Fuchs / Weijers / Gumbert-Hepp | Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae Medii Aevi, Fascicle 52 | Buch | 978-90-04-11593-4 | sack.de

Buch, Latin, 80 Seiten

Fuchs / Weijers / Gumbert-Hepp

Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae Medii Aevi, Fascicle 52

Buch, Latin, 80 Seiten

ISBN: 978-90-04-11593-4
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

The Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae Medii Aevi (Dutch dictionary of medieval Latin) forms part of the project of the Union Académique Internationale to replace the old Glossarium of Du Cange by a set of modern national dictionaries of medieval Latin. The dictionary takes in the period up to the end of the North European Middle Ages.
Its sources are formed by those texts, written by Dutch authors or on Dutch territory from between ca. 800 and 1500, which have been printed, and as such include accounts as well as chronicles, lives of saints, and philosophical and theological treatises. Though the Lexicon does not pretend to be exhaustive, a choice of representative texts of each literary genre has been treated by computer to complete the material.
The aim of the Lexicon is to provide a reliable and practical instrument to all scholars who come to use and interpret medieval Latin texts, especially those written in the Netherlands.

Two fascicles of the Lexicon are published each year.
Fuchs / Weijers / Gumbert-Hepp Lexicon Latinitatis Nederlandicae Medii Aevi, Fascicle 52 jetzt bestellen!
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