Doukas | European Foreign Exchange Movements and Financial Institutions | Buch | 978-1-56024-663-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 172 Seiten, Gewicht: 454 g


European Foreign Exchange Movements and Financial Institutions

1. Auflage 1994
ISBN: 978-1-56024-663-3
Verlag: CRC Press

Buch, Englisch, 172 Seiten, Gewicht: 454 g

ISBN: 978-1-56024-663-3
Verlag: CRC Press

Here are new insights into the process of European financial integration which continues to remain in the forefront of international financial developments. Based on the most recent econometric techniques and theoretical innovations, this book provides a timely core of theoretical and empirical studies on European currency movements, the European Monetary System (EMS), and developments in European banking and financial markets. European Foreign Exchange Movements and Financial Institutions offers an understanding of the current exchange rate movements within the EMS and the functioning of European financial institutions in an environment moving toward greater financial and economic integration.Contributing authors from Europe and the United States study and examine:

- foreign exchange risk and EMS
- EMS exchange rate fluctuations
- the effects of risk-based capital standing on European financial institutions and the rest of the world
- European banking acquisitions and corporate control issues
- interest rates and the cost structure of the French banking systemEuropean Foreign Exchange Movements and Financial Institutions is a valuable source of helpful information for students in MBA and PhD programs and for technically-oriented finance professionals with banking research interests.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction - Foreign Exchange Risk in the EMS - Exchange Risk in the European Monetary System: Post-Crisis Guidelines - Time Dependent Autocorrelation in EMS Exchange Rates - The Impact of Risk-Based Capital Standards on World Banks - Corporate Control and the Restructuring of European Banking - Interest Rate Sensitivity of Bank Stock Returns in a Universal Banking System - Cost Structure in French Banking: A Reexamination Based on a Regular CES-Quadratic Form - Reference Notes Included - Index

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