Daniel-Erasmus Khan is Professor of Public International and European Law at the University of the Bundeswehr/Munich. He has published widely in both fields and is co-editor of the forthcoming 4th ed. of The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary, OUP 2023.
Evelyne Lagrange is Professor of Public International Law at the Sorbonne Law School. Most of her publications relate to international institutional law and relations between domestic law and international law (co-edited with J.-M. Sorel: Traité de droit des organisations internationales, Lextenso, 2013).
Stefan Oeter is Professor of Public International law and Public Law at the University of Hamburg. Major publications in international law relate to international humanitarian law, human rights and international security, self-determination, minority protection and theory of international law.
Christian Walter is Professor of Public International Law and Public Law at LMU Munich. Major publications in international law relate to international organizations, human rights and international security, including the collection International Democracy Instruments (Brill, 2015, co-edited with Frithjof Ehm).