Fennelly | Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention | Buch | 978-0-7506-7453-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 528 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1293 g


Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention

Buch, Englisch, 528 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1293 g

ISBN: 978-0-7506-7453-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, Fourth Edition, is the most comprehensive reference of its kind, covering the latest information on every topic from community-oriented policing to physical security, workplace violence, CCTV, information security, homeland security, and a host of specialty areas.

The handbook shows how to prevent or minimize corporate losses, including security breaches, theft, and lack of resources due to natural or man-made disaster. This revised volume brings together the expertise of more than forty security and crime prevention experts who provide practical information and advice. Each chapter provides a wealth of information that can be put to use immediately.

This is a must-have reference for security managers, security students, and all levels of security professionals.
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Security Managers, Security Students, All levels of Security Professionals


Weitere Infos & Material

Risk Assessment & Management; Designing Security with the Architects; Security Surveys; Internal Theft Controls; Executive Protection; Awareness; Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Strategies and Applications; Approaches to Physical Security; Physical Barriers; The Use of Locks in Physical Crime Prevention; Safes, Vaults, and Accessories; Security Lighting; Alarms: Intrusion Detection Systems; CCTV Surveillance; Guard Service in the Twenty-first Century; Bomb and Physical Security Planning; Cargo Security: Intermoda/Logistics - The Complete Overview; Lodging (Hotel/Motel) Security; Retail Security: Lessons Learned from Convenience Store Research; Putting an Extra "EYE/I"on CCTV: Managing Risk in Retail; Perspectives On Safe School Administration; Campus Security and Crime Prevention; Hospitals and the Healthcare Security Environment; Library Security; High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety; Multi-residential Security; Workplace Violence: Anticipation through Process, Not Prediction of Results Revisited; Domestic Violence: The Crime of the Nineties; Personal Safety and Self-Defense; Designing Crime Risk Management Systems; Planning, Management, and Evaluation; Financial Institution Security; Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs); Telecommunications Fraud; Electronic Surveillance and Wiretapping; Safety Websites; Homeland Security; Security of Information Systems; Counterespionage & Information Security Management; Emergency Management; The Security Professional, Terrorism, Bio-Terrorism and the Next Level

Fennelly, Lawrence J.
Lawrence J. Fennelly is an internationally recognized authority on crime prevention, security planning and analysis, and on the study of how environmental factors (CPTED), physical hardware, alarms, lighting, site design, management practices, litigation consultants, security policies and procedures, and guard management contribute to criminal victimization.

Mr. Fennelly was previously employed with Apollo Security, Computershare, Inc., as well as a sergeant at Harvard College, employed by the Harvard University Police Department in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was trained as a crime prevention specialist and served in this capacity for over 21 years at Harvard. He was also the department's training officer and assistant court officer. As part of his role as an officer at Harvard, Larry also was a deputy sheriff in both Suffolk and Middlesex counties (Massachusetts). Mr. Fennelly is a frequent speaker and lecturer on CPTED, physical security, school crime, and other issues. He serves as an expert witness who works closely with attorneys in defense as well as plaintiff cases, assisting in case preparation, offering knowledgeable questions to ask the opposing side, etc. He has also done a considerable amount of consultant work throughout the United States. His experience ranges from identifying vulnerabilities to conducting security and lighting surveys, working with architects to design and implement security, and developing long range guard training programs and risk assessments of various facilities. He is also a prolific author. His titles include such well-known security books as "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design," "Effective Physical Security," and "Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention."

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