Buch, Englisch, 1000 Seiten, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 2664 g
Reihe: The International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law
Buch, Englisch, 1000 Seiten, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 2664 g
Reihe: The International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law
ISBN: 978-0-7546-2605-3
Verlag: Routledge
Weitere Infos & Material
Contents: Volume I: Introduction; Part I An Introduction: The genesis of public health ethics, Ronald Bayer and Amy L. Fairchild; Rethinking the meaning of public health, Mark A. Rothstein; From old to new public health: role tensions and contradictions, Anita Goraya and Graham Scambler; Health promotion development in Europe: achievements and challenges, E. Ziglio, S. Hagard and J. Griffiths. Part II And Bioethics: Public health ethics: mapping the terrain, James F. Childress, Ruth R. Faden, Ruth D. Gaare, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jeffrey Kahn, Richard J. Bonnie, Nancy E. Kass, Anna C. Mastroianni, Jonathan D. Moreno and Philip Nieburg; Ethics and public health, forging a strong relationship, Daniel Callahan and Bruce Jennings; Broadening the bioethics agenda, Dan W. Brock; How infectious diseases got left out - and what this omission might have meant for bioethics, Leslie P. Francis, Margaret P. Battin, Jay A. Jacobson, Charles B. Smith and Jeffrey Botkin; Public health ethics: from foundations and frameworks to justice and global public health, Nancy E. Kass; Ethics and infectious diseases, Michael J. Selgelid. Part III The Historical Debate:The importance of social intervention in Britain's mortality decline c.1850-1914: a re-interpretation of the role of public health, Simon Szreter; The rise of surveillance medicine, David Armstrong. Part IV Research Issues: Ethical principles for the conduct of human subject research: population-based research and ethics, Larry Gostin; Protection of research subjects: do special rules apply in epidemiology?, A.M. Capron; Children in HIV/AIDS clinical trials: still vulnerable after all these years, Carol Levine; Protecting communities in research: philosophical and pragmatic challenges, Charles Weijer; Sick individuals and sick populations, Geoffrey Rose. Part V Public Health and Autonomy: Should public health respect autonomy?, Spencer A. Hall; Obligatory precautions against infection, Marcel Verweij. Part VI Questions of Governance: Governance, microgovernance and health, Scott Burris; Globalization and cholera: implications for global governance, Kelley Lee and Richard Dodgson; Beyond communicable disease control: health in the age of globalization, Dyna Arhin-Tenkorang and Pedro Conceiçao; Strengthening governance for global health research, Kelley Lee and Anne Mills. Part VII Public Health and Human Rights: Is there a government in the cockpit: a passenger's perspective, or global public health: the role of human rights, Sofia Gruskin; Medicine and public health, ethics and human rights, Jonathan M. Mann; Global disparities in health and human rights: a critical commentary, Soloman R. Benatar. Part VIII Surveillance and Privacy: The limits of privacy: surveillance and the control of disease, Ronald Bayer and Amy Fairchild. Part IX Prevention and Its Limits: Individual and collective considerations in public health: influenza vaccination in nursing homes, Marcel Verweij; The precautionary principle, epidemiology and the ethics of delay, Elihu D. Richter and Richard Laster; The precautionary principle also applies to public health actions, Bernard D. Goldstein. Part X Confinement and Liberty: Cuba's quarantine of AIDS victims: a violation of human rights,? David W. Johnston; Controlling AIDS in Cuba: the logic of quarantine, Ronald Bayer and C. Healton; The politics of AIDS: compulsory state powers, public health and civil liberties, Larry Gostin; Name Index. Volume II: Introduction: Part I The SARS Crisis: SARS: political pathology of the first post-Westphalian pathogen, David P. Fidler; China's response to SARS, Ruotao Wang; Ethics and SARS: lessons from Toronto, Peter A. Singer, Solomon R. Benatar, Mark Bernstein, Abdullah S. Daar, Bernard M. Dickens, Susan K. MacRae, Ross E.G. Upshur, Linda Wright and Randi Zlotnik Shaul. Part II HIV and AIDS: A global political economy approach to AIDS: ideology, interests and implications, Kelley Lee and Anthony B. Zwi. Part III Bioterrorism: Rights and dangers: bioterrorism and the ideologies of public health, Ronald Bayer and James Colgrove; Critical biological agents: disease reporting as a tool for determining bioterrorism preparedness, Heather H. Horton, James J. Misrahi, Gene W. Matthews and Paula L. Kocher; Bioterrorism law and policy: critical choices in public health, James G. Hodge Jr; Blinded by bioterrorism: public health and liberty in the 21st century, George J. Annas; Quarantine redux: bioterrorism, AIDS and the curtailment of individual liberty in the name of public health, Wendy E. Parmet; Bioethics and the national security state, Jonathan D. Moreno; Public health: a neglected counterterrorist measure, Richard Horton. Part IV Avian Flu: Pandemic influenza: public health preparedness for the next global health emergency, Lawrence O. Gostin; Preparing for an influenza pandemic: ethical issues, Jaro Kotalik. Part V Climate Change: Climate change, human health and the post-cautionary principle, Lisa Heinzerling. Part VI Tobacco Control: The ethics of smoking, Robert E. Goodin; Smokers' rights to health care: why the 'restoration argument' is a moralising wolf in a liberal sheep's clothing, Stephen Wilkinson; Using litigation to make public health policy: theoretical and empirical challenges in assessing product liability, tobacco and gun litigation, Timothy D. Lytton. Part VII Vaccination: Mass immunization programmes: some philosophical issues, Tim Dare; Public communication, risk perception and the viaibility of preventive vaccination against communicable diseases, Thomas May; The determination of 'best interests' in relation to childhood vaccinations, Angus Dawson; Ethical issues for vaccines and immunization, Jeffrey B. Ulmer and Margaret A. Liu. Part VIII Public Health and Genetic Health: From genes to public health: the applications of genetic technology in disease prevention, Muin J. Khoury and the Genetics Working Group; Public health and the 'new' genetics: balancing individual and collective outcomes, Evan Willis; Genetic screening from a public health perspective: some lessons from the HIV experience, Scott Burris and Lawrence O. Gostin; Biobanking: international norms, Bartha Maria Knoppers; Harnessing the benefits of biobanks, Lori B. Andrews; Genetic exceptionalism and legislative pragmatism, Mark Rothstein. Part IX Public Health and Equity: Ethical issues in the use of cost effectiveness analysis for the prioritisation of healthcare resources, Dan W. Brock; Health equity and social justice, Fabienne Peter; Health by association? Social capital, social theory and political economy of public health, Simon Szreter and Michael Woolcock. Part X Public Health and the Developing World: Rethinking medical ethics: a view from below, Paul Farmer and Nicole Gastineau Campos; The injustice of unsafe motherhood, Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens; Public health in developing countries, Sarah Macfarlane, Mary Racelis and Florence Muli-Musiime; Justice and medical research: a global perspective, Solomon R. Benatar; A global health fund: a leap of faith?, Ruiarà Brugha and Gill Walt; The new international health regulations: an historic development for international law and public health, David P. Fidler and Lawrence O. Gostin; Name Index.