Developments indicate that quasicrystals are promising candidates for applications such as coatings, metal-matrix components, hydrogen storage materials, thermal barriers, and infrared sensors. This book, first published in 1999, specifically focuses on progress in the preparation and properties of quasicrystalline for use in technological applications. Papers address commercial application, physical properties, electronic structure, atomic-scale structure, phase equilibria and highlights include some of the first applications of quasicrystalline materials. One such product is a high-strength steel used in surgical tools and electric shavers. The steel contains quasicrystalline precipitates which are unusually stable against Ostwald ripening. This stability is attributed to the low interfacial energy of the precipitates and provides flexibility by making the steel resistant to overaging. An aluminum alloy that meets the specific US Air Force goal of high strength at elevated temperatures is also discussed. A quasicrystalline thermal barrier coating which combines low thermal conductivity and plastic behavior at high temperatures is looked at.
Dubois / Thiel / Tsai
Quasicrystals: Volume 553 jetzt bestellen!