Computers & Operations Research | Pergamon | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

Computers & Operations Research

Now incorporating Surveys in Operations Research & Management Science

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

ISSN 03050548

Operations research and computers interact in many scientific fields of vital importance to our society. These include, among others, transportation, economics, investment strategy, inventory control, logistics, safety, reliability, urban planning, and ecology. Computers & Operations Research (COR) provides an international forum for the application of computers and operations research techniques to problems in these and related fields.

The common element in all the scientific areas that this Journal addresses is the need for some optimization methodology for determining viable solutions to problems, using computers and the techniques of operations research. However, it is not only the methodology which is of interest: the applications are of equal importance. The two are mutually supportive, since understanding the application helps one greatly to comprehend the optimization methods used, and vice versa.

This Journal will therefore concern itself with these scientific fields of application, and will be accordingly broad in scope of subject matter. The form, content and language of the articles will take cognizance of this breadth of applications and of the consequent fact that many readers may not be expert in the scientific field to which the computer and operations research techniques are applied by the author.

All full-length research papers must contain original research results, and demonstrate constructive algorithmic complexity and extensive numerical experiments. Numerical illustrations (examples) are not sufficient: the numerical experiments must have a scientific value of their own, particularly with comparisons to other approaches. In addition, the research performed should represent novel and significant work relative to the relevant literature. The use of real-world data is also valued.

(Meta)heuristics (other than well-established algorithms such as evolutionary algorithms or ant colony optimization) must be described in metaphor-free language. This is a way to ensure that they are immediately comparable to existing algorithms. Moreover, this facilitates highlighting the algorithmic contributions to the literature.

Computers & Operations Research now incorporates Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science. COR will therefore also publish state-of-the-art surveys and best practice guides in analytics, operations research, and management science, in a special Surveys section. These reviews of leading research in the field enable educators, researchers and students to obtain an overview of subjects of current interest, as well as important recent developments in established areas. Submissions can focus on theory or applications of OR/MS, and can be of several types, including but not limited to: (i) Results that are considered standards by experts in the community but which have not been documented in textbooks; (ii) Standard results which have been, in some way, streamlined such as, for example, new proof techniques leading to more elegant derivations of known results; (iii) New developments in methodology, or new application areas ('hot topics'). A review should be critical with respect to the existing knowledge and should focus on the computational and algorithmic aspects/developments. For more information on writing a contribution for the Surveys section of COR, please refer to What Makes a Good Survey?

Computers & Operations Research also publishes focused issues on topics of interest related to its editorial mission. Such issues typically contain between six and twelve articles. They are put together within an eighteen-month period under the responsibility of one or several guest editors. Prospective guest editors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted manuscripts are written using proper English, that possible grammatical or spelling errors are eliminated and that the text conforms to correct scientific English. Submissions which do not satisfy these criteria may be rejected without being sent to reviewers.
Editor-in-Chief: Francisco Saldanha da Gama Computers & Operations Research jetzt bestellen!


Economics, Business and Management

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