Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine | Medienkombination | 978-0-443-21441-7 | sack.de

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm

Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-443-21441-7
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Forensic science is a lynchpin of fairness in any criminal justice system and supports equality under the rule of law. Over many years, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine has been the consummate resource for the profession, the current edition (published in 2016) being a recognized major reference work. This 3rd edition - with the addition of 40 brand new articles - will build on the strength of its predecessor whilst providing a more modern, digital-friendly infrastructure. Unlike the previous A-Z approach to chapter organization, it will now be thematically structured around sections and topics via a taxonomic approach, thus making navigation far easier for the user. New to this edition will be articles encompassing the history, application, future trends, and clinical/pathological professional issues of the discipline including topics on: forensic taphonomy, non-fatal strangulation, coercive control, forensic biology, extrajudicial-summary or arbitrary executions. Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Four Volume Set will once again provide a comprehensive, one-stop reference work for students, researchers and professionals in forensic and legal medicine. The end-result will be modern, fully up to date, easy to navigate via its electronic platform, and logistically and consistently structured via the use of a chapter template.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The 3rd edition will include 400 hundred state-of-the-art chapters - an additional 40 from previously - and will be structured via a section-focused approach as opposed to the previous A-Z approach. Articles will cover the whole spectrum of the profession, including on crime-solving techniques such as:

- Autopsies
- Ballistics
- Fingerprinting
- hair and fiber analysis
- procedures associated with terrorism investigations, forensic chemistry, DNA, and immunoassays.
- forensic taphonomy
- forensic biology

Payne-James, Jason
Director - Forensic Healthcare Services Ltd; Forensic Medical Examiner - Metropolitan Police Service, City of London Police; Consultant - National Crime Faculty & National Injuries Database

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