Flood | Common Threads | Buch | 978-1-4438-6019-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 295 Seiten


Common Threads

A Discursive Text Narrating Ideas of Memory and Artistic Identity
1. Auflage 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4438-6019-2
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

A Discursive Text Narrating Ideas of Memory and Artistic Identity

Buch, Englisch, 295 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-6019-2
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Common Threads explores ideas of artistic identity and memory contained within the narrated stories of ten textile artists. It reveals how individuals bring a sense of linearity to fragments of memory and create a cohesive sense of self through telling their life’s story.

By employing a systems model, the author constructs new ideas of interrogating identity and art practice. The model, “Constructing Personal Narratives”, brings into focus the hermeneutic circle of learning, and identifies the importance and need to provide opportunities for lifelong learning. The stories told by the participants who returned to the formal education sector later in life reveal the profound effects adult learning had upon their lives. The writer reveals how the model generated the interview questions that provided the rich biographical content that emerged within dialogues.

The common threads of experience and feelings of the ten participants and the author are revealed, and from these emerge deepened understandings of both the place of stories within our lives and how stories can further an understanding of what it means to be an artist. Emerging from these stories are implications for teaching practice; these are presented as observations and questions in terms of how educators should be part of the learning experience with those they educate.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Flood, Adele
Dr Adele Flood has a long history of very successful teaching followed by many years working in teacher education and the field of academic development. She has several postgraduate qualifications, culminating in a PhD which investigated how individuals make life choices to enact a chosen career, with a particular focus on the choices made by artists to establish an artistic identity. She is a practising artist and has published widely in the fields of art education, narrative inquiry and curriculum development.

Adele Flood is more than an artist, academic, traveller and educator —she is an inspirational presenter who has had exhibitions across a number of genres. Adele was the Australian Woman Artist of the Year at the Australian Embassy in Washington, and is recognised as a UNESCO regional expert in art education. She has created many extraordinary journals of her experiences, many of which have later been developed into the paintings she exhibits.

Dr Adele Flood has a long history of very successful teaching followed by many years working in teacher education and the field of academic development. She has several postgraduate qualifications, culminating in a PhD which investigated how individuals make life choices to enact a chosen career, with a particular focus on the choices made by artists to establish an artistic identity. She is a practising artist and has published widely in the fields of art education, narrative inquiry and curriculum development.

Adele Flood is more than an artist, academic, traveller and educator —she is an inspirational presenter who has had exhibitions across a number of genres. Adele was the Australian Woman Artist of the Year at the Australian Embassy in Washington, and is recognised as a UNESCO regional expert in art education. She has created many extraordinary journals of her experiences, many of which have later been developed into the paintings she exhibits.

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