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-3-0358-0481-2
Verlag: diaphanes

The Cultural Logic of Environmentalization

Buch, Englisch, 360 Seiten, Format (B × H): 118 mm x 190 mm, Gewicht: 350 g

Reihe: Critical Stances

ISBN: 978-3-0358-0481-2
Verlag: diaphanes

It has become a truism that capital circulates, that data, populations and materials flow, that money offers liquidity. Placed at the intersection of art, media and cultural studies as well as economic theory, the volume investigates the Cultural Logic of Environmentalization. As flows, circulations and liquidity resurface in all aspects of recent culture and contemporary art, this volume investigates the hypothesis of a genuine cultural logic of environmentalization through these three concepts.

It thus brings together two areas of research which have been largely separate. On the one hand, the volume takes up discussions about ecologies with and without nature and environmentalization as a contemporary form of power and capital. On the other hand, the volume takes its cue from Fredric Jameson’s notion that each stage of capitalism is accompanied by a genuine cultural logic. The volume introduces this current of materialist thinking into the ongoing discussions of ecologies and environmentalization. By analyzing contemporary art, architecture, theater, films, and literature, the 15 contributions by scholars and artists explore different fields where liquid forms, semantics of flow, or processes of circulation emerge as a contemporary cultural logic.
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Weitere Infos & Material

7 - 38Introduction: The Cultural Logic of Environmentalization (Mathias Denecke, Holger Kuhn, Milan Stürmer)41 - 56Devenir Universidad: Art, Indigenous Science and the Biocultural Reconstruction of Amazonian Knowledges (Ursula Biemann)57 - 68A Realist Aesthetic of the Sublime: Art, Environment and The Cultural Logic of the Anthropocene (Maryse Ouellet)79 - 96The Cultural Logic of Green Capitalism: A New Coalition of Geo- and Chronopolitics (Katerina Genidogan)99 - 118Utopias of Flow and Circulation in the Nineteenth Century: Phalansteries by Charles Fourier and Others (Martin Doll)119 - 140“Where the Sun Does Not Reach, There the Doctor Will Appear” (Sebastian Kirsch)141 - 162Critique de la Circulation: Remarks on the Design of Environments (Malte Fabian Rauch)165 - 180In Turbid Environments (Esther Leslie)181 - 202Besides One Flow: Quantum Virtuality, Entangled Becomings, and the De-coherence of Ontology (Christian Schwinghammer)203 - 218Plasmaticness and the Boundaries of Human Perception (Beny Wagner)221 - 240Flowing, Flooding, Fibbing: From Fluid Subjects to Environmental Becoming (Yvonne Volkart)241 - 258The Im:permeable Sieve: Following Gendered Imaginaries of Containers and Leaks (Hannah Schmedes)259 - 276Lead Fish Story: On the Cultural Logic of Fluidity in Architecture (Yannick Schütte)279 - 294Circulation and the City Novel (Jacob Soule)295 - 312The Sublime and the Logistical: Containment Strategies in the Aesthetics of Circulation (Stefan Yong)313 - 332Essential Workers: Gigwork, Logistics, and the Sweated Labor of Circulation (Annie McClanahan)333 - 334List of Illustrations335 - 336List of Color Plates337 - 344Contributors345 - 360Color Plates

Kuhn, Holger
Holger Kuhn works as assistant professor (Juniorprofessor) for Historical Visual Culture and Art History at Bielefeld University. From 2016 to 2021 he was postdoctoral researcher at the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique” at Leuphana University Lüneburg. His current research focuses on and visual culture, media theory, and the questions of financialization and environmentalization in contemporary art.

Stürmer, Milan
Milan Stürmer is a research associate for the research project Media and Participation at Leuphana University Lüneburg's Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM), where he works on the economic elements of participation. At the intersection between media theory, economics, anthropology and the philosophy of technology, his research centers on the proliferation of forms of debt in the twentieth and twenty-first century in the context of the generalization of an ecological, relational thinking.

Denecke, Mathias
Mathias Denecke is a researcher at Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s Institute for Media Studies. After completing the BA and MA degree in Literature-Arts-Media studies at the University of Konstanz (DE), Denecke wrote his dissertation on flow-talk as an epistemic resource in depictions of our digital cultures at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Denecke’s key research areas are media theory, data infrastructures, and logistics.

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