Zeitschrift, Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr
- An international journal presenting fundamental advances in both basic and applied research into the role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry and medicine
- Offers a forum for new research and clinical results
- Stimulates cross-fertilization between medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, cell biology, chemistry and plant physiology
- 95% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
BioMetals is the only established journal to feature the important role of metal ions in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, environmental science, and medicine. BioMetals is an international, multidisciplinary journal singularly devoted to the rapid publication of the fundamental advances of both basic and applied research in this field. BioMetals offers a forum for innovative research and clinical results on the structure and function of:
- metal ions
- metal chelates,
- siderophores,
- metal-containing proteins
- biominerals in all biosystems.
- BioMetals rapidly publishes original articles and reviews.
BioMetals is a journal for metals researchers who practice in medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, cell biology, chemistry, and plant physiology who are based academic, industrial and government laboratories.
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Zellbiologie
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Mikrobiologie
- Naturwissenschaften Biowissenschaften Biochemie (nichtmedizinisch)
- Naturwissenschaften Chemie Organische Chemie Biochemie
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Vorklinische Medizin: Grundlagenfächer Biochemie (med.)
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Medizinische Fachgebiete Pharmakologie, Toxikologie