International Journal of Law and Psychiatry | Pergamon | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

ISSN 01602527


Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 01602527

The International Journal of Law and Psychiatry is intended to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and information among professionals concerned with the interface of law and psychiatry. There is a growing awareness of the need for exploring the fundamental goals of both the legal and psychiatric systems and the social implications of their interaction. The journal seeks to enhance understanding and cooperation in the field through the varied approaches represented, not only by law and psychiatry, but also by the social sciences and related disciplines. The Editors and Publisher wish to encourage a dialogue among the experts from different countries whose diverse legal cultures afford interesting and challenging alternatives to existing theories and practices. Priority will therefore be given to articles which are oriented to a comparative or international perspective. The journal will publish significant conceptual contributions on contemporary issues as well as serve in the rapid dissemination of important and relevant research findings.
Editor-in-Chief: Brendan Kelly International Journal of Law and Psychiatry jetzt bestellen!


Social and Behavioral Sciences

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