Current Opinion in Plant Biology | Elsevier Current Trends | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Current Opinion in Plant Biology

ISSN 13695266

Elsevier Current Trends

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 13695266
Elsevier Current Trends

The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for specialists to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject. In Current Opinion in Plant Biology, we help the reader by providing in a systematic manner:

1. The views of experts on current advances in plant biology in a clear and readable form.
2. Evaluations of the most interesting papers, annotated by experts, from the great wealth of original publications.

Division of the subject into sections: The subject of plant biology is divided into themed sections which are reviewed regularly to keep them relevant. Presently they are:
Growth and development - Genome studies and molecular genetics (+ Plant biotechnology every other year) - Physiology and metabolism - Biotic interactions - Cell signalling and gene regulation - Cell biology

Selection of topics to be reviewed: Section Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are appointed by the Editors of the journal. They divide their section into a number of topics, ensuring that the field is comprehensively covered and that all issues of current importance are emphasised. Section Editors commission reviews from authorities on each topic that they have selected.

Reviews: Authors write short review articles in which they present recent developments in their subject, emphasising the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous year.

Editorial Overview: Section Editors write a short overview at the beginning of the section to introduce the reviews and to draw the reader's attention to any particularly interesting developments.
Editors: James Carrington, Ottoline Leyser Current Opinion in Plant Biology jetzt bestellen!


Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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