Felicia | Game-Based Learning | Buch | 978-1-4438-5345-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten


Game-Based Learning

Challenges and Opportunities

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-5345-3
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book is an invitation to delve into the world of Game-Based Learning, to understand the many facets that make games a truly interesting and effective tool to teach and train in the 21st century.

It includes nine chapters which were initially presented at the iGBL conference, a conference held throughout Ireland, where researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders meet and share their interest in games and education. These chapters touch on some very important topics, including games for health; formal education; poetry and games; science teaching through mobile games; relaxation with gaming devices; and accounting for disabilities with handheld devices. Together, these chapters illustrate the advancements in the field of Game-Based Learning, the challenges faced by developers and educators, as well as the opportunities that this medium can offer.

Each chapter is written with practicality in mind in an effort to provide the reader with both a solid theoretical approach and background, coupled to some practical guidelines and suggestions that can be applied easily.
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Felicia, Patrick
Patrick Felicia, PhD, is a Lecturer, Course Leader and Researcher at Waterford Institute of Technology, where he teaches and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students. He obtained his MSc in Multimedia Technology in 2003, and PhD in Computer Science in 2009 from University College Cork, Ireland. Patrick has a keen interest in the design and development of engaging educational multimedia-based applications for secondary and third level. He specializes in game-based learning, multimedia, educational psychology, and instructional design. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), and has also served on program committees for international game-based learning and technology-enhanced learning conferences and journals. Patrick is currently conducting research in the fields of adaptive educational games and user profiling in video games. He is also investigating the factors that may facilitate or prevent the integration of GBL in primary, secondary and third-level education. In addition to his research on GBL, he also focuses on promoting best practices for GBL amongst educationalists by providing keynotes and workshops, a task that he believes is crucial for a wider understanding and acceptance of GBL.

Patrick Felicia, PhD, is a Lecturer, Course Leader and Researcher at Waterford Institute of Technology, where he teaches and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students. He obtained his MSc in Multimedia Technology in 2003, and PhD in Computer Science in 2009 from University College Cork, Ireland. Patrick has a keen interest in the design and development of engaging educational multimedia-based applications for secondary and third level. He specializes in game-based learning, multimedia, educational psychology, and instructional design. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), and has also served on program committees for international game-based learning and technology-enhanced learning conferences and journals. Patrick is currently conducting research in the fields of adaptive educational games and user profiling in video games. He is also investigating the factors that may facilitate or prevent the integration of GBL in primary, secondary and third-level education. In addition to his research on GBL, he also focuses on promoting best practices for GBL amongst educationalists by providing keynotes and workshops, a task that he believes is crucial for a wider understanding and acceptance of GBL.

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