Gangadharan / Hemamalini | Community Health Nursing | Buch | 978-81-312-5763-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 232 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm

Gangadharan / Hemamalini

Community Health Nursing

Framework for Practice

Buch, Englisch, 232 Seiten, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-5763-0
Verlag: Elsevier India

- Complete and comprehensive coverage of Community health nursing I syllabus prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council.
-  Narrated in a student friendly manner.
- Acts as a quick reference for the teachers specialized in Community health nursing.
- Roles and responsibilities of Community health nurse is mentioned in required areas.
- Includes 'Review Questions' at the end of each chapter as essays, short notes and short answer questions to prepare students.
- The concepts in epidemiology of communicable & non-communicable diseases, determinants of health and updated UIP based immunization schedule explained using tabular illustrations in a very simple and clear-cut style acts as a ready reckoner before exams.
- Health education, IEC and Behaviour Change Communication have explained as a separate unit whereas in other books it has been included as a part of communication.
Gangadharan / Hemamalini Community Health Nursing jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1 Introduction to Community Health and Community Health Nursing

- Introduction

- Definitions

- Concepts of Health

- Changing Concepts

- Concept of Well-Being

- Dimensions of Health

- Measurement of Health and Diseases

- Vital Statistics

- Maintenance of Health

- Review Questions

2 Determinants of Health

- Eugenics

- Environment

- Air Pollution

- Light

- Forestation

- Ventilation

- Water

- Housing

- Sanitation

- Latrine Types and Latrine Construction

- Methods

- Sewage Treatment (Wastewater Management)

- Solid Waste Management System

- Disposal of Dead Bodies

- Noise

- Noise Pollution

- Climate

- Communication

- Bacteria

- Virus

- Arthropods

- Flies

- Lice

- Fleas

- Bed Bugs

- Human Scabies Mites

- Ticks

- Cockroaches

- Rodents

- Food Hygiene

- Food Storage

- Food Preservation

- Food Adulteration

- The Drugs and Cosmetics Act

- Social Customs

- Taboos

- Marriage System

- Family Structure

- Status of Special Groups

- Lifestyle

- Hygiene

- Physical Activity

- Recreation and Sleep

- Sexual Life

- Spiritual Life

- Dietary Pattern

- Education

- Occupation

- Financial Management

- Income

- Budget

- Purchasing Power

- Security

- Review Questions

3 Epidemiology

- Introduction

- Definitions of Epidemiology

- History of Epidemiology

- Epidemiology: Present Perspectives

- Aims of Epidemiology

- Scope of Epidemiology

- Uses of Epidemiology

- Dynamics of Disease Transmission

- Cold Chain

- Disease Prevention and Control

- Epidemiological Triad

- Morbidity and Mortality Measurements

- Epidemiological Approaches

- Methods of Epidemiology

- Levels of Prevention

- Screening

- International Classification of Diseases

- Medical Entomology

- Infectious Disease Epidemiology

- The Iceberg Phenomenon of a Disease

- Role of Community Health Nurse in Epidemiology

- Review Questions

4 Epidemiology of Communicable/Infectious Diseases

- Introduction

- Definition of Infectious Diseases

- Communicable Diseases

- The Classification of Infectious Diseases

- Clinical Classification of Infections

- Microbiological Classification Infectious Diseases

- Classification of the Infectious Diseases Based on Important Epidemiologic Characteristics

- Classification of Respiratory Infectious Diseases

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Respiratory Infectious Diseases

- Classification of Intestinal Infectious Diseases

- Community Health Nurses Responsibilities in Intestinal Infectious Diseases

- Classification of Arthropod-Borne/ Vector-Borne Diseases

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Vector-Borne Diseases

- Classification of Zoonotic Diseases

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Zoonotic Diseases

- Classification of Surface Infectious Diseases

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Surface Infectious Diseases

- Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

- Community Health Nurses' Role in Infectious Diseases in General

- Epidemiological Determinants of Respiratory Infections

- Epidemiological Determinants of Intestinal Infections

- Epidemiological Determinants of Vector-/Arthropod-Borne Infections

- Epidemiological Determinants of Zoonotic Diseases

- Epidemiological Determinants of Surface Infections

- Review Questions

5 Epidemiology of Non Communicable Diseases

- Introduction

- Major Non Communicable Diseases and their Risk Factors

- Actions to Beat Non CommunicableDiseases

- List of Non Communicable Diseases

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Diabetes

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Hypertension

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Coronary Heart Disease

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Mental Illness Prevention and Control

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention and Management

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Accidents and Injuries

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Cancer Prevention and Control

- Community Health Nurses' Responsibilities in Obesity Prevention and Control

- Community Health Nurses' Role and Responsibilities in General For Non Communicable Disease Prevention and Management

- Epidemiological Determinants of Diabetes

- Epidemiological Determinants of Hypertension

- Epidemiological Determinants of Coronary Heart Disease

- Epidemiological Determinants of Cerebrovascular Disease Stroke

- Epidemiological Determinants of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease

- Epidemiological Determinants of Cancer iii

- Epidemiological Determinants of Blindness

- Epidemiological Determinants of Deafness

- Epidemiological Determinants of Accidents and Injuries

- Epidemiological Determinants of Obesity

- Epidemiological Determinants of Malnutrition and Nutritional Deficiencies

- Epidemiological Determinants of Mental Illness

- Review Questions

6 Demography Population and Its Control

- Demography

- Population and Its Control

- Family Planning Methods

- Review Questions

7 Health Education

- Introduction

- Definition

- Purposes

- Approaches to Achieve Health

- Scope of Health Education

- Principles of Health Education

- Health Education Methods

- Health Learning Materials

- Information Education and

- Communication

- Behaviour Change Communication

- Behaviour Change Techniques

- Role of a Nurse in Behaviour Change

- Review Questions


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