Discrete Mathematics and Applications | De Gruyter | Zeitschrift | sack.de

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Discrete Mathematics and Applications

ISSN 15693929

De Gruyter

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 15693929
De Gruyter


Discrete Mathematics and Applications provides the latest information on the development of discrete mathematics in Russia to a world-wide readership. The journal contains papers from the Russian-language journal Diskretnaya Matematika, the only journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences devoted to this field of mathematics. Discrete Mathematics and Applications covers various subjects in the fields such as combinatorial analysis, graph theory, functional systems theory, cryptology, coding, probabilistic problems of discrete mathematics, algorithms and their complexity, combinatorial and computational problems of number theory and of algebra.

The journal is published bimonthly, simultaneously with the Russian edition as a cover-to-cover translation. Issues contain, in addition to original articles and reviews in the above-mentioned subject areas, reviews of books published in and outside Russia and information notes. Articles written in the English-language are most welcome!


Combinatorial analysis

Graph theory

Functional systems theory



Probabilistic problems of discrete mathematics

Algorithms and their complexity

Combinatorial and computational problems of number theory and of algebra

Number theory

Combinatorics and graph

Probability theory


Article formats

Original research articles

Editor-in-Chief: Zubkov, Andrei Discrete Mathematics and Applications jetzt bestellen!



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