ET-Studies | Peeters | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich


Journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

ISSN 20325215

ET-Studies is an academic journal for theological and interdisciplinary perspectives on faith and religion in contemporary Europe. It is the journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology, and will be open to voices and positions from all disciplines within theology and religious studies and other relevant disciplines at European universities. It will encourage dialogue between Eastern and Western Europe, and will engage in academic discussions with theologians from other Christian churches and with scholars from other religious and cultural traditions. Unlike many other academic journals, ET-Studies does not have a disciplinary or thematic focus, but will publish articles on a range of topics and theories that concern the sources, histories and worldviews of faith-communities in contemporary European culture. In the wake of the pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes of the Second Vatican Council, it will seek suitable ways of witnessing the truth and communicating theological doctrines to the people in Europe today.

The journal will be especially concerned with new developments in the humanities, natural and social sciences, and in the challenges that cultural and political developments pose for theology. The editors are of the opinion that theology should respond to the signs of the times, and would therefore want the journal to be engaged in discussions on, for example, contemporary atheism, religious diversity, religion and technology, the rise of religious fundamentalism, and globalisation, among other topics. Authors are invited to contribute to academic reflection on contemporary questions on God and humanity and the spirit of salvation in contemporary European societies.
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