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Lenger European Cities in the Modern Era, 1850-1914
Erscheinungsjahr 2012Verlag: BrillISBN: 978-90-04-23338-6Medium: Buch223,50 € (inkl. MwSt.)
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Wallace Communities and Conflict in Early Modern Colmar 1571-1730
Erscheinungsjahr 1995Verlag: BrillISBN: 978-0-391-03822-6Medium: Buch188,50 € (inkl. MwSt.)
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Dym Divining Science
Treasure Hunting and Earth Science in Early Modern GermanyErscheinungsjahr 2010Verlag: BrillISBN: 978-90-04-18642-2Medium: Buch178,50 € (inkl. MwSt.)
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Wilder Property and the German Idea of Freedom
From the End of the Thirty Years' War to the Eve of the French Revolution in GermanyErscheinungsjahr 2024Verlag: BrillISBN: 978-90-04-68516-1Medium: Buch152,50 € (inkl. MwSt.)
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Safley Children of the Laboring Poor
Expectation and Experience Among the Orphans of Early Modern AugsburgErscheinungsjahr 2005Verlag: BrillISBN: 978-0-391-04224-7Medium: Buch178,50 € (inkl. MwSt.)
Lieferzeit ca. 10 Werktage
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