Du / Sun | Environment Materials and Environment Management, EMEM2010 | Sonstiges | 978-3-908452-27-0 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, 2550 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Du / Sun

Environment Materials and Environment Management, EMEM2010

Erscheinungsjahr 2010
ISBN: 978-3-908452-27-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, 2550 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-908452-27-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).

This collection of over 500 peer-reviewed papers presents new research results on environment-friendly materials and environmental management. It aims to bring together researchers, developers and users from around the world, working in both industry and academia, in order to share state-of-the-art results, to explore new areas of research and development and to discuss the emerging issues facing environment-friendly materials and environmental management. The work presents important new perspectives on this ever more essential field.

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Guarantee Analysis on Ecological Basic Flow in Baoji Reach, Weihe RiverConstructing Elliptic Curve Including Subgroup with Low Hamming OrderEconomic Analysis and Comparison of Heat Pump Systems Using Wastewater with Traditional Air Condition Another View of Gas Exchange Model: Reflection of Leaf Surface Air to Stomatal ConductanceFriedel-Crafts Acylation of Anisole Catalyzed by Green, Reusable Hydroxyapatite-Zinc Bromide Catalyst Removal of Mercury from Wastewater by Adsorption Using Thiol-Functionalized Eggshell MembraneFactor Analysis of Mining Waste Land Development Based on ISMPseudo-Second-Order Kinetics for the Adsorption of Uranyl Ion onto Peat at Different pH ValueThe Interactive Effects of Soil Moisture and Light for Growth of Chromium Hyperaccumulator Leersia hexandra Swartz and Biochemical ChangesResearch of Knowledge Management in the Field of Project ManagementResponse Surface Optimization for Disinfection of Copepod with ChloraminesProductions Diversity of Agriculture Solidwastes BiodegradedBiodegradation of Lindane and Lignocellulose by Microbial CommunityReduce the Plastic Debris: A Model Research on the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch Study of Treating Marine Pollution Based on ?3-Cent?Measure?A Survey of Current Drinking Water Supply for ShanghaiEffect of Copper (II) on the Characteristics of Aerobic GranulesArsenic Speciation Analysis in Environmental Water by HG-AFS after Solid-Phase Extraction Using Multiwalled Carbon NanotubesBiogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Emit from Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba linn)Study on the Alage Removal by Microwave IrradiationLow-Carbon Economy: Terms of Trade and Welfare Effect of ChinaApplication of Polysilicate Ferric Flocculant in Treatment of Tanning WastewaterIntegrated Treatment Methods for Safe Drinking Water Purification in ShanghaiEffect of Hydrothermal-Microwave Softened Treatment on Longitudinal Compressing and Bending Ash WoodCoordinate Developing of Economy and Ecology Protection in Songnen Plain ReservoirTibet Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus Wallichi) Return: Implications for Ecological Environment ImprovingInterception Ratio Optimal Selection Aided by Micro-Scope Hydraulic and Quality Simulation Imaging of Single Phase Flow in Porous Media by High Resolution MRIAssessment on Ecosystem Service Value of the Water Tourism Resources in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast ChinaThe Method for River Health Clustering Evaluation Based on Triangular Fuzzy Number Expected ValuesRemoval of Chloroform in Groundwater by Bioremediation Design of a Novel Corona Plasma Reactor for Decomposition of VOCs Evaluation Model: Effects from Ocean Garbage Patch to Ocean Environment Effect of Different Phosphorus Fertilization Treatments on the Phosphorus Transference in an Aquatic Brown Paddy SoilThe Influence of Wall Orientation and Exterior Surface Solar Absorptivity on Time Lag and Decrement FactorEffects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone on Foliar Flavonoids of Ginkgo bilobaPyrolysis Characteristics and Kinetics of Enteromorpha Clathrata Biomass: A Potential Way of Converting Ecological Crisis ?Green Tide? Bioresource to Bioenergy Treatment of Simulated Wastewater Containing Chlorobenzene by Iron-Carbon Micro-Electrolysis Packing Research on Driving Force of Circular Economy Endogenous Evolution from Price Mechanism AngleMarine Water Quality Assessment?s Nonlinear Set Pair Analysis MethodThe Assessment on Heavy Metals Pollution of the Sediments in Tonghuihe RiverForecasting Groundwater Level Based on Wavelet Network Model Combined with Genetic AlgorithmThe Spatial Modeling Environment (SME) and Its Application Perspective in Hei River Basin of Northwestern ChinaThe Study on Environmental Group Events in ChinaCWT-Support Vector Regression Model and Its ApplicationStudies on the Mechanism of Cadmium Accumulation in Tagetes erecta LResearch on Tradable Emission Permit in Agricultural ProductionNanoparticles: Aspects of Safety and Risk ManagementCharacteristics of Spore-Bound Laccase from Bacillus subtilis WD23 and its Use in Dye DecolorizationStuding on the Scaling Mechanism of Injection Well PipeDevelopment-Induced Water Pollution and Control of Medium-Small-Size Cities in Southern China Study of Puffing Cell Walls Paraffin Oil-Enhanced Biodegradation of Naphthalene by Hydrogenophaga palleronii LHJ38 Application of Cascade-Correlation Algorithm in Cavitation Characteristics of Hydro TurbineStudy on Treatment of Simulated Wastewater Containing Phenol with the Peanut Shells Activated Carbon Primary Study on the Pollution Control of Overflow by Stepwise Adsorption Purification BedThe Game Analysis of Negative Externality of Environmental Logistics and Government RegulationEvaluation of Biodegradability of Amine CollectorsRobust Method via Independent Component Analysis with Additive NoiseOutside Flow Field Characteristic of Biological CarriersThe Experiment Study of Nitrobenzene Polluted Groundwater by Catalytic OxidationElectricity Generation from Cattle Dung Using Microbial Fuel Cell in Acidification Process of Two-Phase Anaerobic Digestion SystemThe Regulatory Policy Design of Nonpoint Pollution from Agricultural Activities: Issues and Challenges in ChinaOptions for the Procurement of Environmental Water Rights-Market Allocation or Government Regulation?Preparation of Composite Carrier Material Immobilized Activated Sludge and Application in Treating WastewaterIdentification of One Polysaccharide Gene and Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins from Bioflocculant Producing Strain of F2Characterization and Phylogenetics of a New Species of High Efficient Biohydrogen Production Anaerobic BacteriumRelationship Analysis between the Response to Participate in Eco-Compensation and Livelihood Assets: A HeiHe River Basin ExampleExperiment of Green Pesticide on Killing Pine Moth of Pinus tabulaeformis PlantationsSelective Aerobic Oxidation of Aromatic Alcohols Catalyzed by TiO2: An Insight on the Effect of Surface FluorinationEffectiveness of Shaanbei Loess on Treatment of Wastewaters from Coal MineEffect of Wheel Traffic on Soil Water Infiltration Experimental Research for SO2 Absorption in Bubbling Stirring ReactorEvaluation and Forecasting: Urban Sustainable Development of Wuwei City in Gansu ProvinceResearch of High-Frequency Magnetotelluric Sounding in Mineral Resources Exploration in Northern Guangxi, China Characteristics of Organchlorine Pesticides in Sediments of Lianhuan Lake The CVM Evaluation of Forest Eco-Tourism in Heilongjiang Province Study on the Assessment of Urbanization Level Based on Set Pair AnalysisResearch on the Recycling of Valuable Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards by Eddy Current SeparationA Study on Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer during Dust Events in Lanzhou, China and their Relation with PM10 PollutionThe Expected Discounted Penalty Function with Random Income under Stochastic Discount Interest ForceStudy on Recycle of Sawdust Sorel?s Cement Concrete WasteDaily Discharge Forecasting Based on Support Vector RegressionStudy on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Based on SWATStudies on the Volatilization of Oil in Soils under Natural ConditionsStudies on Factors Affecting the Interfacial Tension of Oil-WaterExtraction and Isolation of 7S and 11S from Low-Temperature Defatted Soybean DraffSynthesis of Ionic Liquid and its Application in Duabanga Grandiflora Wood Powder as Green SolventStudies on Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase and Phosphorus Speciation in Sediments from Lake Hongfeng, ChinaEffect of High Temperature and Humidity in Storage on Component and Oil Absorption of Soy Protein IsolatePhosphorus Speciation in Sediments from Lakes Baihua and Aha with a Typical Karstic Environment, ChinaSewage Sludge Solidification by Slag-Based Modifier for Landfill CoverEffect of pH on Pretreatment of Sulfate-Laden Wastewater for Mixotrophic Desulfurization-Denitrification ProcessThe Impacts of Fires and Fire Operations on EnvironmentLa-Ce-Y-W Cathodes Application for High Temperature Electrostatic PrecipitatorThe Study of Three Evaluation Models of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Manas River BasinMesophilic and Thermophilic Digestion of Thickened Waste Activated Sludge: A Comparative StudyUse of Combined NaOH-Microwave Pretreatment for Enhancing Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestibility of Thickened Waste Activated SludgeApplication of a Hybrid Process with Biofilm and Suspended Biomass for Treating Petrochemical WastewaterStudy on the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emission of Wood CompositesExperimental Study on Shear Behavior of Short-Fill-Age MSWChina?s Carbon Emissions Trading Market AnalysisEvaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on River Basin in Arid ZoneRecent Advances in the Study of Mung Bean StarchRecycling of Abandoned Aspen Products FurniturePerformance of a Refitted Anaerobic Reactor System in Treatment of Water Hyacinth Press JuiceResearch on Surface Quality Enhancement of Wood-Plastic Composite Powder SLS Parts by Post ProcessingStudy on Treatment of Acetylspiramycin Pharmaceutical Wastewater by the Photo-Fenton Oxidation ProcessCombining Coagulation Process with Biological Pretreatment for APMP Effluents TreatmentEffect and Mechanism of Microcystin Removal by Potassium Permanganate Loaded ZeoliteSteam Explosion Pretreatment Technique and Application in Biomass ConversionOn the Scenario Simulation of Xinjiang Production of Water Resources Based on the IPAT ModelEffect of Hydraulic Retention Time on Pretreatment of Sulfate-Laden Wastewater for Desulfurization-Denitrification ProcessEcological Compensation Models Based on the Value of Ecosystem Services ? A Case Study of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp in ChinaResearch on Physical and Mechanical Performance and Formaldehyde Adsorption Characteristics of Self-Adsorption Fiber BoardBonding Quality of Fiber-Wood Interface with Wood AdhesivesDetect Nitrite in Sauerkraut with ChemiluminescenceStudy on the Military Environmental Information Management with GISSustainable Strategies and Status of Unconventional Water Resources Development and Utilization in Manas River BasinDynamic Monitoring and Emergency Response System for Environment ProtectionThe Analysis of the Characteristics of Annual Runoff Series through Wavelet CoefficientsTreatment of Oily Sludge from Floatation Process: Floc Breakage and DewateringConsumer Utility Function Analysis of Low Carbon ProductsSpot Experimental Study on Reuse Process for Oil Recovery Wastewater from Polymer FloodingArchitecture of Urban Ecosystem Assessment Based on Data WarehouseRegional Characteristics on Green Building and the Development of Assessment System in ChinaResearch on the Membrane Fouling Characters in the Photocatalysis-Membrane ReactorBio-Ethanol Lignin Waste/HDPE Composites: Preparation and Mechanical PropertiesEvaluations of Factors Influencing the Income Increasing of the Farmers in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area Based on Projection Pursuit ModelMethod Research on Assessment of Regional Energy Consumption and Air Pollutants Emission ? A Case StudyRapid Start-Up of Ethanol-Type Fermentation in Biological Hydrogen Production Reactor from Molasses WastewaterThe Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution by Utilizing Modified ?-Cyclodextrin MicrospheresMechanical Strength of Mortar Made with Binary Fine Aggregates (Dune Sand and Slag Sand)Synthesis, Characterization, Evaluation of Potassium Tertatitanium Whisker Surface Ni(II) Ion-Imprinted Polymers and Selective Adsorption of NickelOperational Conditions and Improvement Methods of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Low Temperatures in Northern ChinaTreatment of Ammonia-Rich Swine Wastewater Using a Novel IOC-SBBR ProcessCompletely Autotrophic Nitrogen-Removal for Treatment of High Ammonia LeachateReutilization of Porcine Blood as Nutrients SourcePerspective on Devolpment of Nanotechnology in Textiles Effects of Geometrical Shapes of Wood Particles on the Mechanical and Water-Uptake Properties of the Resulting Wood/High Density Polyethylene CompositesResearch on Non-Linear Dynamics Correcting Mechanism of Complex Products and System Analysis of Aging-Related Problems of Wood Residues CompositeAction Mechanism of High-Shear Fiber Kneader Treatment on the Aspen BCTMP Fiber MorphologyThe Optimal Preparation of Scale Inhibitor Polyaspartic AcidDevelopment of Comfort Solar ClothingOptimum Composition Design of Environmental Friendly Wood-Based CompositeWater Quality Evaluation Based on Multiclass Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Microwave Assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Corn Stalks for L-Lactic Acid ProductionSpeciation Analysis of Heavy Metals of Core Amuta Sediments in Lianhua Lake Design of Gamma Energy Spectrometer Based on the Technology of LabVIEW and BluetoothIsolation and Characterization of a Novel Bacillus subtilis WD23 Exhibiting Laccase Activity from Forest SoilResearch on Liberation Mechanism of the Impact Crushing Waste Printed Circuit BoardSynergic Removal on Chironomus kiiensis larvae in Urban Water Source with Pre-OxidationOptimization of Dry Anaerobic Fermentation of Solid Organic WastesThe Removal Effect on Chironomus kiiensis larvae and Mutagenicity in Urban Water Source with Chlorine DioxieIntegrated Evaluation PPC Model of Agricultural Circular Economy in the Perspective of Ecological RestorationStudy on Modification and Phosphorus-Adsorption Capacity of ZeoliteDecomposition of Water Hyacinth Mulch in a Vegetable Plot in ShanghaiThe Phosphorus-Adsorption Capacity and Influencing Factors Study of ZeoliteStudy on Low Temperature on SBR Process PerformanceSynthesis of SBA-15 under Normal Pressure by Microwave Irradiation Method for Adsorption of Pb(II) in EnvironmentThe Use of Surfactant in the Treatment of Oily SludgePerformance on Organic Pollution Removal of O3-IBAC in Advanced Drinking Water TreatmentDynamic Environmental Management Modeling of the State-Owned Forest Tenure: A Case in Yichun of Heilongjiang ProvinceThe Research on the Field Soil Salinity Environment Change with Different Drip Irrigation YearsEffects of Culture Time on the Production of BioflocculantsThe Application of Fractal Theory in Wood Science ResearchBiomimetic Synthesis of Hydrophobic Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles In SituThe Dominant Factor Analysis of Dynamic Shear Modulus of Poplar LVL Based on Grey TheoryEcological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil Based on Engineering Fuzzy Set TheoryComprehensive Evaluation of Power Quality Based on the Method of Entropy Weight and Interval Number ApproximationLuminescence Research of the April 16~17, 2006 Dust Storm Deposits in BeijingAnalysis of Microbial Community Succession in Daqing Oil FieldMicrobial Diversity Analysis of Reservoirs after Polymer Flooding in Daqing Oil Field at the Earlier Stage of Microbial Profile ModificationOptical Properties of Water Body in Xiaojiang River Backwater Area, Three Gorges Reservoir, 2008A New Method for the Pulping of Aspen Branch WoodAir Environmental Impact Research of Urban Traffic Development ? A Case StudyExperimental Study on Nitrogen Migration and Transformation of Longkeng Water Source in Songyuan ProvinceStudy on Water Source Emergency Protection in an Active Mode in ChinaAnalyzing the Implement of Whirling Clarification Technique in Wastewater TreatmentCrosslinked Carboxymethyl Modified Starch for Treatment of Heavy Metals Water by Technique of Chelating-UltrafiltrationWater-Scenery Plan with Rainwater Harvested in Urban Residential SubdivisionThe Compounds Study of Waste PC Main-Board PyrolysisProperties of Highly Filled Composites of Wood Flour and Recycled HDPE Prepared by ExtrusionMemory Effect Stability on Hydrate-Based Coal Mine Methane Separation for Reducing Direct CMM EmissionStudy the Effects of Environmental Factors on Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification in SBBRLoss Mechanism of Rare-Earth Tungsten Cathode Applied to High-Temperature Electrostatic PrecipitationIsolation and Cultivation Optimization of Chlorimuron-Ethyl Degrading StrainsApplying Exogenous Humic Acids and Natural Zeolite for Remediating the Lead-Polluted Garden SoilAssessment on Specific Organic Substances, Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Surface Water and Sediments of Bohai Rim AreaRemoval Characteristics of Microcystis aeruginosa with One Brevibacillus parabrevis StrainEvaluation of the Surface Roughness of Wood-Based Environmental Materials and its Impact on Human Psychology and PhysiologyEvaluation on Restoration of Ecological City of Ha?erbin?Mean Contrast? Texture Feature Model of Nature Environmental Protection FabricMolecularly Imprinted Solid-Phase Extraction for Chlorpyrifos Determination in Water SamplesSimultaneous Organic Matter Removal in a Cyclic Activated Sludge Reactor from Municipal Waste WaterSynthesis of a New Chelating Corn Starch and Application on Preconcentration of Copper (II)Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution of Urban Roadside Soil with Set Pair Analysis and Geoaccumulation Index Empirical Analysis on the Contribution of Environment to Economic Growth in Xi?an CityResearch on Energy-Saving Evaluation System of Yangtze River Support ShipsStudy on Inter-Relationship of the Nutrients in Substrate and the Production of Demulsifying Compound by a Bacillus sp.Legal Regulation of Forestry Carbon Sequestration Transaction in ChinaEnvironment Settlements on Embankment in Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel ConstructionApplication and Prospect of Bamboo/Steel Composite Material in Civil Engineering StructureStudy on Environmental Management Based on Fuzzy Control and Markov ChainKey Factors Analysis on Environment Settlements in Tunnel Construction Based on Rough SetsEvaluation of Regional Water Utilization Level Based on Set Pair AnalysisMolecular Weight Distribution and Removal Characteristics in Source Water of Ganjiang RiverEffect of Fly Ash and Activator on Performance of Steam-Cured ConcreteStudy on the Rice Straw-Particleboard by Starch-Based API AdhesiveStudy on the Adsorption of Trichloroethylene in Water on Activated Carbon and Activated Carbon FibersApplication of Visual MODFLOW to the Dynamic Change and Simulation of Deep Groundwater in Dezhou City, ChinaThe Study of Engineering Control Parameters on Soybean Protein Wastewater by UASB ReactorEnvironmentally Friendly Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Nanoplates and their Adsorption Behavior of ProteinsHydrogen Recovery from Organic Wastes: Reactor Development and ImprovementSynthesis of Nanostructural Silica Using Quaternary Ammonium Salt of Lignin as TemplateThe Molecular Characterization and Hydrogen Production of a New Species of Anaerobe in Wastewater Treatment Process for H2 RecoveryStructure Design of Railway Sleeper CompositesExperimental Analysis of Floc Formation Time and Order in Coagulation ProcessThermal and Combustion Characteristics of Binderless FiberboardLactic Acid Production from Distiller?s Grain by Mixed Ccultures of Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus thermophilusResearches on Water Environmental Bearing Capacity in Hejiagou River of Harbin CityOptimization of Lactic Acid Production from Food Waste by the Saccharification of Bacillus subtiliTrace Metal Enhanced Dyeingwastewater Decolorizing by Corynebacterium VariabileAdsorption of Humic Acid by Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Boiler FeedwaterThe Chemical Properties of Water in Pinus koraiensis Plantation at Mountainous Region in Heilongjiang ProvinceProduction of High Performance Haydite from Sewage SludgeStudy on Reducing the Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Different Processing ParticleboardsApplication of Oil Remover in the Treatment of Oily Sewage of Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer FloodingInfluence of Horqin Sandy Land Plant Sand Barrier on Soil MoistureResearch on Performance Effected by HRT of PAC-MF Integrated ProcessBenefit Analysis of Sewage Heat Energy Application in the Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical UniversityExperimental Study on Impact Mechanical Properties of Waste Printed Circuit BoardsRemoval of Organics from Huangpu River Water by Different CoagulantsContinuous Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Brown Sugar Using EGSB ReactorA Two Bioreactor Treating Brewery WastewaterStudies of Ecological Environment Management in the New Countryside Construction ProgressStudy of the Influence of Anatomical Characteristics on Dyeing Effects of Plantation Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica litv. VeneerEffect of Wastewater Treatment Processes on the Combustion Properties of Sewage SludgeThe Thermal Treatment Properties of the Tars from Sewage Sludge GasificationThe Effect of Different Natural Organic Matter Fractions on the Ozonation of MicropollutantsThe Preparation and the Research of Copper-Chelex Chitosan for Removal Ammonia-Nitrogen from the Drinking WaterEffect of Organic Loading Rate on Bio-Hydrogen Production in Continuous Stirred Tank ReactorStart-Up Procedures and Analysis of Microbial Segregation in HABR Using Synthetic Brewery WastewaterThe Application of Extruder in Chemical-Machinery Pulping Production and the Influence of the Wastewater Biochemical TreatmentInvestigation of a Full-Scale Anaerobic-Aerobic and Constructed Wetlands Integrated System Treating Livestock WastewaterThe Stress Response and Remediation of Plant on Oil-Contaminated SoilDevelopment of Land Subsidence in Xi'an in Past 50 YearsEffect of Sulfate Contaminant on Soil Properties and Infrastructure Safety in Permafrost RegionsCharacterization of Novel Deep Eutectic Ionic Liquids and their Application in Green SynthesisThe Influential Factors of Preparing PAM Coagulants with High Molar WeightEnvironmental Performance Evaluation of Thermal Power Plant with Variable Weight Coefficient and Fuzzy Pattern RecognitionEffects of Addition Ammonia Modified Urea-Melamine-Formaldehyde Resin on the Adhesions and Formaldehyde Emission in PlywoodThe Spatial Distribution of Nutrient and Heavy Metals in Shouguang Reed Wetland Soil for Receiving DrainageKinetics of Lactic Acid Fermentation on Food Waste by Lactobacillus bulgaricusAssessment Model Design of Urban Ecosystem Based on Fuzzy Theory ? A Case of ChangshaEnhancing the Integration of Watershed ManagementAnalysis of Forest Resource Change in Mao?er Mountain Forest Farm Based on GISKnowledge-Based Environmental Information System Support for Wetland Resources Protection and UtilizationThe Path Choice of Legislation on Agro-Eco-Environment in ChinaPilot Study on Ultrafiltration of Produced Water from Polymer Flooding for ReuseStudy on the Relationship between Surface Color of Veneer and Dyeing Technique for Pinus sylvest var. mongolicaApplication of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method in Groundwater Quality Assessment in Handan CityImpact of Organic Loading Rate and DO on Filamentous Bulking Sludge and the Study of its Characteristics in Membrane BioreactorThe Prediction of River Water Pollution Density Based on Data Mining TechnologyStudy on Wastewater Treatment by Biological Aerated FilterInfluence of Fly Ash on the Mechanical Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites Cured at High TemperatureThe Succession of Microbial Community in CSTR Hydrogen Production SystemEffect of Pretreatment Methods on L-Lactic Acid Production from Vinasse FermentationStudy on the Absorption of Wool for Cr (III) from WaterThermal Power Plants Cleaner Production Performance Evaluation Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Group Decision-MakingRapid Start-Up of Biofilter for Removal of Iron and Manganese from GroundwaterA Web Environment Information System for Air Pollution Accident SimulationCloning of Salt-Resistance Transcription Factor Gene and Identification of Function in Soybean PlantsDetermination of Heavy Metals in VegetablesImpact of Long-Term Organic Fertilizer Application on Lignin in MollisolAnalysis of Multi-Stage and Dynamic Incomplete Information Game Model for EIA System in ChinaLaboratory Evaluation of Permeable Reactive Barriers to Treat Water Impact by Acid-Low-Level Uranium DrainageFermentative Biohydrogen Production with Biohydrogenbacterium R3 sp.nov in a Continuous Stirred Tank ReactorEffect of Environmental Conditions on Nitrate Removal from Groundwater Using Biodenitrification Supported by Biodegradable Snack WareThe Effect of Coagulation on Preventing UF Membrane from FoulingEffect of External Carbon Source on Denitrification in Biofilter at Low TemperatureCombining Boolean Model with Improved PCA for Analyzing Purified Water SecurityA Chaotic Prediction Method to Time Series DataThe Dynamic Elastic Modulus and Microstructure Study of High Performance Concrete in Sulfate EnvironmentDegradation of Ametryn in Aqueous Solution by Solar/ S-Doped Titanium Dioxide ProcessThe Property Research of Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials Prepared by Sunflower Stalk CoreStudy on the Prediction Model of the Proportion of Each Type of Urban Domestic Plastic WastePlanning for Stormwater Runoff Control: A Case Study in ChinaResearch on the Microbiologic Property of Biological Aerated Filters BiomembraneReaction Time for Evacuating of the Personnel in Typical Coal Chemical Industry Region of China Based on ANFISFormation, Detection and Removal of NDMA in Water Treatment ProcessA Novel Electrode for the Degradation of Methylene Blue in Electrochemical System: Preparation and CharacterizationDesign of Remote Water Quality Monitoring System Based on GPRSThe Game Model Theory and Practice Analysis on Environmental ManagementStudy on Particulate Matter Concentration in the Indoor Air of Classrooms in a Beijing Primary SchoolMathematical Modeling of Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Using Hybrid Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (ASM3)Excessively Wet Subgrade Improvement with 100% Industry By-Products for Heavy Traffic Pavement ? II. Mechanical Behavior and Durability of Stabilized SoilsAssessment and Mechanisms of Water Eutrophication in Chaohu Lake, ChinaCharacteristics of Ion Concentration in the Atmospheric Particles in HarbinCulture Medium Optimization for Photosynthetic BacteriaA Game Model of Social Subjects Relationship in Rural Environment of ChinaAn Evaluation of Urban Artificial Wetland Landscape Proposal Based on AHP-TOPSISStudies the Influence of HPP on Celery?s Transverse Texture and TissueImplantation of Modern Ecological System into Urban Traditional Context: A Case of Huilongwo AreaBiosorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution by an Invasive Alien Plant Iva xanthifolia nutt BiomassThe Preparation and Performance of Biomass Cushioning Packaging Material Prepared by Sunflower Stalk PithStudy on Re-Using Media from Iron and Manganese Biological Removal Filter for DefluoridationThe Study on Anaerobic Fermentative Biological Hydrogen Production with Organic WastesQuality Assessment Model for Urban Natural-Type Lake Landscape Scheme Based on BP Neural Network ModelA Outlier Identification and Correction Method Based on Wavelet Transform Potassium Permanganate/ Ozone Combined Oxidation for Minimizing Bromate in Drinking WaterLife Cycle Assessment of Forestry (Pulp) and Paper-Making IndustryTreatment of Acid Mine Drainage by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria and Iron at Room TemperatureA Study of Ecological Water Use Based on the Improved Tennant MethodFramework and Key Modules for Emergency Resource Decision Support System to Response Oil Spill DisastersIndustrial Development Optimization under Constraint of Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Bohai Rim AreaStudy on the Interface Character of Drying Binderless FiberboardYangtze River Water Treatment by Spiral UF Membrane with Coagulation PretreatmentPricing Strategy Study on Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance in ChinaStudy on Accounting System of Evaluation of Environmental Resource Based on Strategy of Green EconomyResearch on the Recycling Logistics System Design of Crop Straw Resources in Rural AreasTreatment of Produced Water from Oilfield by Submerged Membrane Bioreactor (SMBR) for ReinjectionPath Analysis of the Effect of Planting Hole Control Body on Salt Content in Seashore Saline SoilDegradation of p-Toluenesulfonic Acid by Ozonation: Performance Optimization and MechanismSimulation and Mechanical Processing of Micron Wood Flake for a New Environment-Friendly Decorative BoardExcessively Wet Subgrade Improvement with 100% Industry By-Products for Heavy Traffic Pavement ? I. Solidification and Compaction Characteristics of Treated SoilExperiment and Research on the Separation Process of High Ash and Difficult Floatable Fine CoalResearch on Shallow Groundwater Recharge and Control in Taihang Mountain Area of North ChinaExperiment and Research on the Concentration of Refractory Molybdenite Ore by Flotation ColumnBreakthrough the Dilemma of Ecological Metaphor-Achieve an ?Economic and Ecological? Circular EconomyAnalysis of Regional Differences in Environmental Awareness and Adaptability to Environmental Changes of Chinese Urban ResidentsPotential Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediments from Hongfeng Lake, ChinaStudy on Treatment of Canteen Wastewater Using Rotating Biological ContactorGreen Street: Landscape Design Approach to Street Stormwater ManagementStudy on Complex Dynamic Pressure Metal Seal in Rotary Vane Steering Gear Based on Fluid Structure InteractionThe Study on the Preparation of Expanded Graphite by Fine Squama GraphiteMinimization of the Environmental Impact of Leather Processing: A Benign and Enzyme-Based Integrated Leather Processing TechnologyAnalysis of OSB Mat Structure Using CAD TechnologyEffect of UV-Irradiation on Surface Color and Chemical Structure of WoodFEM Simulation Technologies of Laser Cutting Wood Board Based on ANSYSPhotocatalytic Reduction of Cr(VI) in the Presence of Citric Acid over Perovskite Type SO42-/TBBFS under UV-Vis Light IrradiationAnatase TiO2 Nano-Particles Preparation with Neutralization Hydrolysis Technique and Photocatalytic PerformanceComparative Study of Volatile Components of Essential Oil from Conyza canadensis between Hydrodistillation and Steam DistillationBisphenol a Removal by Nanofiltration ProcessPreparation and Properties of Low-Cost a-Sialon Ceramic Synthesized from Boron-Rich Slag-Based MixtureSynthesis and Characterization of Dehydroabietic-Based Phosphate Betaine Type Amphoteric SurfactantConcentration Features and Elemental Characteristics of PM10 in Brown Haze EpisodeThe Basic Properties of Lightweight Woods and the Study of Aerogel-Type WoodEnhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Titanium Dioxide in Sunlight by a Kind of Squarylium Cyanine DyeLigand-Free and Regioselectivity of the Heck Reaction Catalyzed by Pd(0) Nanoparticles at Ambient Conditions under Ultrasonic IrradiationThe Influence of New-Typed Oxygenated Fuel Blends on Combustion and Emission Performance for Diesel EngineNumerical Simulation for Migration of the Pollutants in SoilHydrometallurgical Process for Recovery of Lithium and Cobalt from Spent Lithium-Ion Secondary BatteriesStudy on Wood Carbon Sequestration Based on Micro-Characteristics of WoodUtilization of CMC and PVA for the Preparation of Superabsorbent ResinStudy on Rapid Startup of Short Cut Nitrification and DenitrificationA Reverse Approach in Optimizing Pass ParametersPreparation of Hydrophobic CaCO3-Wood Composite In SituOptimization Conditions of Modified Activated Carbon and the Adsorption of PhenolThe Preparation of WPC for SLS Rapid Prototyping and ManufacturingCleaner Dehairing Technology for Goatskins: Effects of Hydrosulfide and Peroxide on Enzyme UnhairingDetermination of Trace Chromium (VI) in Tanning Wastewater by Flow Injection SpectrophotometryDirect Decomposition of NO into N2 and O2 over Cu /ZSM-5 Containing Ce and Zr as PromoterLarge-Scale Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods by a Surfactant-Free and Low-Temperature ProcessComparative Studies on Synthesis of Imidazole Ionic Liquids and Their Solubility for Wood by MicrowaveCharacteristics of Biohydrogen Production by Mixed Culture Using Bagasse as the SubstrateBiosorption Characteristics of an Novel Extracellular Biopolymer Produced from Pseudomonas fluorescens and its Use for Copper RemovalStudy of Technology about Recovering Iron, Carbon from Zinc Volatile Kiln SlagCatalytic Combustion of Pulverized Coal Injected into a Blast Furnace and its Industrial TestPreparation of Nanoscale CuO PowdersPerformance Analysis of Ammonium Lignosulfonate/Urea Formaldehyde-Free FiberboardsNumerical Simulation of the Formation Process of the Keyhole in Laser Deep Penetration WeldingRice-Barnyard Grass Allelopathic Interaction: A Role of Jasmonic Acid and Salicylic AcidStudy on Modification of Urea Formaldehyde Resin with KeratinInvestigations on Preparations and Electrical Conductivity of PA-66/OMMT NanocompositesCoupling Agents Effect on Properties of Straw/HDPE Composites and Mechanism AnalysisFiber Modification of OCC Pulp with Laccase and Natural Mediator SystemEffects of Phosphate on Fermentative Biohydrogen Production of Biohydrogenbacterium R3 sp.nov.Effect of Plating Solutions on Supercapacitor Characteristics of MnO2 Films Kinetics of Desulfuration Product Sulphoaluminate CalciumThe Research of Modified-Soy-Protein ? Acrylate Hybrid EmulsionHighly Efficient and Recyclable Diatomite-Supported Pd Nanoparticles for the Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling ReactionStudies on Biosorption Equilibrium and Kinetics of Ni(II) by Pseudomonas FluorescensProperties of Phytase from Aspergillus oryzae093Synthesis and Structural Characteristics of Organic Aerogels with Different Content of LigninSynthesis and Characterization of Amphiphobic CaCO3 -Wood CompositeStudy on Mechanical Properties Enhancement of Post Processing WPC Powder Selective Laser Sintering PartsExperimental Study on High Intensity Magnetic Separator of Coal of Pingdingshan G UnitProperties of Highly Filled Wood Fiber-Maleic Anhydride Grafted Thermoplastic Blends CompositesAn Analytical Model for Vocs Emission from Porous Building MaterialsExperimental and Theoretical Studies on Compressive Stress-Strain Relationship of Phosphogypsum-Lime-Flyash-Gravel MixtureRemoval of Formaldehyde and Volatile Organic Compounds from Particleboards by Air-Cleaning MaterialsEffect of Temperature, Relative Humidity and ACH on the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from ParticleboardMultiple Effect of pH on Photocatalytic Degradation of Orange II Using TiO2Characterization of Bio-Hydrogen Production from Carbohydrates with Bacteria Ethanoligenens R3The Molecular Characterization and Fermentative Hydrogen Production of a Wild Anaerobe in Clostridium GenusSeparation of Ethane Gas by Adsorption onto Various Biomass-Derived Activated CarbonsEffects of Fe0 on Fermentation and Biohydrogen Production of Biohydrogenbacterium R3 sp.nov.Spin Dephasing in Organic Semiconductor Spintronic DevicesClone and Analysis of Secondary Xylem Cellulose Synthase Gene Fragment from Populus ussuriensisDuplication Error and Repeated Error Analysis of Micro-Hole Array Fabrication by EMMOptimization Process Protein Synthesis Culture in Five AlfalfaStudy on the Application of Safety Assessment Model about Source of Hazardous ChemicalsWear Performance of Rubber Wheel of Roller Guide ShoesThe Bonding Properties of PVC Wood-Plastic Composite Materials Glued with Two Kinds of AdhesiveBasic Research on Reducing Emission of CH4 Based on Gas Hydrate TechnologyPreparation of TiO2 Nanoparticles Doped with Cs+ and Sr2+ and Their Photocatalytic Activity under Solar LightPreparation and Performance of Ni-CU/SDC AnodesPreparation of Carboxymethylcellulose Picric Acid Ester and Adsorption Property for CreatinineResearch on Influence Factors of Absorption Performance for Wooden Perforated PanelsPreparation of new Environmental Materials from Poplar Wood as Raw MaterialQuantum Chemical Study on Structure Properties of Pyridine Ionic Liquids of Different Chain Lengths Substituent GroupEffects of Tenebrio molitor L. Larva Decomposing Polystyrene FoamExperimental Investigation of Mixing Desulfurization Residues and CementStudy on the Absorption Action of Modified Activated Carbon for PhenolBiohydrogen Fermentation with a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Containing Immobilized Anaerobic SludgeA Green and Highly Efficient Protocol for Hydrolysis of Substituted Benzyl Chloride Using Ionic Liquid [bmim]BF4 as Phase-Transfer CatalystEfficient One-Pot Synthesis of 12-Aryl-8,9,10,12-Tetrahydrobenzo[a]Xanthen-11-one Derivatives Using NaHSO4 as Catalyst in Ionic LiquidKinetics Analysis of Anaerobic/Anoxic SBR Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal SystemApplications of Infrared Spectroscopy in the Study of Wood Plastic CompositesInvestigation of Soybean/PF Resin Based Adhesive Applying on PlywoodStudy on Flocculants of Lactic Acid Fermentation BrothStudy on Properties of Modified Low Molar Ratio Urea-Formaldehyde Resins (I)Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange on Iron Niobate Prepared by Solid-State ReactionResearch on Enhanced Straw Saccharification Technology of Hydrogen ProductionPreparation of Conductive PPy/Cellulose Composite Fabric by Using Admicellar PolymerizationAnalysis on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Birch Laminated Veneer LumberPreparation of a-Alumina from Coal Fly Ash by Sintering with Sulfuric AcidPhotodegradation of Neutral Red Using Heteropoly Acid Supported {(NH4)6H5[Mo4V9O40]?23H2O /TiO2} as the PhotocatalystStudy on the Micro-Polluted Water Treatment by GAC-UFPreparation Crystalline Mesoporous Titania at Mild Conditions with Inorganic Titanium PrecursorsEffects of Sludge Retention Time on the Characteristics of Mixed Liquor and Membrane Fouling in Membrane BioreactorThe Substrate Concentration Effects on Biohydrogen Production in Continuous Stirred Tank ReactorVioluric Acid Catalyzed Electrochemical Delignification and Bleaching of Poplar Kraft PulpVeneer Material and Facing Technology of Wheat StrawPOSS/TiO2 Nanohybrids as Sun Protection Ingredients for Greenhouse CoversAdhesion Property Research of Dyed and Fixed Veneer in High Moisture ContentInvestigation of Formaldehyde-Free Soybean Meal-Based Adhesive Applying on ParticleboardResearch of Statistical Relationship between Keel Structure and Sports Flooring PropertyMechanical Properties of Wheat Straw Particleboard Using Composite AdhesivesPreparation High-Infrared Emissivity Powders Using of Red MudEffect of Transition Metal Ions Dopants on Photocatalytic Properties of Titanium-Baring Blast Furance SlagPerformance of Strong Acid Cation Resin D072 for the Adsorption of Fe (II) from Aqueous PhaseLaccase Immobilization on D380 Macroporous Exchange Resin by Cross-Linking with GlutaraldehydeSynthesis of Ordered Mesoporous TiO2 by Hydrolysis Condensation with Block Copolymer P123 as TemplateFast Curing Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin Catalyzed by a Complex CatalystEffect of Content of Mg on the Electrochemical Performance of La1-xMgxNi2.8Co0.7 (x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5) Hydrogen Storage AlloyModified Activated Carbon Electrodes for Electrosorption of NaCl from Aqueous SolutionComparison of the Photocatalytic Activity of N-Doped, P-Doped Titania under Solar Light IrradiationDesign and Property Analysis of the Metal Mesh Reinforced LVLMarked Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity of P-Doped TiO2 with Hydrothermal MethodPreparation, Characterization of Phosphorus Doped Titania Photocatalysts with High Photocatalystic PropertiesPhotoelectrochemical Degradation of Cyanuric Acid in TiO2 SuspensionPreparation, Characterization of N, P Codoped TiO2 Nanoparticles with their Excellent Photocatalystic PropertiesPreparation of a New Porous Material: Enzymatic Hydrolysis Lignin WoodceramicsStudy on Antioxidant Enzyme of Brocarded Carp as Biomarkers of 2,4-DNT Pollution in WaterScreening and Identification of a PCBs-Degrading Halophilic BacteriumEffect of Carbon Sources on Electrochemical Properties of LiFePO4/C Composite CathodeEffects of Phosphate Buffer Solution on Fermentative Biohydrogen Production of Biohydrogenbacterium R3 sp.nov.The Influence of the Electrode Anode Sizes of the Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) on the Electrical Property and COD Removal with the Electroplating Wastewater to be the CathodeEffect of Admixture on Mechanical Behavior and Micro-Structure of Sulphoaluminate Composite MaterialSynthesis and Characterization of BisN-(3-rosin acyloxy-2-hydroxyl) propyl-N,N dimethylamineStart-Up of A2/O Humic Activated Sludge Systemphosphorus Removal Efficiency AnalysisAn Experimental Investigation of Alkaline Zinc Electrowinning Using Magnesium Alloy as CathodeDisodium Sulfodehydroabietate as Template for Preparation of Hydrophobic Nano-CalciumPurification and Characterization of Laccase from Curvularia trifolThe Combination of 17-Estradiol and Bisphenol A Weaken their Respective ActionOne-Step Pyrolysis Process for Recover Zinc and Mercury from Spent Zinc-Manganese BatteriesRecovery of Copper from Bio-Leaching Solutions of Waste Printed Circuit Boards Waste by Solvent Extraction Using RE609 and N902Synthesis of a Rosin Amide and Its Inhibition of Wood Decay FungiCadmium Removal and Electroosmotic Flow during Electrokinetic Remediation of Contaminated SoilGreen Chemical Treatment of Natural Wood Material for Decay Resistance by 3-iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate (IPBC) with Supercritical CO2 as a Carrier SolventExperimental and Theoretical Study on Seismic Behavior of Profiled Steel Sheet-Bamboo Plywood Composite WallsRemoval of Chromium and Nickel Ions from Synthetic Solution by the Ferrite ProcessPreparation of Multi-Layer Film on Stainless Steel as Bipolar Plate for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel CellEvaluation for Antifreeze of Concrete Based on Method of Bubble ParametersPreparation of Porous Silica by Microemulsion Coupling with Sol-Gel MethodStudy on Red Mud as Secondary Resource for Iron ConcentrationThe Effects of Negative Pressure Cavitation Method (NPC) on Adsorption of Heavy Metals Solution by Candida utilisStudy on Properties of Fresh and Hardened Slag Cement PasteAluminum Flow Analysis for the Life Cycle of Aluminum ProductsUltrasound-UV Method Detect Oil Content of Oily Sludge from Daqing OilfieldNew Intelligent-Environment Wood-Based MaterialsRecovery of Zinc from EAF Dust by Alkaline ExtractionStudy on Short-Cut Nitrification Aerobic Granular Sludge Cultivation and Carbon-Nitrogen RemovalPilot Study on Removal and Recovery of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Human Urine by Crystallization of Magnesium Ammonium PhosphateComposts from Green Waste as Peat Substitutes for Cutting Propagation of Impatiens hawkeriStudy on Stability of Ferrate (VI) under the Effect of the Buffering Agent and the Strong OxidizerSpectrum Characteristics and Stability of Anthocyanin Pigment from Hulless Barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare)Research on Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Baicalin from Scutellaria baicalensis Extractive Drug ResidueThin-Film High-Barrier Technology for New Type Packaging MaterialThe Research Progress in Pretreatment Techniques of Self-Bonding CompositesFire Retardant Performance of FRW Treated Larch-Veneer Polymer CompositeEffect of Coupling Treatment and Nanoclay on Thermal Stability of Bamboo Flour-Filled High Density Polyethylene CompositesFlake Alignment and Linear Expansion of Various Oriented StrandboardEffects of Sulphuric Acid Treatment on Photocatalytic Red Dye of TiO2 Films Prepared by Micro-Arc OxidationMigration Distribution Features of Phenanthrene in AquiferPhosphorus Removal Efficiency of Different Media and Macrophyte in Constructed WetlandSimulated Annealing Optimization of Belt Conveyor TransmissionStudy on the Optimal Fermentation Time and Kinetics of Bioflocculant Produced by Bacterium F2Value the Irrigation Water: A Case Study in Northwest ChinaScenic Quality of Highway Landscape Evaluation: A Case Study from China

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