Koren / Eastwell / Authors | Instant Insights: Viruses Affecting Horticultural Crops | Buch | 978-1-83545-004-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 106, 156 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 270 g

Reihe: Burleigh Dodds Science: Instant Insights

Koren / Eastwell / Authors

Instant Insights: Viruses Affecting Horticultural Crops

Buch, Englisch, Band 106, 156 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 270 g

Reihe: Burleigh Dodds Science: Instant Insights

ISBN: 978-1-83545-004-8
Verlag: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited

This book features six peer-reviewed reviews on viruses affecting key horticultural crops.

The first chapter considers best management practices for the control of viruses and virus-like agents in apple production, including the development of orchards with clean, virus-tested planting stock. The second chapter comprehensively details how Apple mosaic virus is spread and describes the symptoms displayed by affected host plants.

The third chapter examines the challenge of Plum pox virus (PPV) control for sustainable cultivation of plums and looks at the genetic and molecular basis of PPV resistance in Prunus.

The fourth chapter outlines the major insect-transmitted viruses infecting tomato crops, including viruses transmitted by aphids, thrips, whitefly and leafhoppers.

The fifth chapter reviews current knowledge on banana bunchy top disease. The chapter outlines symptoms of the disease, as well as the biological characteristics of the pathogen related to host range, transmission and spread.

The final chapter discusses the symptoms, taxonomy, diagnosis, epidemiology and control of minor viral pathogens of banana, plantain and abacá, such as cucumber mosaic virus, banana bract mosaic virus and sugarcane mosaic virus.
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Researchers in agriculture and horticulture science, farmers, agronomists and consultants, as well as plant/crop virologists

Weitere Infos & Material

- Chapter 1 - Management of viruses and virus-like agents affecting apple production: Kenneth C. Eastwell, Washington State University, USA; - 1 Introduction
- 2 Reducing the economic impact of virus-like agents
- 3 Viruses and virus-like agents of apple
- 4 Advancing diagnostic technology
- 5 Remaining challenges
- 6 Where to look for further information
- 7 References

- Chapter 2 - Apple mosaic virus: biology, epidemiology and detection: Karel Petrzik, Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic; - 1 Introduction
- 2 Feature of the genome
- 3 Host range of ApMV
- 4 Symptoms
- 5 Transmission and vectors
- 6 Epidemiology and geographical distribution
- 7 Economic impact
- 8 Curation
- 9 Detection techniques
- 10 Summary and future trends
- 11 Where to look for further information
- 12 References

- Chapter 3 - Plum pox virus: detection and management: Manuel Rubio, Federico Dicenta and Pedro Martínez-Gómez, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain; - 1 Introduction
- 2 Case study: the
- 3 PPV detection
- 4 Sharka symptoms and transmission
- 5 Sharka orchard management
- 6 PPV control for sustainable cultivation
- 7 Genetic and molecular basis of PPV resistance in
- 8 Future trends and conclusion
- 9 Acknowledgements
- 10 Where to look for further information
- 11 References

- Chapter 4 - Insect-transmitted viral diseases infecting tomato crops: H. Czosnek, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; A. Koren, Hishtil Nursery, Israel; and F. Vidavski, Tomatech R&D, Israel; - 1 Introduction
- 2 Viruses transmitted by aphids
- 3 Transmission by thrips: tomato spotted wilt virus
- 4 Transmission of Begomoviruses by the tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)
- 5 Transmission of RNA viruses by whiteflies
- 6 Viruses spread by leafhoppers
- 7 Genetics tools to control viral infestation of tomatoes
- 8 Future trends and conclusion
- 9 Where to look for further information
- 10 References

- Chapter 5 - Viral diseases of banana: banana bunchy top virus: John E. Thomas, The University of Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, Australia; - 1 Introduction
- 2 Historical aspects and early studies
- 3 Symptoms
- 4 Properties of banana bunchy top virus
- 5 Transmission
- 6 Host range and cultivar susceptibility
- 7 Origin of the pathosystem, distribution and international spread
- 8 Detection
- 9 Epidemiology and modelling
- 10 Resistance
- 11 Management strategies
- 12 Future trends in research
- 13 Where to look for further information
- 14 References

- Chapter 6 - Other viral pathogens of banana: Andrew D. W. Geering, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland, Australia; - 1 Introduction
- 2 Cucumber mosaic virus
- 3 Banana bract mosaic virus
- 4 Sugarcane mosaic virus
- 5 Banana mild mosaic virus
- 6 Musa ornata associated banmivirus
- 7 Banana virus X
- 8 Banana die-back virus
- 9 Conclusion and future trends
- 10 Where to look for further information
- 11 References

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