Gallego-Juarez / Graff / Lucas | Power Ultrasonics | Buch | 978-0-12-820254-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 1226 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Gallego-Juarez / Graff / Lucas

Power Ultrasonics

Applications of High-Intensity Ultrasound
2. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-0-12-820254-8
Verlag: Academic Press

Applications of High-Intensity Ultrasound

Buch, Englisch, 1226 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-820254-8
Verlag: Academic Press

Power Ultrasonics: Applications of High-Intensity Ultrasound, Second Edition provides a comprehensive reference on the fundamentals, processing, engineering, medical, food and pharmaceutical applications of ultrasonic processing. Chapters cover the fundamentals of nonlinear propagation of ultrasonic waves in fluids and solids, discuss the materials and designs of power ultrasonic transducers and devices, identify applications of high power ultrasound in materials engineering and mechanical engineering, food processing technology, environmental monitoring and remediation and industrial and chemical processing (including pharmaceuticals), medicine and biotechnology, and cover developments in ultrasound therapy and surgery applications.

The new edition also includes recent advances in modeling, characterization and measurement techniques, along with additive manufacturing and micromanufacturing. This is an invaluable reference for graduate students and researchers working in the disciplines of materials science and engineering. In addition, those working on the physics of acoustics, sound and ultrasound, sonochemistry, acoustic engineering and industrial process technology, R&D managers, production, and biomedical engineers will find it useful to their work.
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Graduate students and researchers working in materials science and engineering in academia and industry
Physicists, Chemists, Biomedical Engineers

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to Power Ultrasonics

Part 1: Fundamentals
2. High-intensity ultrasonic waves in fluids: nonlinear propagation and effects
3. Acoustic cavitation: Bubble dynamics in high-power ultrasonic fields
4. High-intensity ultrasonic waves in solids: nonlinear dynamics and effects
5. Piezoelectric Materials for Power Ultrasonic Transducers
6. Power ultrasonic transducers: Principles and design
7. Power ultrasonic transducers with vibrating plate radiators
8. Measurement techniques in power ultrasonics
9. Modeling of power ultrasonic transducers

Part 2: Welding, metal forming, and machining applications
10. Ultrasonic welding of metals
11. Ultrasonic welding of plastics and polymeric composites
12. Power ultrasonics for additive manufacturing and consolidating of materials
13. Ultrasonic metal forming: Materials and processing
14. Ultrasonic metal forming: Materials
15. Ultrasonic metal forming: Processing
14. Using power ultrasonics in machine tools
15. Ultrasonics in Micromanufacturing

Part 3: Engineering Applications
16. Ultrasonic motors
17. Power ultrasound for the production of nanomaterial
18. Ultrasonic cleaning and washing of surfaces
19. Ultrasonic degassing of liquids
20. Applications of Casting of Metals and Materials
21. The use of power ultrasound in mining
22. Exploration Tools

Part 4: Ultrasound Therapy and Surgery Applications
23. Ultrasonic surgical devices and procedures
24. Orthodontics and maxillofacial surgeries
25. High-intensity focused ultrasound for medical therapy
26. Pulsed and shock wave ultrasound surgeries
27. Ultrasonic cutting for surgical applications

Part 5: Food technology and pharmaceutical applications
28. Design and scale-up of sonochemical reactors for food processing and other applications
29. Ultrasonic mixing, homogenization, and emulsification in food processing and other applications
30. Ultrasonic defoaming and debubbling in food processing and other applications
31. Power Ultrasonics for food processing
32. Crystallization and freezing processes assisted by power ultrasound
33. Ultrasonic drying for food preservation
34. The use of ultrasonic atomization for encapsulation and other processes in food and pharmaceutical manufacturing

Part 6: Environmental Applications
35. The use of power ultrasound for water treatment
36. The use of power ultrasound for wastewater and biomass treatment
37. The use of power ultrasound for organic synthesis in green chemistry
38. Ultrasonic agglomeration and preconditioning of aerosol particles for environmental and other applications
39. The use of power ultrasound in biofuel production, bioremediation, and other applications

Lucas, Margaret
Margaret Lucas is the Regius Chair of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Professor of Ultrasonics, Power & Energy Division in the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Dr. Lucas's research background is in vibration analysis within power ultrasonics.

Gallego-Juarez, Juan A.
Juan A. Gallego-Juárez, Research Professor at the Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spain (CSIC).

Graff, Karl F.
Karl Graff, Senior Engineer at EWI and Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, USA.

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