Destafano / Federman | PROP - Essentials of Medical Transcription - Revised Reprint | Buch | 978-1-4160-5580-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Destafano / Federman

PROP - Essentials of Medical Transcription - Revised Reprint

A Modular Approach

Buch, Englisch, 432 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4160-5580-8
Verlag: Saunders

Understand medical transcription and prepare for workplace success with this hands-on, introductory resource! A unique, modular approach reinforces concepts as you learn, while scenario drills and realistic simulations give you the practice you need to develop marketable transcription skills. Fully redesigned for more efficient learning and presented in a "building-block" format that guides you through each stage of the transcription process, it's the perfect tool to take you from the classroom to a new career in medical transcription.
Destafano / Federman PROP - Essentials of Medical Transcription - Revised Reprint jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

UNIT 1: Fundamentals of Medical Transcription

1 What Is Medical Transcription?

2 Understanding Medical Documents

3 Proofreading

4 Transcription Process

UNIT 2: Skill Building and Simulation in Medical Transcription

5 Office Medical Transcription from the Family Practice

6 Office Medical Transcription from the Orthopedic Practice

7 Office Medical Transcription from the Urology Practice

8 Office Medical Transcription from the Pulmonary Medicine Practice

9 Office Medical Transcription from the Gastroenterology Practice

10 Office Medical Transcription from the Cardiology Practice

11 Office Medical Transcription from the Diagnostic Imaging Practice


A Analysis Chart

B Production for Pay Summary

C Medical Reports Format

D FedDes Style Manual

E Keys


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