Clinical Therapeutics | Elsevier | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

Clinical Therapeutics

The International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Drug Therapy

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

ISSN 01492918

Clinical Therapeutics is dedicated to the dissemination of reliable and evolving evidence regarding therapeutics to an international audience of scientists and clinicians working in a variety of research, academic, and clinical practice settings. This goal is especially important in an era of harmonization and globalization of drug development. Clinical Therapeutics strives to achieve its mission by providing peer-reviewed, rapid publication of recent developments in drug therapies, as well as in-depth review articles on specific agents, treatment strategies, and disease states. Articles are published online within 20 business days after acceptance. Articles appearing in Clinical Therapeutics are indexed by all major biomedical abstracting databases.

Published articles range from pivotal studies exploring new molecules in large, multicenter trials to those exploring new indications for approved agents. Additionally, reports that assess drug safety and tolerability in all phases of development; new routes of administration and new formulations; pharmacokinetic, bioavailability, bioequivalence and biosimilarity; and changes in practice guidelines and standards, are all of interest for publication. Clinical Therapeutics also understands the importance of strengthening the body of evidence surrounding particular agents through the publication of replication studies, negative trials, and failed trials. Beyond the clinic, we seek reports that examine the real-world implications of therapeutics such as comparative effectiveness and pharmacoeconomics studies. Commentaries, perspectives, and contemporary issues are sought to offer a balance of viewpoints and scholarly opinion on a broad array of drug-related topics. Case reports, which remain a vital part of our mission, offer clinically valuable lessons.

In addition to feature articles published monthly, each issue of Clinical Therapeutics features a specific theme section dedicated to an annual update of a specific topic area. A special guest editor will comprise each update with reviews, commentaries, and original research highlighting what's new or controversial in the topical specialty. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration in the topic updates, identifying submissions as such in their cover letters. Submissions not selected for the updates will be considered for general publication.
Editor-in-Chief: Richard I. Shader, MD Clinical Therapeutics jetzt bestellen!


Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Science and Toxicology

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