Elsageer / Butt / Mohammad Bamousa | Essentials of Rock Mechanics | Buch | 978-981-97-8188-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Elsageer / Butt / Mohammad Bamousa

Essentials of Rock Mechanics

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-981-97-8188-1
Verlag: Springer

This book extensively covers rock mechanics and engineering, playing a vital role in mining, geological, and civil applications. It explores the stability, failure, and behavior of rock masses, offering control and prediction methods. Fundamental concepts, stress and strain analyses, failure theories, and rock characteristics are addressed, essential for safety in mining and construction. Applications like geological hazard assessment, slope stability, and foundation design demonstrate its significance in civil and geological engineering. The book's structured approach includes an overview in Chapter 1, stress analyses in Chapter 2, and plane strain analyses in Chapter 3. Subsequent chapters delve into rock behavior, failure theories, and specific properties. Practical aspects, such as designing underground openings, are covered in later chapters. The incorporation of numerous solved tutorials enhances its value for students and educators seeking a comprehensive understanding of these pivotal topics.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction to Rock Mechanics Overview and Key Concepts.- Stress Analyses in Rocks Illustrative Examples and applications.- Plane Strain Analyses In depth Exploration of Plane strain in Rock Mechanics.- Rock Behavior and Theories of Failures Understanding the behavior and predicting failures in rock masses.- Failure of Brittle Anisotropic Rocks: Examination of failure mechanisms in specific rock types.- Miscellaneous Rock Properties Coverage of various rock characteristics and properties.- Strength Properties of Rocks Comprehensive study on the strength aspects of rock materials.- Design of Underground Openings in Competent Rocks Introduction and practical applications.- Distribution of Stresses around Underground Excavations Analyzing stress distribution in rock environments.- Design of Multiple Openings in Massive Rocks Techniques and considerations for designing multiple openings.

Hassan Ali Abdel Haq Elsageer. Prof. Hassan Elsageer, a distinguished mining engineering expert, is affiliated with Assiut University. He has made significant contributions to mining engineering as an educator, researcher, and consultant. With expertise in mining operations, mineral extraction, resource evaluation, and mine planning, Prof. Elsageer has shaped the minds of aspiring engineers through his teaching. He has inspired and mentored numerous students, equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in the industry.

Prof. Elsageer’s research interests include mine safety, rock mechanics, mine ventilation, and sustainable mining practices, and his findings have been published in reputable journals and conferences. His expertise is also sought after by industry professionals, providing valuable consultation services to optimize operations and address challenges. Committed to staying at the forefront of the field, Prof. Elsageer actively participates in professional conferences, workshops, and seminars, ensuring he remains updated with the latest advancements. His contributions to mining engineering have earned him respect in the industry, and his dedication to education and research continues to make him an invaluable asset to Assiut University and the broader mining community.

Stephen D. Butt. Dr. Stephen D. Butt is a University Research Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He holds B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees from Memorial University, and a Ph.D. from Queen's University. He was a faculty member at Dalhousie University from 1996 to 2006 and at Memorial University since 2006 where he is engaged in the sustainable development of natural resource industries through teaching, research and industry collaboration. His work is focused on technology development and optimization, reducing environmental footprint, and the training of highly qualified personnel (HQP) and industry professionals. He has held research funding of $6.5M CAD as Principal Investigator and another $13.5M CAD as Co-Investigator, supervised 120 HQP, published 260 articles and proceedings, and holds several patents. He has been Mining Program Chair at Dalhousie University, Associate Dean (Graduate) and Process Engineering Chair at Memorial, and is a Consulting Mining Engineer with MineTech International Ltd.

Abdullah Omar Mohammad Bamousa. Prof. Abdullah Omar Mohammad Bamousa began his academic career with a bachelor’s degree in Structural Geology and Remote Sensing from King Abdulaziz University in 1413 AH (1992). He then earned a master’s degree from the University of South Dakota, USA, in 1423 AH (2002) and a Ph.D. from the University of Leicester, UK, in 1430 AH (2009). At Taibah University, he was instrumental in establishing and leading the geology department, achieving the rank of full professor in 1442 AH (2023). His roles have included managing educational affairs, securing academic accreditation, and leading research initiatives.

Prof. Bamousa’s exploration work began with the United States Geological Survey in Jeddah in 1414 AH (1993) and extended to field studies in the Black Hills, North Wales, and Saudi Arabia. Since 1440 AH (2019), he has focused on research related to the western Arabian Shield and the Harrat around Madinah and Central Arabia around Riyadh. He has presented at conferences, reviewed research papers, and served as an editor for the Taibah Journal of Science. Since 1431 AH (2010), he has also been a part-time consultant for the Saudi Geological Survey, showcasing his expertise in structural geology, earth tectonics, and remote sensing.

Wael Rashad Elrawy Abdellah. Dr. Wael Abdellah is an Associate Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of Assiut, Egypt, and a distinguished expert in rock mechanics and numerical modeling. He earned his Ph.D. in Rock Mechanics from McGill University, Canada, in 2013, where he was awarded the prestigious McGill Engineering Doctoral Award (MEDA) for three consecutive years. Dr. Abdellah also holds an M.Sc. in Drilling Engineering from Assiut University (2007), providing him with a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of the field. As a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), Dr. Abdellah focuses on probabilistic analysis and geotechnical risk assessment, applying these techniques to rock mechanics and tunnel engineering. His expertise in numerical modeling enables him to simulate and solve complex geotechnical problems, contributing to innovative solutions that enhance the safety and efficiency of rock engineering projects. Dr. Abdellah is actively involved in research, publishing his findings in reputable scientific journals and participating in conferences and workshops. His contributions to research, teaching, and industry collaboration have established him as a respected figure in rock mechanics and tunnel engineering. He is currently also serving as an assistant professor in the Geology Department at Taibah University, Saudi Arabia.

Mahrous A. Mohamed Ali. Dr. Mahrous Ali is the Associate Professor and Head of the Mining and Petroleum Engineering Department at Al-Azhar University in Qena, Egypt. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in May 2001 from Al-Azhar University and a Master’s degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Assiut in September 2007. In 2013, Dr. Ali earned his Ph.D. in Rock Mechanics from Chonnam National University in South Korea. With more than two decades of experience, he has significantly contributed to both academia and the industry.

Dr. Ali began his academic career in 2003 as a Teaching Assistant at Al-Azhar University, where he engaged in teaching and research, sharing his knowledge with students and conducting important studies in his field. His postdoctoral work at Chonnam National University further enriched his expertise and broadened his research perspectives. Dr. Ali’s commitment to advancing knowledge in rock mechanics and mine design has earned him respect and recognition from both colleagues and students. His leadership at Al-Azhar University continues to shape the future of the department, inspiring the next generation of engineers in Egypt and beyond.

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