Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases | Springer Nature | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

ISSN 14765608
Springer Nature

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases covers all aspects of prostatic diseases, in particular prostate cancer, the subject of intensive basic and clinical research world-wide. The journal also reports on exciting new developments being made in diagnosis, surgery, radiotherapy, drug discovery and medical management.

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases is of interest to surgeons, oncologists and clinicians treating patients and to those involved in research into diseases of the prostate. The journal covers the three main areas - prostate cancer, male LUTS and prostatitis.

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases publishes original research articles, reviews, topical comment and critical appraisals of scientific meetings and the latest books. The journal also contains a calendar of forthcoming scientific meetings. The Editors and a distinguished Editorial Board ensure that submitted articles receive fast and efficient attention and are refereed to the highest possible scientific standard. A fast track system is available for topical articles of particular significance.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of the general topics covered by Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases:

- Alternative therapies
- Angiogenesis
- Anti-sense oligonucleotides against growth factors
- Brachytherapy
- Conformal radiotherapy
- Conformal radiotherapy
- Cyclotron fast neutron treatment
- Enhancing the results of radical prostatectomy
- Epidemiology of prostate cancer and prostatic diseases
- Familial prostate cancer
- Free to total PSA
- Gene therapy for prostate cancer
- Genetic basis for prostate cancer Hormone-related disease
- How significant is PSA-detected disease?
- Intermittent antiandrogen therapy
- Mechanisms of tumour invasion in prostate cancer
- Medical and surgical therapies for male LUTS
- Medical therapy for male LUTS: the road ahead
- Natural history of prostate cancer and prostatic diseases
- Nutrition in prostate cancer and prostatic diseases
- Photodynamic therapy
- Prognostic markers
- Prostate cancer and potency and impotence
- Prostatic intra-epithelial neoplasia - an important precursor of cancer
- Prostatitis: quo vadis?
- Quality of life issues
- Racial issues in prostate cancer
- Recurrence after radical prostatectomy
- Reproducibility (test-retest reliability) of investigations for prostatic diseases
- Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to detect circulating mRNA for PSA
- Role of differentiation therapy
- Screening for prostate cancer
- Staging of prostate cancer: beyond conventional imaging
- The magic bullet - use of PSA promotor gene to target gene therapy
- Utility of ultrasensitive PSA assays
Editor-in-Chief: Stephen J. Freedland Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases jetzt bestellen!
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