Hahn, Hans-Joachim
Hans-Joachim Hahn is research associate at the Zentrum für Jüdische Studien (Centre for Jewish Studies) at the University of Basel and Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the Institute for German and General Literature at the RWTH Aachen. Member of the German Association of Germanists (Deutscher Germanistenverband), Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus as well as of workgroups on the history of emancipation and on the New Right. Recent Publications: Narrative des Neuen Menschen – Vom Versprechen einer besseren Welt (Berlin 2018); Darstellen, Vermitteln, Aneignen. Gegenwärtige Reflexionen des Holocaust (ed. together with Bettina Bannasch, Vienna 2018).
Frahm, Ole
Ole Frahm studied German Literature, History and Psychology in Berlin and Hamburg. Co-founder of the Research Centre for Graphic Literature (ArGL) at the University of Hamburg. Member of the Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus and the German Society for Comics Studies (Comfor). He published about radio and the history, theory, and aesthetics of comics. Genealogie des Holocaust. Art Spiegelmans MAUS – A Survivor’s Tale (Paderborn 2006); Die Sprache des Comics (Hamburg 2010).
Streb, Markus
Markus Streb is currently writing a doctoral thesis on gender in comics about the Shoah. His areas of interest also include Jewish life in rural Hessen, media reflections of anti-Semitism, or the role of women in the far-right in Germany. He is member of the Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus, the Comics Studies Working Group in the German Society of Media Studies (GfM), and the German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor).
Streb, Markus
Markus Streb is currently writing a doctoral thesis on gender in comics about the Shoah. His areas of interest also include Jewish life in rural Hessen, media reflections of anti-Semitism, or the role of women in the far-right in Germany. He is member of the Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus, the Comics Studies Working Group in the German Society of Media Studies (GfM), and the German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor).
Kupczynska, Kalina
Dr. Kalina Kupczynska ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Lodz, Polen. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die deutschsprachige Avantgarde, österreichische Gegenwartsliteratur, Comic-Adaptionen literarischer Texte, Gender-Aspekte im Comic und Comic-Autobiografien.
Hahn, Hans-Joachim
Hans-Joachim Hahn is research associate at the Zentrum für Jüdische Studien (Centre for Jewish Studies) at the University of Basel and Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the Institute for German and General Literature at the RWTH Aachen. Member of the German Association of Germanists (Deutscher Germanistenverband), Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus as well as of workgroups on the history of emancipation and on the New Right. Recent Publications: Narrative des Neuen Menschen – Vom Versprechen einer besseren Welt (Berlin 2018); Darstellen, Vermitteln, Aneignen. Gegenwärtige Reflexionen des Holocaust (ed. together with Bettina Bannasch, Vienna 2018).
Frahm, Ole
Ole Frahm studied German Literature, History and Psychology in Berlin and Hamburg. Co-founder of the Research Centre for Graphic Literature (ArGL) at the University of Hamburg. Member of the Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus and the German Society for Comics Studies (Comfor). He published about radio and the history, theory, and aesthetics of comics. Genealogie des Holocaust. Art Spiegelmans MAUS – A Survivor’s Tale (Paderborn 2006); Die Sprache des Comics (Hamburg 2010).