English Corpus Linguistics in Japan | Buch | 978-90-420-1369-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 38, 340 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 230 mm

Reihe: Language and Computers

English Corpus Linguistics in Japan

Erscheinungsjahr 2002
ISBN: 978-90-420-1369-8
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

Buch, Englisch, Band 38, 340 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 230 mm

Reihe: Language and Computers

ISBN: 978-90-420-1369-8
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

The existence of corpus-based linguistic research in Japan has until now mainly been hidden from the view of overseas researchers - partly by the language barrier, and partly by the continuing dominance of generative grammar in Japan. At last, this volume lifts the veil to reveal the current condition of corpus-based research in Japan.

English Corpus Linguistics in Japan contains a collection of twenty papers written by Japanese linguists, reflecting the state of art in English corpus linguistics in Japan. The volume covers an impressively wide range, showcasing the diversity and creativity of corpus-based research in this country, from studies drawing on the ‘old faithful’ Brown and LOB Corpora as well as the more recent Frown, FLOB, the Bank of English and the British National Corpus to studies based on more specific historical, literary, spoken, and learner corpora; from investigations of major levels of language description, including prosody, lexis, morphology, syntax, and semantics to investigations of language variation; from explorations of single variables to those of multivariant dimensions; and from pedagogical applications to software applications. The papers are grouped into four sections: 1) Corpus-based studies of contemporary English, 2) Historical and diachronic studies of English, 3) English corpora and English language teaching, 4) Software for analyzing corpora.

This volume will inspire still further corpus explorations in the future both in Japan and abroad.

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Weitere Infos & Material

Geoffrey Leech: Foreword
Toshio Saito, Junsaku Nakamura and Shunji Yamazaki: Preface
I. Corpus-Based Studies in Contemporary English
Atsuko Furuta Umesaki: Syntactic Boundaries and Prosodic Features in English
Junsaku Nakamura: A Galaxy of Words: Structures Based upon Distributions of Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives in the LOB Corpus
Takeshi Okada: Conjugational Patterns and Text Categories in the LOB Corpus
Shunji Yamazaki: Distribution of Frequent Adjectives in the Wellington Corpus of Written New Zealand English
Teruhiko Fukaya: On Viewing Reflexives in the Bank of English: Their Distribution and Function
Toshihiko Kubota: Lexical Richness and Semantic Loading Capacity of Nouns
Hideshi Takaie: A Trap in Corpus Linguistics: The Gap between Corpus-based Analysis and Intuition-based Analysis
Mitsumi Uchida: From Participles to Conjunctions: A Parallel Corpus Study of Grammaticalization in English and French
II. Historical and Diachronic Studies of English
Masahiro Hori: Collocational Patterns of -ly Manner Adverbs in Dickens
Tomoji Tabata: Investigating Stylistic Variation in Dickens through Correspondence Analysis of Word-Class Distribution
Hideo Nishimura: Degree Adverbs in the Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler
Michio Hosaka: Adverbial Positions and Verb Movement in Middle English and Early Modern English
Yoko Iyeiri: Development of Any from Middle English to Early Modern English: A Study Using the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts
Norihiko Otsu: On the Absence of the Conjunction That in Late Middle English
Yoshiyuki Nakao: The Semantics of Chaucer’s Moot/Moste and Shal/Sholde: Conditional Elements and Degrees of Their Quantifiability
Satoru Tsukamoto: Syntactic Annotation and Text Classification: A Study Using the Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English
Hideki Watanabe: Problems with the Electronic OED2 as a Database of Linguistic
III. English Corpora and English Language Teaching
Kojiro Asao: Communication Strategies of EFL Learners: A Corpus-based Approach
Masatoshi Sugiura: Collocational Knowledge of L2 Learners of English: A Case Study of Japanese Learners
IV. Software for Analyzing Corpora
Satoru Tsukamoto: KWIC Concordance for Windows: Easy Access to Corpora

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