ELSEVIER / Finkbeiner | Mosby's Dental Assisting Exam Review | Buch | 978-0-323-81234-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 590 g

ELSEVIER / Finkbeiner

Mosby's Dental Assisting Exam Review

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 590 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-81234-4
Verlag: Mosby US

Prepare for national certification, local or state exams, or course review with Mosby's Dental Assisting Exam Review, 4th Edition! Based on the content in the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA®) examination administered by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB), the book provides a comprehensive review of general chairside assisting, radiation health and safety, and infection control. On the Evolve website, a test generator lets you practice taking timed, simulated exams with randomized questions. In total, this resource includes 3,000 multiple-choice questions between the print book and Evolve site. That's nearly 10 times the number of questions on the actual CDA® exam!
- 3,000 total multiple-choice questions are provided between the print book and the Evolve website - all modeled after the questions in the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA®) examination - and include answers and rationales.
- Three print practice tests are included in the Mosby's Dental Assisting Exam Review text and have the same number and type of questions you can expect to see in the General Chairside, Infection Control, and Radiation Health and Safety component exams.
- Evolve website includes the equivalent of more than six additional CDA®-style exams, and allows you to answer questions in Practice and Exam modes.
- Test generator on Evolve allows you to create an unlimited number of unique CDA® exam-style practice tests while in Exam mode, giving you test-taking experience in a realistic online environment, and provides feedback after completion of the exam.
- Clock functionality on Evolve includes a test timer allowing you to practice CDA®-exam time management.
- State-by-state Expanded Functions questions are included on Evolve, providing preparation for the board exam in any state.
- NEW! 200 additional multiple-choice questions provide even more exam preparation.
- NEW! Updated full-color photos and illustrations help explain difficult concepts.
- REVISED! Content review sections include the latest concepts in general chairside assisting, radiation health and safety, and infection control.
ELSEVIER / Finkbeiner Mosby's Dental Assisting Exam Review jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

PART 1: Content Review

Chapter 1: General Chairside Exam Review

Chapter 2: Radiation Health and Safety Exam Review

Chapter 3: Infection Control Exam Review

PART 2: Practice Examinations

Test 1: General Chairside, Radiation Health and Safety, and Infection Control

Test 2: General Chairside, Radiation Health and Safety, and Infection Control

Test 3: General Chairside, Radiation Health and Safety, and Infection Control


Bibliography/Suggested Readings

Figure Credits

Finkbeiner, Betty Ladley
Betty Ladley Finkbeiner is a Faculty Emeritus at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI where she served as Chairperson of the Dental Assisting Program for over three decades. She has served as a consultant and staff representative for the American Dental Association's Commission on Dental Accreditation and as a consultant to the Dental Assisting National Board.

Betty has authored articles in professional journals and co-authored several textbooks. Currently retired, she continues to write, lecture, and provide consultant services in ergonomic concepts to practicing dentists throughout the country.

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