Food Leadership | Buch | 978-94-6351-048-6 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 23, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 278 g

Reihe: International Issues in Adult Education

Food Leadership

Leadership and Adult Learning for Global Food Systems Transformation

Buch, Englisch, Band 23, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 278 g

Reihe: International Issues in Adult Education

ISBN: 978-94-6351-048-6
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

So much more than a human necessity, food is an entry point into a range of different topics: culture and tradition, health and well-being, small and large-scale business, ecology and politics, science and the arts, poverty and social justice, land use and civil society, global trade, traditional ecological knowledge, and more. From seed to table, the policies and practices related to all aspects of the food cycle create rich sites for learning and multiple opportunities for leadership. Although the topic of food has been gaining momentum in the field of Adult Education over the past decade, food has been relatively underexplored in the field of Leadership Studies. The purpose of this book, therefore, is to deepen our understanding and knowledge about leadership and adult learning in food-related movements worldwide. With contributing authors representing four countries and various indigenous groups, this book examines the diverse ways in which food activists, scholars, students, and practitioners are already demonstrating, debating, and documenting leadership and learning in the context of global food systems transformation. Furthermore, it documents how these actions are supporting the innovation needed to address the increasingly complex and interconnected socio-economic and environmental challenges associated with food and agriculture. Whereas much leadership theory continues to be developed from cases in business, social movements, or other, more traditional leadership sectors, this book invites leaders and educators to look to their plates and, by extension, to local, small-scale farmers and to nature itself as sources of inspiration in their work.
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