Downie / Mackenzie / Williams | Pharmacology and Medicines Management for Nurses Text and Evolve eBooks Package | Medienkombination | 978-0-7020-4127-3 |

Medienkombination, Englisch, 576 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 246 mm x 189 mm

Downie / Mackenzie / Williams

Pharmacology and Medicines Management for Nurses Text and Evolve eBooks Package

Medienkombination, Englisch, 576 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 246 mm x 189 mm

ISBN: 978-0-7020-4127-3
Verlag: Saunders

This package provides you with the book plus the eBook - giving you the printed book, plus acces to the complete book content electronically. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of nursing e-books. An understanding of medicines and their effects on patients remains a crucial area of nursing knowledge. This book provides a thorough foundation upon which nurses can build their clinical experience to achieve competence. It not only provides information on the actions of drugs on the body but also gives clear guidance on the practical aspects of medicines management in both hospital and community. Organisation of the text broadly follows the British National Formulary for ease of use. This unique approach of combining clinical pharmacology, medicines management and the provision of practice advice will be invaluable to pre-registration students at both degree and diploma level as well as registered nurses in practice and nurses returning to practice after a career break.
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Pre-registration nursing students BA (Nursing); BSc (Nursing); Diploma of Higher Education in Nursing

Weitere Infos & Material


1 Medicines in society today and tomorrow

2 The control of medicines

3 The role of the nurse in drug therapy

4 Administration of medicine

5 Nurse prescribing

6 Clinical governance and safety in the use of medicines

7 The role of patients and carers in medicines management


8 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

9 Autonomic nervous system

10 Adverse drug reactions and drug interactions


11 Drug treatment of gastrointestinal disorders

12 Drug treatment of cardiovascular disorders

13 Drug treatment of respiratory disorders

14 Drugs acting on the central nervous system, including anaesthetics

15 Drug treatment of infections

16 Drug treatment of endocrine disorders

17 Drugs used in obstetrics, gynaecology and urinary tract disorders

18 Drugs used in kidney diseases

19 Drug treatment of malignant disease

20 Drugs affecting the immune response

21 Nutrition and blood, Fluid and electrolytes

22 Drug treatment of musculoskeletal and joint disease
23 Drug treatment of eye conditions

24 Drug treatment of ear, nose and throat disorders

25 Drug treatment of skin disorders

26 Palliative care


Self assessment questions


Appendix 1: Abbreviations

Appendix 2: Normal values


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