Zeitschrift, Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: jährlich
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights promises to serve as a forum in which barriers are bridged (or at least, addressed), and human rights are finally discussed with an eye on the Muslim world, in an open and creative manner. The choice to name the journal, Muslim World Journal of Human Rights reflects a desire to examine human rights issues related not only to Islam and Islamic law, but equally those human rights issues found in Muslim societies that stem from various other sources such as socio-economic and political factors, as well the interaction and intersections of the two areas. MWJHR welcomes submissions that apply the traditional human right framework in their analysis as well as those that transcend the boundaries of contemporary scholarship in this regard. Further, the journal also welcomes inter-disciplinary and/or comparative approaches to the study of human rights in the Muslim world in an effort to encourage the emergence of new methodologies in the field.
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights recognizes that several highly contested debates in the field of human rights have been reflected in the Muslim world but have frequently taken on their own particular manifestation in accordance with the varying contexts of contemporary Muslim societies.
- universalism / relativism
- individualism / collectivism
- positivism / pluralism
- deontology / instrumentalism
- internationalism / sovereignty
In addition to the theoretical debates noted above, a sampling of the substantive areas to be addressed by the journal’s articles can be seen in the following:
- Civil and political rights (e.g., capital punishment, freedom of expression, unlawful detentions, etc.)
- Social, economic and cultural rights (e.g., the right to education, health care, labor rights, etc).
- Women’s rights and their sociological, political and cultural contexts (e.g., discrimination in family and criminal law, political participation, domestic violence, etc.)
- Religious freedom and the rights of religious minorities living in Muslim states (e.g., dhimmah system, apostasy etc.)
- The rule of law, constitutionalism and notions of Islamic constitutionalism
- The influence of both political Islam and reformist theological and jurisprudential thought on "Islam and human rights" debates
- Refugee rights
Article formats
Research articles, Reviews, Book reviews
- Geisteswissenschaften Islam & Islamische Studien Islamisches Recht
- Sozialwissenschaften Politikwissenschaft Politische Kultur Menschenrechte, Bürgerrechte
- Rechtswissenschaften Ausländisches Recht Islamisches Recht
- Rechtswissenschaften Internationales Recht und Europarecht Internationales Recht Internationale Menschen- und Minderheitenrechte, Kinderrechte