Forbes / Watt | Jarvis's Health Assessment and Physical Examination | Buch | 978-0-7295-4337-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 880 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Forbes / Watt

Jarvis's Health Assessment and Physical Examination

Australian and New Zealand

Buch, Englisch, 880 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-7295-4337-8
Verlag: Elsevier Australia

The third edition of Jarvis's Health Assessment and Physical Examination is an ideal text for undergraduate nursing students new to health assessment and registered nurses wishing to further develop and refine their skills. Advanced health assessment skills are described and will be useful for Nurse Practitioner candidates.

The textbook is colour-coded and easy to follow. Each chapter sets out the eight key elements of health assessment: structure and function, developmental considerations, social and cultural considerations, subjective data, objective data, promoting a healthy lifestyle, documentation and critical thinking and abnormal findings. Advanced concepts allow students to progress once they understand the basics.

Edited by Helen Forbes and Elizabeth Watt, this comprehensive text has been adapted and updated by leading academics and expert clinicians across Australia and New Zealand.
- Comprehensive approaches to health assessment in nursing, incorporating anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology
- Detailed identification of relevant development, social and cultural considerations in the Australian and New Zealand context
- Increased focus on frameworks for health assessment
- Logical layout and colour coding to support learning
- An eBook included in all print purchases

Additional resources on Evolve

- eBook on VitalSource

Instructor resources:

- Test bank
- PPT slides
- Image collection

Student and Instructor resources:

- Multiple choice review questions
- Weblinks
- Videos
- Increased content on screening for family violence and abuse and mental health assessment
- A suite of point of view videos demonstrating core health assessment techniques for some of the difficult skills and concepts related to health assessment examinations
Forbes / Watt Jarvis's Health Assessment and Physical Examination jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Unit 1: Approaches and contexts of health assessment in nursing
Unit 2: Health assessment tools and techniques
Unit 3: Assessing mental health, neurological and sensory function
Unit 4: Assessing cardiovascular function
Unit 5: Assessing respiratory function
Unit 6: Assessing musculoskeletal function
Unit 7: Assessing nutrition and metabolic function
Unit 8: Urinary and bowel function
Unit 9: Assessing sexuality and reproductive function
Unit 10: Utilising health assessment in practice

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