Siquans, Agnethe
Agnethe Siquans is Professor for Old Testament Studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna.
Agnethe Siquans studied catholic theology, religious education and Jewish studies. Her doctoral thesis was an analysis of the Quaestiones in Deuteronomium by Theodoret of Cyrus. Her habilitation thesis dealt with “Female prophets of the Old Testament in patristic reception”.
Her main research fields are intertextual exegesis of the Old Testament, feminist and gender studies of the Bible and early Christian texts, the reception of the Bible in patristic writings, church fathers and rabbinic midrash and Jewish-Christians relations in Antiquity. 2016?2019 she led a project on “Exodus 1?2 in patristic and rabbinic interpretation”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund. She works on commentaries on Psalms 101?119 and on the Book of Daniel and is co-editor of the series “Ancient Scriptural Interpretation” and “Vetus Testamentum Patristicum”.
Plietzsch, Susanne
Susanne Plietzsch ist Leiterin des Zentrums für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte an der Universität Salzburg.
Weidemann, Hans-Ulrich
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann ist Professor für Neues Testament am Seminar für Katholische Theologie der Universität Siegen.
Siquans, Agnethe
Agnethe Siquans is Professor for Old Testament Studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna.
Agnethe Siquans studied catholic theology, religious education and Jewish studies. Her doctoral thesis was an analysis of the Quaestiones in Deuteronomium by Theodoret of Cyrus. Her habilitation thesis dealt with “Female prophets of the Old Testament in patristic reception”.
Her main research fields are intertextual exegesis of the Old Testament, feminist and gender studies of the Bible and early Christian texts, the reception of the Bible in patristic writings, church fathers and rabbinic midrash and Jewish-Christians relations in Antiquity. 2016?2019 she led a project on “Exodus 1?2 in patristic and rabbinic interpretation”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund. She works on commentaries on Psalms 101?119 and on the Book of Daniel and is co-editor of the series “Ancient Scriptural Interpretation” and “Vetus Testamentum Patristicum”.
Meiser, Martin
Dr. theol. Martin Meiser ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften an der Universität des Saarlandes und apl. Professor für Neues Testament an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Karmann [†], Thomas R.
Thomas R. Karmann war Professor für Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie am Lehrstuhl für Kirchengeschichte des Altertums, christliche Archäologie und Patrologie der Universität Würzburg.