Elices | Structural Biological Materials | Buch | 978-0-08-043416-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 380 Seiten, Gewicht: 780 g


Structural Biological Materials

Design and Structure-Property Relationships

Buch, Englisch, 380 Seiten, Gewicht: 780 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-043416-2
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The ongoing process of bio-evolution has produced materials which are perfectly adapted to fulfil a specific functional role. The natural world provides us with a multitude of examples of materials with durability, strength, mechanisms of programmed self-assembly and biodegradability.

The materials industry has sought to observe and appreciate the relationship between structure, properties and function of these biological materials. A multidisciplinary approach, building on recent advances at the forefront of physics, chemistry and molecular biology, has been successful in producing many synthetic structures with interesting and useful properties.

Structural Biological Materials: Design and Structure-Property Relationships represents an invaluable reference in the field of biological materials science and provides an incisive view into this rapidly developing and increasingly important topic within materials science.

This book focuses on the study of three sub-groups of structural biological materials:

. Hard tissue engineering, focussing on cortical bone
. Soft tissue engineering
. Fibrous materials, particularly engineering with silk fibers.

The fundamental relationship between structure and properties, and certain aspects of design and engineering, are explored in each of the sub-groups. The importance of these materials, both in their intrinsic properties and specific functions, are illustrated with relevant examples. These depict the successful integration of material properties, architecture and shape, providing a wide range of optimised designs, tailored to specific functions.

Edited by Manuel Elices of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, this book is Volume 4 in the Pergamon Material Series.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section and chapter headings: Series Preface. Introduction (M. Elices). General Concepts. Structure-Property Relationships in Biological Materials (G. Jeronimidis). Design and Function of Structural Biological Materials (G. Jeronimidis). Hard Tissue Engineering. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Bone (M. Ontañón et al.). Soft Tissue Engineering. Structure-Properties of Soft Tissues. Articular Cartilage (D. Bader, D. Lee). Bioartificial Implants: Design and Tissue Engineering (R. Brown). Mechanical Characterisation of Tendons in Vitro (D. Bader, H. Schechtman). Biomimicking Materials with Smart Polymers (T. Fernández Otero). Engineering with Fibers. Biological Fibrous Materials (C. Viney, E. Rennart). Computer Model for the Mechanical Properties of Fibers (Y. Termonia). Silk Fibers: Origins, Nature and Consequences of Structure (C. Viney). Modeling of the Stress-Strain Behaviour of Spider Dragline (Y. Termonia). Glossary. Subject index.

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