Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | Elsevier | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

An International Journal for Advances in Boundary Element and Other Mesh Reduction Methods

ISSN 09557997


An International Journal for Advances in Boundary Element and Other Mesh Reduction Methods

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

ISSN 09557997

This journal is specifically dedicated to the dissemination of the latest developments of new engineering analysis techniques using boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods.

Boundary element (BEM) and mesh reduction methods (MRM) are very active areas of research with the techniques being applied to solve increasingly complex problems. The journal stresses the importance of these applications as well as their computational aspects, reliability and robustness.

The main criteria for publication will be the originality of the work being reported, its potential usefulness and applications of the methods to new fields.

In addition to regular issues, the journal publishes a series of special issues dealing with specific areas of current research.

The journal has, for many years, provided a channel of communication between academics and industrial researchers working in mesh reduction methods

Fields Covered:

- Boundary Element Methods (BEM)
- Mesh Reduction Methods (MRM)
- Meshless Methods
- Integral Equations
- Applications of BEM/MRM in Engineering
- Numerical Methods related to BEM/MRM
- Computational Techniques
- Combination of Different Methods
- Advanced Formulations
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Alexander H.-D. Cheng Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements jetzt bestellen!


Engineering, Energy and Technology

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