Advances in Applied Mathematics | Academic Press | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 10 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Advances in Applied Mathematics

ISSN 01968858

Academic Press

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 10 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 01968858
Academic Press

Interdisciplinary in its coverage, Advances in Applied Mathematics is dedicated to the publication of original and survey articles on rigorous methods and results in applied mathematics. The journal features articles on discrete mathematics, discrete probability theory, theoretical statistics, mathematical biology and bioinformatics, applied commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, convexity theory, experimental mathematics, theoretical computer science, and other areas.

Emphasizing papers that represent a substantial mathematical advance in their field, the journal is an excellent source of current information for mathematicians, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, and biologists. Over the past ten years, Advances in Applied Mathematics has published research papers written by many of the foremost mathematicians of our time.

Editors-in-Chief: Joseph P.S. Kung, Catherine Yan, Henry Schenck Advances in Applied Mathematics jetzt bestellen!



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