Advances in Mechatronics and Control Engineering II
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-894-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2013), August 28-29, 2013, Guangzhou, China
Buch, Englisch, 2614 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 4830 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-894-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Robotik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Programmierung | Softwareentwicklung Software Engineering
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Mechatronik, Mikrosysteme (MEMS), Nanosysteme
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Regelungstechnik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Künstliche Intelligenz
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface and Conference Organization
Chapter 1: Theory of Mechanisms and Mechanical Dynamics
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Feed Systems with Single and Double Ball Screws
Coupled Vibration Modal Analysis of Synchronous Dual Ball Screw Feeding System
The Dynamic Analysis for Special Friction Welder Upsetting System Based on the Finite Element Method
Failure Analysis of Planetary Gear Shaft of Power Split Device Based on Multi-Body Dynamics
Study on Synchronization of the Centrifugal Flywheel Governor System
Research and Design of a New Kind In-Wheel Driving System
Dynamic Parameters Equivalent Modeling of Bearings Joint Surfaces Based on the Virtual Material
Flow Field Numerical Simulation of Straight Line Conjugate Internal Meshing Gear Pump
Perturbation Theorems for Frames and Riesz Bases
Finite Element Analysis of the Input Shaft in Toroidal Drive
Theoretical Analysis of Mechanism Kinematics for Boom Crane of Marine Drilling Platform
The Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Full Hydraulic Steering System in Large Mining Truck
Research on the Kinematics Simulation of Out-Moving Jaw Crusher Based on Nastran
Finite Element Modal Analysis of Ball Screws Linear Guide Feed Unit
The Design and Modeling of Jetting Dispenser Actuated by Dual Piezostack Actuator
Application of Ellipsograph-Mechanism in Pipe Auto-Handling Device and its Energy Consumption Computation
Chapter 2: Industrial Robotics and Automation
Hybrid Slip Detection Scheme Based Reflex Control of a Prosthetic Hand
Adaptive Fuzzy PID Force Control for a Prosthetic Hand
Solving Optimal Position and Pose of Robot Task Space
Sports Analysis and Program Design of Biped Robot Based on Arduino
One Improved Generalized Predictive Motion Controller Based on Slipping Constrains for the Six-Wheeled Rocker Mars Rover
The Research on the Motion Control of Industrial Robots Based on LabVIEW
Kinematic Analysis of a One-Degree-of-Freedom Ten-Bar Mechanism for Search and Rescue Robot
Structure Design and Analysis of Kinematics of a 6-DOF Upper-Limbed Rehabilitation Robot
The Application of Continuous-Curvature Curve Algorithm (CCCA) in Path Planning
Graph SLAM for Rescue Robots
A Surrogate Model Based Gait Learning for Biped Robot
Experimental Study of the Dynamic Performance of a Cable with a Detecting Robot
An Industrial Robot Based Drilling System for Aircraft Structures
Chapter 3: Design and Control in Modern Mechatronics System Engineering
Bluetooth-Based Wearable Human Respiratory Parameter Monitoring System Design
Set Point Force Control of Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Using Fuzzy Controller
The Application of Mechatronics Technology in Coal Mine Machinery
Implementation of Synchronous Tracking Control with Multiple Hall Switch Sensors Based on PLC
Application of Fuzzy-PID Control in the Air Supply System with Constant Pressure for Mine Compressor
Study on Torque Characteristic of Novel External Rotor DSPM Generator
The Influence Analysis of Geometric Parameters on Piezoelectric Vibration Control
Design of a Fuze Power Supply to Small Caliber Time Fuze
A Novel Tilting Mechanism for Side Discharging Lorry
Chapter 4: Sensor Technology
Model-Based Analysis of Reflection-Mode Fiber Hydrogen Sensor
Development of Underwater Acoustic Transducer Using 1-3-2 Piezoelectric Composite
Design of Digital K-Type Thermocouple Temperature Transmitter
Calibrating the Precision of a Contact Sensor for Displacement with a Piezo Nanopositioning Stage
Design of Conditioning Circuit of Mining Vibration Acceleration Sensor
Resource-Constrained Wireless Sensor Network Information Decision Fusion in Ocean Environment
Study on Non-Contact Optical Vibration Senor
Investigated Solution Concentration Sensor with the Single Mode-Multimode-FBG
The Applied Model and Simulation for MEMS Vibration Accelerometer Sensors
Design and Fabrication of Magnetic Sensor Based on the Phase Characteristics of GMI
Optimal Sensor Fusion in Redundant Inertial Measurement Unit
Chapter 5: Voice, Image and Video Processing
A Simple Deterministic 0-1 Measurement Matrix for Robotic Embedded Vision Compressed Sensing
Human Body Segmentation Based on Shape Model and Level Set
Algorithm of Lane Detection on an Appropriate Limited Region
Study on Image Corner Extraction Based on the Improved Canny Edge Detector
A Pattern Recognition Method Based on Modified Perception Algorithm
Sub-Pixel Edge Detection of Color Image Based on Dimensionality Reduction Technique and Curve Fitting
A Novel Threshold Selection Method Based on Iterative Clustering Strategy
Video Synopsis Generation Using GPGPU
A New Adaptive Image Denoising Method Based on Wavelet Packet Transform and Neighbor Dependency
An Improved Compressive Sensing Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSCT Transform
3D Subtitles Superimposed Technical Overview
Adjustment Method between Phonological Attributes and Phone Boundaries
Study on Compressed Sensing Recovery Algorithms
An Efficient Multi-Hypothesis Temporal Error Concealment Method for H.264
Research on Image Scene Semantics Recognition System
Learning Facial Expression Codes with Sparse Auto-Encoder
Thenar Palmprint Image Denoising Based on Intermediary Filter
Application of Image Process Technology in Diagnosing the Fetal Brain Malformations
Liver Parenchyma Segmentation by FCM-Based Confidence Connected Region Growing Method
Detecting Tower Cranes in Images
Research of the Evaluation Function Based on Improved Neighborhood Difference Operator
Insulator Recognition Based on Moments Invariant Features and Cascade AdaBoost Classifier
An Improved Approach of Mutual Information Based Registration for Medical Images
Image Quality Assessment Method Based on Fractional Fourier Transform
The Analysis and Application of the Third Dimension Speech Signal Spectrum
An Image Filtering Algorithm for Removing Mixed Noise
The DSP Low SNR Speech Enhancement System Based on Two-Level Wiener Filtering
Detection Model of Knotty Illicit Image
An Image Enhancement Method in Mixed Space
Center-Symmetric Local Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Binary Pattern Histogram Sequence for Face Recognition
Efficient DCT Domain Transcoding from MPEG-2 to H.264 for Intra Mode Video
Speaker Localization in Reverberant Noisy Environment Using Principal Eigenvector and Classifier
A Study on Speech Recognition for Design Intent of Geometric Modeling Using HMM and its Application
Research on Bolt Crack Detection Method Based on Image Processing
On Encryption of Data by Compressed Image with Embedded User's Information
Study on Skeletal Animation in Virtual Reality
Chapter 6: Signal Processing System
A Design of Underwater Acoustic Signal Acquisition Module
The New Optimization Approach to Improve SNR in Periodic Signal Input/Output System
Research on Weak Signal Detection by Adding Noise to Cascaded Stochastic Resonance Step by Step
Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Detecting Lead Pollution in Rice
Manipulation of Microparticles Using Acoustic Standing Wave: Recent Trend
Research on the Power Prediction of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on LMS Adaptive Filter
Identification of Power Quality Disturbances Based on EEMD and TEO
A Feature Extraction Method of Gear Fault Based on the SVD EMD and Morphology
Study of the Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet and Neural Network for the Motor
Numerical Simulation of Underground Plant Rhizome Detection
Research of Fault Diagnosis of Coalmine Motor Bearings Based on Scale Adaptive Lifting Wavelet Transform
Research on Algorithm in Fast Modular Exponentiation Based on FPGA
Target Tracking in Sensor Networks Using Additive Divided Difference Information Filtering Method
ECG Denoising Based on MP Algorithm
Research on the Approximate Establish Condition of the Scattering Center
Design of Multi-Parameter Environmental Monitoring Instrument Based on Labview
Different Code Rates of LDPC Decoding Based on CMMB Standard
Estimates for Multilinear Hilbert Operators on Morrey Spaces and the Best Constants
Chapter 7: Artificial Intelligence and Computational Algorithms
Generation and Implementation of Grasping Rectangle Based on Hierarchical Shape Context and Kernel Density Estimation towards Robotic Grasping Unknown Objects
Demand Forecasting Model of Port Critical Spare Parts Based on PSO-LSSVM
Evaluation Study of Grounding Grids Based on Gray Clustering
A MSVM Quality Pattern Recognition Model for Dynamic Process
The Research of Timing-Optimal Trajectory Planning Based on Improved Genetic Algorithms
A Master-Slave Model NGA and its Application in the Multidimensional 0-1 Knapsack Problem
An Idea of the Topological Inductive Logic under the Inadequate-Cognition-Oriented
Some Applications of the Causal Statement Logic Programming in Machine Language
An Idea of Dynamics Inductive Logic in Complex Cognition
The Research of PID Controller Tuning Based on Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization
Task Cooperation and Behavior Coordination of Multi-Robot Environment Exploration Based on Artificial Potential Field
A Novel Efficient Stopping Criterion for Turbo Codes
A Novel Algorithm to Improve Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
Personalized Recommendation Research in E-Learning Systems
Fault Diagnosis for Aircraft Engine Based on SVM Multiple Classifiers Fusion
Passenger Flow Forecast of Urban Rail Transit Based on Support Vector Regression
CS-UWB Channel Estimation via Optimized Sensing Matrix
Optimization of Greedy Pursuit Algorithms Based on Probability Analysis
Public Opinion Hotspot Discovery Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering LDA
Application of Neural Network in Fault Diagnosis of Anti-Lock Braking System
An Improved Log-MAP Algorithm For BICM-ID Embedded Turbo Codes
Solving the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem Based on Cellular Genetic Algorithm
Intelligent Control and Application of Heat Exchange Station Based on Heating Quality
The Optimization Design of I-Beam Based on Multi-Objective Cellular Genetic Algorithm
Path Optimization of Container Multimodal Transportation Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
A Study on Particle Trajectory of Particle Swarm Optimization
Detection of Indoor Robot’s Passable Areas Based on a Single-Line Structured Light
Research on the Active Value-Added Services System Based on Grid Collaboration
A New Generation Diagnosis System Based on Artificial Neural Network in Diagnosing Child Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)
Hailstone Classifier Based on Back Propagation Neural Network
Study on Power Transformer Fault Risk Assessment Method
Research of an Improved Snail Image Recognition Method Based on Grayscale Template Matching
Application of Probabilistic Neural Networks in Fault Diagnosis of Three-Phase Induction Motors
Nonlinear Noise Canceller by Neural Network with Variable Step Size
Agricultural Information Service Quality Evaluation Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithm, BP Neural Network and Multiple Regressions
The Optimal Allocation of Finishing Train in Steel Rolling Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
An Empirical Analysis of Similarity Matrix for Spectral Clustering
A Time-Varying Data Classification Approach Based on ANN with Slide-Window
Target Threat Assessment Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Choquet Integral
Complex Fault Diagnosis Based on Immune Principle
WSN Localization Algorithm Based on Fast SVM
The Research of Power Battery SOC Estimation Based on Adaptive Kalman Filter Algorithm
Experimental Vision-Based Target Positioning by PI Micro-Robot
The Unique Representations of Fuzzy Entropy for a Finite Fuzzy Set
An Improved Artificial Fish Cluster Behavioral Model and its Simulation
Multi-Device Health Management Based on Elman Neural Network
An Object Classification Approach Based on Randomized Visual Vocabulary and Clustering Aggregation
Review of Modeling Methods of Gene Expression Regulation Networks
Applied Research on Gene Expression Regulate Network by Complex Network Theory
Chapter 8: Measurement Technology, Testing and Instruments
Study of Phase Function of the Biological Cell
Relative Pose Estimation under Monocular Vision in Rendezvous and Docking
Research for Total Nitrogen Detection System Based on Electrochemical Method
Design and Analysis of a Multiple-DOF Bipedal Gait Test System
Real-Time Monitoring of Degradation of Zirconia Ceramic by Acoustic Emission
Design and Performance Testing of Proportioning Weighing Instrument Based on Position PID
Design and Implementation of Galvanized Groove Detection Electromechanical System
Research on the Law of Time Workshop Temperature an Humidity Reach Standard with Environment
The Method of Fast Frequency Response Testing Based on LabVIEW
Study on Calibrating Neutron Velocity Selector of Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument
Chapter 8: Measurement Technology, Testing and Instruments
Impact of Frame Positioning Errors on Fuselage Panel Assembly Variation
Optimization of Measuring Points Based on the Grey System Theory for Spindle of Machining Center
MOA Resistive Current On-Line Monitoring and Expert Diagnosis System
Accurate Shadow Modeling Algorithm for Simulation of Fringe Projection System
Efficient Line-Surface Intersection Point Computing Algorithm for Simulation of Fringe Projection System
Design and Performance Evaluation of MR Tactile Device for Medical Application
Design and Analyze of Optical System for High-Speed Three-Channel Framing Camera
Study on New Measurement Method for Visual Contrast Sensitivity
Uncertainty Estimation of Probe Calibrations Using a Power Flux Density System of (18~26.5) GHz
Designing a Four-by-Four Keypad Arbitrary-Key-Entry Detector
Experimental Study on Microwave Test of Cold Weld Defects in HDPE Piping Thermal Fusion Welds
Multi-Level Fuzzy Mobile Collaboration Performance Measurement Model
An Automatic Magnetic Permeability NDT Measurement Device for Cylinder Ferrimagnetic Sample
Research of Spectrum Detecting Technology on Cognitive Radio
Research on Key Technology of Cold-Rolled Aluminum Plate Surface Defect Detection System
A Novel Vehicle Reversing Speed Control Based on Obstacle Detection
Application of Collision Detection in Visual Simulation System for Bridge Cranes
Review of Techniques for Driver Fatigue Detection
A Collision Detection Algorithm Based on Spatial Partitioning and Bounding Volume
Research on Collision Detection Algorithm Based on OBB
Electromagnetic Interference Testing and Suppression Methods for Automotive Window Lifter Motor
Design of Intelligent Surface Water Monitoring System
A Novel Fault Phase Identification Algorithm Based on EMD Transient Energy
Qualitative Simulation Theory and its Applications
The Fault Diagnosis for Warship's Power Plant Based on Association Rules
Chapter 9: Automatic Control Technology
Study on IGMP for PLC in Intelligent Manufacturing System
Advanced Control of Boiler Drum Water Level Based on Cloud Model Theories
Design of Process-Optimization Expert Control System for Vertical Sieve-Tray Tower and Grinding System
Design and Implementation of Blank-Filling Test Module in the Theory Examination System for Tower Cranes
Variable Structure Guidance Law for Supersonic Missile to Maneuver in Large Airspace
Direct-Drive Differential Volume Control Electro-Hydraulic Servo Control System
An Improved Passive Anti-Islanding Technique for Distributed-Generation Photovoltaic Systems
Application on Two Degree of Freedom Model Driven PID in Liner First-Order Inverted Pendulum
Security Risk Evaluation on Long Span Bridge Structure Based on Grey Fuzzy Theory
Application of Super Twisting Guidance Law Based on Extended State Observer
A Gaussian Process Based Model Predictive Controller for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Input-Output Delay
A New Direct Algorithm for Pole Placement by State-Derivative Feedback for Multi-Input Linear Systems
Research on Color Characterization Model for Multi-Level and Multi-Color Printing System
The Research of SINS Algorithm Based on Screw Compensation
Double-Hysteresis Current Control Strategy of PWM Rectifier
Crime System Simulation and Control Based on Mapping and Inversion Mechanism
Application of Double Cross Limit Control on the Combustion Control System of Heating Furnaces
RBF-Elman Neural Network Control on Electro-Hydraulic Load Simulator
Optimal Control of Distributed Generation System: The State of the Art
A GPVSC Controller for Batch Dyeing Process Based on Integrated Model
Sliding Mode Control for Magneto-Rheological Vehicle Suspension Accounting for its Nonlinearity
Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control for the Ship Steering Problem
New Theorem for Asymptotically Stability for Time-Delayed Systems Based on LMI
The Research of Air Precooling System Based on Generalize Predictive Control Strategy
The Electro-Hydraulic Synchronization Position Servo System Based on Self-Adapting Fuzzy Decoupling Controller
Research on a Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Multidrop Overload Control
Design of Centralized Control System for Multimedia Classroom
A Design Method for Time Sequential Synchronization of Semi-Physical Simulation on Guidance Weapon System
Building Equipment Intelligent Control Network Using Multiplexing
Reentry Landing Boundary Prediction
Process Analysis for Spindle Support Rolling Thread
New Approach to Non-Fragile Control of Uncertain Fuzzy Systems with Time-Delay
Research of the Dissolved Oxygen Intelligent Control System in the Aeration System of Wastewater Treatment
A Design of Current Loop for Motors Control System Based on SVPWM
The Research of Fixation Method in Tea Processing Based on Fuzzy Control
Research on Single Channel Rolling Control for Fixed Canard Rudder
Decoupling Control Strategy of Three-Phase Bearingless Induction Motor
Motion Performs Evaluation of a Numerical Machine Tool Based on Extenics Theory
Design and Experiment of Test-Bed for Straw Compression Forming and Baling
Research on Dynamic Simulation of AUV Launching a Towed Navigation Buoyage
The Design of the Synchronously Simulation System for Acceleration and Air Pressure
Chapter 10: Electric Automation
A Reference Compensation Current Control of Grid-Connected Inverter for Three-Phase Distributed Generators
Design of Monitoring System Based on Android Platform and GPRS
GPRS-Based Remote PLC Multi-Parameter Monitoring System
Modeling and Power Control of Energy Storage System for Wind Park Based on Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
On Implied Defect in Elevator Control Software which Causes the Lift Car suddenly Reverse its Direction
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Control and Lyapunov-Based Stability Control of the Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter
Modified Direct Power Control for LCL-APF without Harmonic Current Detection
A Novel Design of Soft Switching Based on Three-Phase Current Source Inverter
Shipboard Power System Restoration Using S-Curve Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization
Exploration of AGC Control Mode for North China-Central China-East China UHV Synchronous Power Grid
Design of Time-Domain Airborne Electromagnetic Full Bridge Boost Switching Power Supply
The Design of DC Servo Motor Control System
Research on Distribution Transformer Condition Assessment Method Considering State Variables Dimensionality Reduction
An Improved Maximum Power Point Tracking Method
Analysis on Power Grid Vulnerability Considering Cascading Failure of Branch
Design of LCL-Filter with Active Damping for Active Power Filter
Research on Flexible Grid-Connection Control Strategy of Distributed Power in New Energy Micro-Grid
A Design of SCR Three-Phase AC-Voltage Regulator Simplify Circuitry Based on STM32 MCU
Detection and Localization Method of Power Quality Disturbance Based on Improved TT-Transform
Adaptive Synchronization Control of Uncertain Load Power Systems
Sliding Mode Dynamic Torsional Load Control of Double-Fed Wind Turbine Drive-Train
The Research of Model-Free Adaptive Control for Large Scale Wind Turbine
Analysis of SVPWM with Minimum Switching Losses for Multi-Modular Converter
Design on Embedded Driving and Control System for Direct Current Servo Motor
Study on Splitting Criterion Based on Improvement ucosf
Research on Effects of STATCOM on Voltage in Wind Farm Based on PSASP
Research on MCR Type Static Var Power Compensator Device in Wind Farms
Research on Coordinated Control of Reactive Power and Voltage in Large Scale Wind Farm Groups
Synthesized Power and Frequency Control Method of Wind Power Generation System Assisted through Battery Energy Storage System
Optimal Feedback Excitation Decentralized Coordinated Control Model of Multi-Machine Power System
Dissipation Analysis of IGBT Module in FB-ZVZCS-PWM Converter
Chapter 11: Intelligent Traffic Control
Detection of Traffic and Road Condition Based on Adaboost
Urban Rail Traffic Organization Scheduling Adjustment Method
Improved Urban Transport Optimal Path Based on Ant Colony Algorithm
Analysis of the Public Transport Network of Shenyang as a Complex Network
Forecast of Bus Passenger Traffic Based on Exponential Smoothing and Trend Moving Average Method
A New 3DGIS Development Technology Research Based on the Sketchup and SuperMap Platform
Research on Information Industry of Rail Transportation
An Intelligent Recognition Algorithm on Traffic Safety States
Influence of Integrated Multimodal Travel Information on Holiday Trip Chain Characteristics
Study of Safety Warning Algorithm Based on the V2V Communication Network
Chapter 12: Electronics Technology and Embedded Systems
Research and Development of Multi-Regional Monitoring Integration Technology Based on SIP Protocol
Improving Program Performance via Auto-Vectorization of Loops with Conditional Statements with GCC Compiler Setting
Synchronous Information Transmission in the Embedded Equipment Management Information System
An FPGA Based Color Bar Signal Generator for PAL Standard
A Low Noise and Computer Controllable Oscillator for CPT Atomic Clock
Design and Implementation of Image Acquisition and Processing for TFDS
Simulation of Electrodes Configuration that Used in a MALDI-TOF-MS System
Incorporating a 4x4 Keypad in a Simple Digital Clock
The Design of the Intelligent Health Information Collection Terminal which is Based on the Embedded Technology
The Research of Switch Control Module Based on Distributed Computer Interlocking System
Research of PMSM Stator Current Collection System Design Based on C8051F500 and AD7865
A 2.4GHz Radio-Over-Fiber Laser Diode Drive Amplifier in 0.18-um CMOS
A Simple Equivalent Circuit for Small RFID Tag Antennas in Low Loss Dielectric Materials
Communication Module of Solar Hot Water System Based on GSM Short Message
Handheld Terminal Design Based on Wireless Sensor Internet for Contestants
Design of the Improved CPR Simulation Control System Based on Wireless Telemetry
Research on Junction Termination Protection Technology for 3.3 kV Power Devices
Design of Gate Opening Apparatus Based on the Absolute Value Photoelectric Encoder of AVM58 Type
Application of Embedded Technology and CAN Bus in Seismic Data Transmission in the Field
Discrete Memoryless Multiple-Access Wiretap Channel with Non-Cooperative Encoders
A Method to Improve the Security of Screen Lock for Android Mobile Phones
RFID-Based Intelligent Management System of Poultry House
The Research on a Reactive Allocation Setting Method in Distributed Wind Farm Based on Reducing Generator Loss
Design of SDLC Communication Module Based Windows CE
Research of Rain Attenuation of Ka-Band Satellite Communication System
A Simplified CE Stopping Criterion for BICM-ID System
A Mobile Monitoring Extension of PC-PLC Architecture
A Low Complexity Implementation in Hardware on Simplified Log-MAP Algorithm for T-TCM Decoding
Analysis on Reverse Intermodulation Generated by Co-Siting Multi Standard Base Stations
The Structure Design of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Induction Heating System Based on Analysis of Thermal Effect
The Research on Electricity Behavior and Energy Saving Based on Disturbance Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Residential
Study on MEMS Gyro Signal De-Noising Based on Improved Wavelet Threshold Method
Intelligent Thermometer Design Based on SCM
Research of Autonomous Navigation Path Planning Based on the Sage_Husa Adaptive Filter for Mobile Robot
The Research on Static Characteristics of 1700V/100A Planner NPT-IGBT
Chapter 13: Software Development and Application
A Service Publishing and Service Location Algorithm for Internet of Things
Using Pop-Up Form in Web Applications
An Algorithm of LDA Topic Reduction Based on Rough Set
Design and Implementation for the Firewall Policy Analysis and Configuration Tools
The Implementation of Rights Management of Network Teaching Platform with Role-Based Access Control
Research on Design of IETM General Developing Platform Based on GB/T24463
A Data Delivery Controller for Mobile Communication Based on Multiple Threads Mechanism
Distributed Customer Service Management for Internet of Things
Building an Integration Mobile Portal in Digital Campus
The Protection Strategy of Data Security Based on JAVA Stream Filtering
Design and Implementation of Construction Materials Quality Detection Management System Based on Visual C++ and Database
Research on Integrated and Comprehensive Service System of Operation and Maintenance of Petrochemical Units
Automatic Test Case Generation for Context Based Multiplicity Checking in UML
Design of Zongzi Piecework System Based on PLC
Snapshot Replication Method for Content Data in Social Networking Services
Research and Development of the Sweater Mass Customization System Based on Android
Study on Application of Domain Ontology in Semantic Information Retrieval
Research on Data Integration in Dataspace
Development Trend of Computer Network
Network Security Vulnerabilities and Preventive Measures
Chapter 13: Software Development and Application
ARP Fraudulence and Strategy in Local Area Network
On the W&R and RSI Expert Systems of Securities Software
Anatomy: Uncertain Data k-Anonymity Privacy Protection Algorithm
A New Virus Source Inference Model Based on Network Performance Estimation
Cryptanalysis of a Remote User Authentication Scheme
Neighbor-Referencing Cooperative Cache Policy in Content-Centric Network
MARank: Algorithm of Microblogging Propagation's Node Influence Evaluation Based on User Authentication
A Simple Hole Filling Algorithm for Binary Cell Images
Network Security-Related Technology Research and Implementation
Closed Cube Algorithm Research for Distributed Storage
The Improved AVS Intra Prediction Algorithm
Application of Two Dimensional Bar Code in One-Way Transmission System
File Transparent Encryption System Design Based on Security Directory
The Design of Activity Record in C Language Compile Process
Research on Data Security Technology in Internet of Things
Design of Cloud Computing Resources Based on Web Access Model
An Improved Model of the Internet Public Opinion Spreading on Mass Emergencies
An Enterprise Data Integration ERP System Conversion System Design and Implementation
Development of the Virtual Designing and Manufacturing System Based on Microcomputer Platform
Design of Flexible Workflow Engine Based on.NET
Parasitic Consideration of Package Design within Press Pack IGBT
The Study on a New Method of the Electronic Large-Scale Symmetric Structure Simulation
Self-Matching Space Tracking Ship Data Structure Design
The Analysis and Simulation of Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Relational Database Watermarking Algorithm Based on Comparison Table
Chapter 14: Computer Application in Industry and Engineering
The Communication Protocol Design and Realization in the Testing System of Communication Devices
Construction of Drought Indices Based on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing AMSR-E Data over Huaihe River Basin
Soil Moisture Prediction for Huaihe River Basin Using Hydrological Model XXT and TOPMODEL
Quality Analysis Method of Tracking Information in Aerospace Flight Mission
Transformer Fault Diagnosis Study Based on Bayesian Case Library
Research of Low Voltage Grid Harmonic Analysis Based on DSP
Research on Pipeline Gas Application System
Weighted LDA Based Dimensionality Reduction for Ultrasonic Flaw Signal Classification
Application of Information Technology in Vocational Engineering Training
Component-Based FPGA Circuit Design and Verification for Robotic Systems Using JavaRock and ORB Engine - A Case Study
The Agricultural Irrigation District Information System Based on Multi-Agent and GSM
Design, Modeling and Simulation of a Novel Omni-Directional Steering System
The Absorbing States Based on Location Strategic Interaction on Endogenous Infinite Plane Lattice and the Stochastic Stability
The Survey on Applications of Information Hiding Technology in E-Commerce Security
A Design Method for Management Information System Based SOA
A Method of Data Integration Based on Cloud
Design of Distributed and Collaborative Agricultural Expert Decision System Based on Smart Phone
The Research on C2C E-Commerce Website Using Data Mining Tools to Improve the Network Marketing Effect
Parameters Optimization for Injection Molding Based on Digital Signal Processing
A Numerical Method for Modeling Equivalent Conductivity of Closed-Cell Aluminum Foams Material Based on CST Software
Numerical Simulation of Residual Stresses Induced from Shot Peening with Finite Element Method
Augmented Reality for E-Commerce
Application of Vega Path Tool in Visual Simulation System for Bridge Cranes
The Application of 3DS MAX in the Designing of the Steel Truss Welding Equipments
Verification, Validation and Accreditation of Ship Electric Propulsion Simulation System
Research on Scene Simulation of Buoy Launched Device System
The Research on Real-Time Collision Detection of Large-Scale Complex Dynamic Scene
Chapter 15: Fluid Engineering and Hydrodynamics
Study on the Generalized Darcy's Law for Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley Fluids
CFD Based Study of Hydraulic Performance of an Air-Conditioning Drainage Pump
Evaluation of Coupled Rheological Equations
Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control on Electro Hydraulic Servo Feeding System of Band Saw
RSDA-PID Control on Synchro-Motion System with Four Cylinders
Numerical Analysis on the Internal Flow Field and Adsorption Performance of a Non-Contact Vortex Gripper
Study and Application on Hydrajet Multistage Fracturing Technology
Study on Compensation Strategy to Eliminate Extraneous Force in Electro-Hydraulic Load Simulator
Steam Flow in Nozzle and the Nozzle Calculation
Simulation Analysis of Viscous Effects on Dynamic Performance of Hypersonic Vehicle
Numerical Well-Testing Model of Fractured-Well in Low Permeability Reservoir Based on Mutative Permeability Effect
Numerical Simulation of Gas-Liquid-Solid Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB)
Chapter 16: Materials
Freezing Technology for Borehole Stability of Gas Drilling
Experimental Study of Optical Glass on Ultrasonic Assisted Grinding Process
Microstructure and Oxygen Functional Groups on Modified Liquefied Wooden Activated Carbon Fibers with Hydrogen Peroxide
Thermal Bending of Laminated Composite Plates by a Meshless Method
Research of Hollow Cathodic Auxiliary Plasma Nitriding of 38CrMoAl Steel
Experimental Study on the Compressive Strength and Frost Resistance of Rubber Concrete
Interfacial Reaction Thermodynamics between Sn-Cu-Ag Solder and Ni Substrate
A Study on the Cutting Characteristics and Detection of the Abnormal Tool State in Turning of Ti-6Al-4V ELI
Corrosion Behaviors of U75V, U76CrRE Heavy Rail Steel in Simulated Industrial Atmosphere
Automatic Wood Classifying System to Produce Renewable Fuels from Construction Waste
Effect of Material Properties on Cross-Section Deformation during Bending an Aluminum Extruded Section
Research on Effect of Scanning Velocity on Laser Cladding AISI 304 Stainless Steel/Al2O3 Composite Coating
Study on Polishing Tool Contact Deformation for Large Robotic Aspheric Surface Compliant Polishing
Ballistic Performance of Hybrid Structure Armor against Projectile
Study on Cutting Tool Edge Location in the Process of High-Speed Rotation
Effect of Alloy Composition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Fe-V-Si Heat-Resistant Aluminum Alloy
Representation and Fabrication Method for Multiple Gradients FGM Part Based on Additive Manufacturing
Preparation Technology of Al-Fe-V-Si Heat-Resistant Aluminum Alloy with Single Roller Spinning Method
Influence of Humidity on Building Material's Radon Exhalation Rate
Simulation on the Temperature Field of Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding of AA 2014 Aluminium Alloy
Prediction for O-Ring Type Sealing Ring's Storage Life Based on Accelerated Ageing Data
Assessment of the Cutting Tooling Effect on Turning Chatter
Simulation Analysis of Battery Thermal Management System Using Phase Change Material (PCM)
Application of Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Method in Characterization of Cylindrical Grinding Surface Roughness
Development of Pneumatic Press Stroke Control through the Application of a Horizontal Cylinder
A Simulation Method of Pressure-Stress Affects Power Press Pack FRD Chip Forward Voltage
Electrical Properties of PSZT Doped with Mn and Ce Elements
Shape Memory Alloy Driven Two-Way Deformation Structure Design
The Technical Viability of the Reuse of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) for the Production of Interlocking Concrete Paving
Chapter 17: Research and Design in Mechanical Engineering
The Thermal Design of Surface Type Heat Exchanger
Reconstructing of Mechanical System of Certain Centrifuge
The Finite Element Analysis of Gasoline Engine Turbocharger Key Parts
Study on Thickness Control and Quantitative of Converter Lining
Development on Shape-Adaptive Compliant Tool System
The CFD Analysis of Gasoline Engine Turbocharger Compressor Based on NUMECA
Control of Position and Pose on Virtual Axis Polishing Process
A New Flexible Track Automatic Drilling System
Piston Air Compressor Based on Symmetrical Double-Crank Link Mechanism
Research of Selective Laser Melting Rapid Prototyping System
The Research on 200 Liters Large Material Barrels with Double L-Rings Drop Analysis
Application of Ejector Technology to the Efficient Exploitation in the Low-Pressure Gas Well
The Optimization Analysis of the Conditions for Optimal Parameter Combination of Husker Capacity by Response Surface Method
Goal-Driven Optimization Design of Lathe Bed Based on the Response Surface Method
TE0 Mode Resonant Properties of the Rubidium Clock Microwave Cavity Loaded with Ceramic Material
Study on Underground Pipe Network of Radio Frequency Identification System
A Novel Fast Recovery Diode with Lower Emitter Efficiency
A Survey of Underwater Wet Weld Seam Tracking Based on Ultrasonic Sensor
Refrigerant Air Conditioning Systems Operating in Coal Mine Feasibility Analysis Utilized
Study and Simulation on Truck Front Suspension Using ADAMS
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis for a Certain Urban Bus Frame
Study on Design of Color Guide System on Campus
Heating Mode of Type I Ammonia-Water Absorption Heat Pump with Parabolic through Collector
A New Bionic Topology Optimization Method Based Model of Bone Adaptation
Study on New Laboratory Scale Transverse Plate Electrostatic Precipitator Collecting Fly Ash
Chapter 18: Structural Engineering and Architecture Analysis
Research and Development of Household Fire Refuge Cabin
Optimization Analysis of the Wedge Block Surface of NYD Contact Backstop
Investigating Current Status of Container Housing
Strength Analysis for Frame of Pavement Accelerated Loading Experimental Facility
Collapse Simulation of Plane Irregular Isolation Structures Subjected to Near-Fault Seismic Motion
Defensive Analysis of Bunker within Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd
Finite Element Analysis of Prestressed Steel Reinforced Concrete Beam
A Novel Numerical Method for Ground-Coupled Heat Transfer Problems
The Obstruction to the Use of Building Information Modeling in China
Application of CFD Simulations in Studying Outdoor Wind Environment in Different Community Building Layouts and Open Space Designs
Chapter 19: Industrial Engineering and Production Operations Management
Main Existing Problems and Respective Countermeasures of Ground-Source Heat Pump Technique Applications
Comparative Analysis of Two Methods for Conduction Transfer Functions of Building Constructions
An FPTAS for Uniform Parallel-Machine Scheduling Problem with Deteriorating Jobs and Rejection
An FPTAS for Uniform Machine Scheduling to Minimize the Total Completion Time and the Total Rejection Penalty
Research on Dynamic BOM Based on Manufacturing Resources of Supplier
An Adaptive Assembly Scheduling Approach in Knowledgeable Manufacturing
Application of Case Based Reasoning in Technology Industry Competency Development
Research of Parts Inventory Classification and Management Strategy in Manufacturing Enterprises
Scheduling Jobs on Dedicated Parallel Machines
The Financial Risk Assessment of Manufacturing Firms under the Supply Chain Environment
Real Estate Groups Core Business Process Design Based on BRI
Influencing Mechanism of Productivity Load Ratio to Enterprise Business Efficiency
The MPS Model of Node Enterprises in Manufacturing Network under Uncertain Environment
The Measurement of Economic Growth Contribution Rate by Population Quality in China Base on Cobb-Douglas Model
Analyses on W&R and BIAS Expert System of Stock-Market Software
Design and Implementation of Supply Chain Integrated System Based on Internet of Things
Identify the Spatial Characteristics of Employment Density in Northeast China with Software GIS and Spatial Statistics
Improve the Mechanisms Product Yield through Cycle Time Optimization
Modular Production Network and the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries in China
Research of Location Selection of Distribution Center for Service Based on Gravity Method
Study on Decision-Making System and its Data Mining Application of Logistics Intelligent
Uniform Machine Scheduling Problem with Deteriorating Jobs and Rejection
The Design and Implementation of New Energy Enterprise Internal Control Evaluation System
Chapter 20: Engineering Education
Fuzzy Evaluation on College English Teachers' Comprehensive Quality
DEA-Based Efficiency Assessment of Railway Diversified Enterprises
Research of the Condition and Strategy of the Network Information Literacy of the College Students
Engineering Training System for Jewelry Materials Majors
Establishment of NC Technology Specialty Practice Teaching System Based on PETOE
International Scientific Collaboration in Nanobiopharmaceuticals and Decision-Making
Information Equivalent of Content for a Physics Learning Module
Issues in Students' Computer Skills
Research of Knowledge Management during Products Design Process
Key Technology on Construction of College English Multimedia Teaching Website