Duckenfield | College Cloisters - Married Bachelors | Buch | 978-1-4438-5313-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 293 Seiten


College Cloisters - Married Bachelors

Buch, Englisch, 293 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-5313-2
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Using archival material and many unpublished sources, this work traces the origins of Oxford and Cambridge University colleges as places of learning, founded from the thirteenth century, for unmarried men who were required to take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, the majority of whom trained for the priesthood. The process reveals how the isolated monk-like existence was gradually transformed from the idea of married Fellows at University Colleges being considered absurd into considering it absurd not to allow Fellows to marry and keep their fellowships and therefore their income.

This book shows how the Church was accepted as an essential element in society with university trained Churchmen becoming influential in Crown, government, and State. As part of the cataclysmic change from Catholic to Protestant religion, Edward VI and his Council permitted priests to marry, partly to declare their allegiance to the new Protestant religion and their rejection of the old. However, within the university colleges the rule that Fellows would lose their fellowships immediately on marriage was insisted upon. Why a group of individuals were instructed to remain set in a medieval monastic way of life within a nineteenth-century institution is traced in conjunction with how anomalies arose, were absorbed, accepted or challenged by a few courageous individuals prior to bringing about the ultimate change to the statutes in 1882.
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Duckenfield, Bridget
Bridget Duckenfield was born in Hove, Sussex. She studied Art at Richmond Art School, later combining art with music when she became a student at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. The connection continued when she painted a series of watercolours of houses once lived in by musicians, including Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Arthur Bliss, Gilbert and Sullivan, and Peter Warlock, which have been produced as greetings cards for the respective associations. Bridget has also painted houses associated with novelists including Jane Austen, Fanny Burney and Radcliffe Hall and has had painting commissions from many parts of the world, including her local Epsom and Ewell, Australia, Japan, Germany and other parts of Europe. She has a PhD degree in History from Kingston University. Her writings include O Lovely Knight, the biography of Sir Landon Ronald, pioneer of the gramophone, wireless, great champion of Sir Edward Elgar, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and many others, and Principal of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama 1910–1938, accompanist to Melba, Caruso, Casals, Menuhin and many others. From her experiences as an accompanist, she has written four short books for accompanists; The Care and Nurture of the Pianist Partner, The Ideal Accompanist, A Musical Bouquet, and Hazards of the Pianist Partner. She writes regularly for Austentations, the occasional journal of the Kent Branch of the Jane Austen Society.

Bridget Duckenfield was born in Hove, Sussex. She studied Art at Richmond Art School, later combining art with music when she became a student at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. The connection continued when she painted a series of watercolours of houses once lived in by musicians, including Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Arthur Bliss, Gilbert and Sullivan, and Peter Warlock, which have been produced as greetings cards for the respective associations. Bridget has also painted houses associated with novelists including Jane Austen, Fanny Burney and Radcliffe Hall and has had painting commissions from many parts of the world, including her local Epsom and Ewell, Australia, Japan, Germany and other parts of Europe. She has a PhD degree in History from Kingston University. Her writings include O Lovely Knight, the biography of Sir Landon Ronald, pioneer of the gramophone, wireless, great champion of Sir Edward Elgar, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and many others, and Principal of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama 1910–1938, accompanist to Melba, Caruso, Casals, Menuhin and many others. From her experiences as an accompanist, she has written four short books for accompanists; The Care and Nurture of the Pianist Partner, The Ideal Accompanist, A Musical Bouquet, and Hazards of the Pianist Partner. She writes regularly for Austentations, the occasional journal of the Kent Branch of the Jane Austen Society.

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