Due Diligence and Corporate Governance | Buch | 978-0-7545-2622-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 544 Seiten, Format (B × H): 149 mm x 225 mm, Gewicht: 670 g

Due Diligence and Corporate Governance

Buch, Englisch, 544 Seiten, Format (B × H): 149 mm x 225 mm, Gewicht: 670 g

ISBN: 978-0-7545-2622-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Due Diligence and Corporate Governance is a general guide to a subject of growing importance. This handbook shows you how due diligence is used to assess the risk of any transaction, customer or investor for all businesses regardless of size or location. With its diverse coverage and focus on the practical uses of due diligence, combined with explanations and illustrations of best practice by case studies, diagrams and checklists, this book is the essential guide for all those involved in corporate transactions and risk management.

This handbook provides a broad introductory guide to due diligence. It examines due diligence in the context of risk management and corporate governance in a straightforward, comprehensive and practical manner. Case studies are used to illustrate business users, and checklists are included to monitor risk management. The book also offers insights into comparative corporate governance framework.

This book will be a valuable resource for directors; finance professionals; company secretaries; risk officers; consultants; and compliance officers.
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Directors; Finance Professionals; Company Secretaries; Risk Officers; Consultants; Compliance Officers

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction and traditional due diligence2. Due diligence in corporate finance3. Money laundering4. Drivers for due diligence and corporate governance5. Key due diligence and corporate governance organisational areas6. Commercial due diligence case studies7. Reputation risk management8. Cultural due diligence9. Information technology and e-commerce: Issues of due diligence, risk management and corporate governance10. Corporate governance issues11. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 200212. International dimensions and corporate governance: the Indian perspective13. International dimensions: Corporate governance in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the People's Republic of China 14. International dimensions: Corporate governance in Australia15. Corporate governance in Japan

Dr Linda Spedding holds an LL.B. (Hons), LL.M., Ph.D. She is a Solicitor (England & Wales), and Advocate (India) and an Attorney (USA). Having worked with international law firms, she set up her own practice and remains a consultant to law firms and institutions. Dr. Spedding has authored many articles for professional journals and several books for a professional and business audience, including Due Diligence and Corporate Governance. She has been an international advisor to many commercial and professional bodies both in the private and public sector, including SERM and EFR. She serves on several committees, including the SCI Business Strategy Committee. Dr Spedding is International Sustainability Advisor to the CII and to TERI in India and is as an International Consultant Advisor with the Metropolitan Police Service at New Scotland Yard.

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