The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009completely recasts the substantive law ofsexual offences in Scotland and abolishes theformer offences. This full-scale overhaul ofthe law means that you need to keepentirely up-to-date with these changes andbe sure that you are working with informationwhich is current and correct.Publishing in the Greens Annotated Actsseries, the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act2009 completely revises the law relating tosexual offences in Scotland, beginning witha detailed introduction to, and overview of,the new changes.The full text of the Act is included anddetailed section-by-section commentary,under reference to the Scottish LawCommission Report on which it is based,helps you make sense of this new legislation,including rape and all other sexual offences,such as those against children.Particular consideration is given to the effectof the new provisions on consent. There arealso explanations of the Bill given to theScottish Parliament by the ScottishGovernment.This new book provides crucial guidance tocriminal practitioners, police and all otherprofessionals involved with the prosecutionof criminal offences.
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The full text of the Act is included as well as detailed section-by-section commentary,under reference to the Scottish Law Commission Report on which it is based.