Galmonte / Actis-Grosso | Different Psychological Perspectives on Cognitive Processes | Buch | 978-1-4438-5628-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 445 Seiten

Galmonte / Actis-Grosso

Different Psychological Perspectives on Cognitive Processes

Current Research Trends in Alps-Adria Region

Buch, Englisch, 445 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-5628-7
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book highlights some of the main lines of research in cognitive psychology in the Alps-Adria region, which, being geographically located in the centre of the European continent, encompasses eleven regions from six different countries: namely, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia. The reason for bringing together authors from different geographical areas and with different approaches to the broad discipline defined as Cognitive Science is detailed in the first section of this book, which outlines a brief history of psychology in each country in the region and provides an overview of the spirit that characterizes the Alps-Adria working community. The Alps-Adria Rector Conference “believes that harmonious coexistence and efficient collaboration of the peoples and communities of the different regions constitute the characteristics and specificities of the present cultural landscape of the Alps-Adria region in Europe.”

It is in this spirit that this book has been edited, underscoring the concept of unity in diversity that has characterized the Alps-Adriatic community. Furthermore, such unity is now a necessary attribute for science, where interdisciplinarity is both highly encouraged and increasingly accepted. The second and third sections of the book are devoted to situating this interdisciplinarity in the framework of cognitive science. As such, this book will serve as a basis for fruitful exchange not only inside the community, but also beyond both geographical and theoretical borders.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Rossana Actis-Grosso is Lecturer at the Department of Psychology of the University of Milano-Bicocca, where she has taught Cognitive Ergonomics since 2005. She studied at the University of Padova, where she obtained a five-year degree in Experimental Psychology and a PhD in Psychology. She held Post-doctoral Research Associate positions both at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milano, and at the University of Padova. Her research interests are mainly focused on visual perception and psychophysics, including motion and events perception, visual arts and visual communication, and the perception of emotions. She is author of several publications on these topics and served as a reviewer for numerous journals and international conferences. She is part of the executive committee of the International Society for Psychophysics and of the Italian Society for Ergonomics, and is a permanent member of the Alps Adria Psychology Executive Committee, and a full member of the Italian Association of Psychology.

Alessandra Galmonte is Lecturer at the Department of Neurological and Motor Sciences of the University of Verona, where she has taught General Psychology and Sport Psychology since 2007. She obtained a five-year degree in Experimental Psychology and a PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Trieste, where she held a Post-doctoral Research Associate position, and a specialization Diploma in Sport Psychology from the University of Turin. Her research covers a wide range of subjects, including psychophysics, visual perception, cognitive ergonomics and usability, and sport psychology. She has published a number of papers on these topics and served as reviewer for several journals and international conferences. She is a member of the Italian Psychological Association (AIP), and the Italian Sport Psychology Society (SIPsiS), and a permanent member of the scientific committee of Alps-Adria Psychology group and of the scientific committee of the Italian Colour Group.

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