Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine | Buch | 978-0-12-800034-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 3120 Seiten

Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine

2. Auflage 2015
ISBN: 978-0-12-800034-2
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing


Buch, Englisch, 3120 Seiten

ISBN: 978-0-12-800034-2
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Volumes 1-4, Second Edition is a pioneering four volume encyclopedia compiled by an international team of forensic specialists who explore the relationship between law, medicine, and science in the study of forensics.

This important work includes over three hundred state-of-the-art chapters, with articles covering crime-solving techniques such as autopsies, ballistics, fingerprinting, hair and fiber analysis, and the sophisticated procedures associated with terrorism investigations, forensic chemistry, DNA, and immunoassays.

Available online, and in four printed volumes, the encyclopedia is an essential reference for any practitioner in a forensic, medical, healthcare, legal, judicial, or investigative field looking for easily accessible and authoritative overviews on a wide range of topics.

Chapters have been arranged in alphabetical order, and are written in a clear-and-concise manner, with definitions provided in the case of obscure terms and information supplemented with pictures, tables, and diagrams. Each topic includes cross-referencing to related articles and case studies where further explanation is required, along with references to external sources for further reading.

- Brings together all appropriate aspects of forensic medicine and legal medicine

- Contains color figures, sample forms, and other materials that the reader can adapt for their own practice

- Also available in an on-line version which provides numerous additional reference and research tools, additional multimedia, and powerful search functions

- Each topic includes cross-referencing to related articles and case studies where further explanation is required, along with references to external sources for further reading

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Medical examiners; coroners; the police; prison medical officers; those involved in refugee medicine and allegations of torture; healthcare professionals also involved in this field: prison nurses, sexual assault nurse examiners and custody nurses.

Weitere Infos & Material

Age Estimation


Animal Attacks and Injuries

Bone Pathology and Antemortem Trauma

DNA and anthropology, Sex Determination, Racial Affinity Determination, Blood Grouping



Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Children, Stages of Development and Growth, Legal Protection and Rights

Sudden Natural Infant and Childhood Death

Coma, Definitions and Differential Diagnoses

Computer Crime and Digital Evidence

Mental Capacity Assessment

Crime-Scene Investigation and Examination, Major Incident Scene Management, Underwater Crime Scenes

Recovery of Human Remains

Suspicious Deaths

Criminal Profiling

Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide and Attempts

Decomposition, Patterns and Rates

Domestic Violence

Electric Shocks and Electrocution, Clinical Effects and Pathology

Extremes of Temperature

Fire Investigation, Evidence Recovery

Forensic Interviewing, Forensic Psychiatric Assessment, Preparation of Witnesses

Mental Handicap and Learning Disability

Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Substance Misuse, Drug-Induced Injury, Accidental and Iatrogenic


Sex Offenders, Sexual Assault

Criminal Responsibility

Head Trauma

Healing and Repair of Wounds and Bones

Human Rights, Controls and Principles

Identification: Facial identification, Finger and Palm Prints, Footprints, Ear Prints, Challenges to Fingerprints

Forensic Photography


Blunt Force Injury, Burns and Scalds, Explosive Injury & Firearm Injury, Sharp and Cutting-Edge Wounds

Ageing of Injuries, Postmortem Changes

Mass Murder, Mass Poisonings

Medical Definitions of Death, Legal Definitions of Death

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide


Medical Malpractice

Medical Records, Documentation, Confidentiality and Obligations

Crime and Mental Health





Parentage Testing

Road Traffic Accidents, Airbag-related Injuries and Deaths

Sobriety Tests and Drug Recognition

Serial Murder

Blood Identification, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis


Urine Analysis, Hair Analysis, Alternative Body Fluids Analysis

Sudden Natural Death

Suicide & Self-harm, Suicide Predictors and Statistics

Terrorism, Torture

War Crimes & Injuries

. and many more

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