Fassmann / Sievers / Bommes | Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 290 Seiten

Reihe: IMISCOE Research

Fassmann / Sievers / Bommes Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe

Past Developments, Current Status and Future Potentials

E-Book, Englisch, 290 Seiten

Reihe: IMISCOE Research

ISBN: 978-90-485-2317-7
Verlag: Amsterdam University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

One of the most important challenges concerning the future of the European Union is the demographic reproduction of the European population. Decreasing birth-rates and the retirement of the baby boomers will dramatically reduce the labour force in the EU, which will entail not only a lack of manpower but also lower contributions to European social systems. It seems clear that the EU will have to counterbalance this population decrease by immigration in the coming years. Migration Between the Middle East, North Africa and Europe takes this challenge as a point of departure for analysing the MENA region, in particular Morocco, Egypt and Turkey, as a possible source of future migration to the European Union. At the same time, it illustrates the uncertainties implied in such calculations, especially at a time of radical political changes, such as those brought about by the Arab Uprising.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface Introduction Heinz Fassmann and Wiebke Sievers Assessing migration potential from the MENA region Migration histories and futures: Patterns and effects Policies and conflicts: Two incalculable factors influencing migration Migration potential: Figures and scenarios References Part I Country profiles 1 Euro-Mediterranean migration futures: The cases of Morocco, Egypt and Turkey Hein de Haas 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Beyond ‘push-pull’ frameworks: Migration systems and transitions 1.3 Migration histories: Morocco, Egypt and Turkey 1.4 Recent migration trends 1.5 Development trends and migration futures 1.6 Conclusion References 2 Migration and development in Egypt Ayman Zohry 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Demography, the labour market and the political situation 2.3 Egyptian emigration 2.4 Migration and development 2.5 Conclusion References 3 Turkish emigration and its implications for the sending and receiving countries Ahmet Içduygu 3.1 Introduction 3.2 A historical account of Turkish emigration and its implications 3.3 The economic, social and political consequences of emigration for Turkey 3.4 The position of Turkish emigrants in Europe 3.5 Conclusion References Part II Arena of political regulation and conflicts 4 The European Union’s international-migration relations towards Middle Eastern and North African countries Andrew Geddes 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The EU as a political system 4.3 Europe’s international migration relations 4.4 Measures and instruments of EU-MENA migration relations 4.5 Issue linkages 4.6 Conclusion References 5 Political conflicts and migration in the MENA states Sigrid Faath and Hanspeter Mattes 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The socio-economic conditions in the MENA states and migration potential 5.3 The conflict situation in the MENA countries 5.4 Assessment of the conflicts 5.5 Future conflict developments and migration potential 5.6 Final comments References 6 The uncertainties involved in calculating migration Franz Nuscheler 6.1 Preface: The methodological problem 6.2 Uncertainties in security policy 6.3 The ‘Islamist threat’: The main source of conflicts and forced migration? 6.4 The security risks posed by climate change with subsequent migration 6.5 Hotspots of regional conflict and migration 6.6 Uncertain and rather dismal perspectives 6.7 Conclusions References Part III Prognosis, scenarios and forecasts 7 Demographic developments in the MENA region Ralf E. Ulrich 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Population dynamics of the MENA region 7.3 Future population dynamics: Potential and limitations 7.4 The relevance of the uneven demographic development 7.5 Conclusion References 8 Estimating migration potential: Egypt, Morocco and Turkey Heinz Fassmann 8.1 Preliminary remarks 8.2 Methods of estimating migration potential 8.3 Future population 8.4 Demography-driven calculation of the migration potential 8.5 Conclusion References 9 Migration scenarios: Turkey, Egypt and Morocco Michael Bommes, Simon Fellmer and Friederike Zigmann 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Methods 9.3 Migration scenarios: Turkey 9.4 Migration scenarios: Egypt 9.5 Migration scenarios: Morocco 9.6 Conclusion References List of contributors

Bommes, Michael
Michael Bommes (¿ 2010) was professor of sociology at the University of Osnabrück.

Sievers, Wiebke
Wiebke Sievers is researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Fassmann, Heinz
Heinz Fassmann is professor at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research of the University of Vienna and director of the Austrian Academy of Science's Institute for Urban and Regional Research.

Fassmann Heinz:
Heinz Fassmann is professor at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research of the University of Vienna and director of the Austrian Academy of Science's Institute for Urban and Regional Research.Bommes Michael:
Michael Bommes (¿ 2010) was professor of sociology at the University of Osnabrück.Sievers Wiebke:
Wiebke Sievers is researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

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