Gargiulo / Mesones-Arroyo | Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update | Buch | 978-3-031-72218-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 800 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

Gargiulo / Mesones-Arroyo

Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update

Addiction: From Laboratory and Anthropology to Clinical Practice – Vol. V

Buch, Englisch, 800 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm

ISBN: 978-3-031-72218-9
Verlag: Springer

This book offers a multidisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of addiction, including a discussion of its anthropological, neurological, and social aspects. The editors have maintained this multidisciplinary criterion since the first volume of the Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update collection. Approaching a topic from multiple points of view guides the mentality to open to biological and psychological relationships and facilitates translational extrapolations. The ability to establish relationships, closer or more distant, but always binding, is thus stimulated, whether for study, research or the interpretation of clinical reality.

As in previous volumes, the book opens with a part dedicated to anthropological and philosophical aspects, thus ensuring the validity of the humanistic aspect. Intersubjectivity, epistemological reflections, the meaning of ecstasy, and philosophical reflection leading to therapy are explored. Part 2—From Basic Neurosciences to Human Brain—presents a set of basic investigations with high translational content. This corresponds with the editors’ intention to build bridges, here between the basic and the clinical, favoring the translational. Chapters present topics of interest to both fields, such as the neurobiology of addictions, cocaine, and benzodiazepines. Part 3 establishes links between neurosciences, learning, teaching, and the social environment. It begins with a chapter on executive functioning before discussing excessive use of computer technology and educational interventions for patients with alcohol addiction. The fourth part of the book attempts to explain pathological human behavior. It is about establishing links between brain disorders and diseases in the strict sense. Among other topics, chapters deal with cognitive dysfunction in addiction, neuroimaging, and stigma around substance use disorders.

Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update: Addiction: From Laboratory and Anthropology to Clinical Practice – Vol. V was edited and authored by a multidisciplinary group of authors and will be vital for an equally multidisciplinary group of readers: psychiatrists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and any other clinician or researcher that is interested in addictions. Those in the humanities, particularly anthropologists and philosophers, will find the first part of great interest.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1- Epistemological considerations about the study of normal and abnormal human behaviours.- (Dis)Embodied encounters. Deciphering intersubjectivity in the context of the prescription of drugs.- Addictions: epistemological reflections around fields of study and disciplines.- Addictions and artificial intelligence in Brave New World. From the Benedict option to the hermit beginning.- Thoughts on the meaning of life.- Relationship between meaning of life and moral permissiveness in substance using and abusing adolescents.- Epistemic competencies of philosophy in therapeutic praxis. An analysis from Pedro Laín Entralgo writings.- Free Will, Addiction, and the Feeling of Self-Control.- The Beginning of consumption as antidepressant self-medication.- The use of coca in miners.- Section 2: From basic neurosciences to human brain.- Corticostriatal Pathways - From evolution to human pathology.- Pavlovian Impulsivity: Connectionist Predictions, with Implications for Addiction.- Drug abuse: From biological to psychological dynamics.- Morphine addiction: Sex differences and the role of the GABAB receptors.- Neurobiology of addiction.- What can we expect from the evaluation drug addiction in animals?.- Pharmacological basis of cocaine addiction.- Benzodiazepine addiction: a difficult story.- PHYTO, SYNTHETIC AND ENDOGENOUS CANNABINOIDS AS THEORETICAL POSSIBILITIES OF THERAPEUTIC MOLECULES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIONS.- Cannabis, a Drug of addiction.- Endocannabinoid system as an important cross-talk.- Melatonin and the Chronobiology of Drug Abuse.- Psychotropic Substances and Sleep.- Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, Cannabinoid Receptors, and their Interplay in Drug Addiction.- Linking the neurobiological basis and behavioral features of craving.- Psychoneurobiology of dopaminergic pathways and the reward system.- Methylphenidate and reward: Functional role of neurotransmitters in relapse process and drug-seeking behavior.- The neurosteroids and its association with carcinogenesis and drug use. Impact on the reproductive axis.- Ketamine, from anaesthetic to drug of abuse.- Section 3: Neurosciences, learning, teaching and the role of social environment.- Executive Functioning: The Necessity for a Contextualized and Ecologically Valid Evaluation.- Excessive technological consumption, Effects on Isolation and Stress.- Addiction to new technologies in adolescents and young people: Is phubbing a new digital pandemic?.- Social networks addiction in adolescents and young people. Effects and possible approaches.- Educational procedures for patients with alcohol addiction. Considerations from medicine and nursing.- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.- Section 4: Explaining human pathological behaviors. From brain disorders to psychopathology.- Values In Alcohol Use Disorders.- Neuropsychological Instruments For The Evaluation Of Alcohol Abuse Disorders.- Neurocognitive effects of substance abuse and their measurement with neuropsychological tests.- Cognitive Dysfunction In Addictions.- Face Recognition As A Tool In Neuropsychiatric Studies.- Alcohol Binge Drinking in Adolescence: The Who, the How and the Why.- M/EEG hallmarks of healthy and pathological aging.- BRAIN IMAGING: FROM RAMÓN Y CAJAL EPOCH TO OUR DAYS.- NEUROIMAGING IN DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE.- Drinking to cope as a vulnerability factor for alcohol use disorder: Evidence from Clinical and Pre-Clinical Research.- Exploring the Neurobiology of ethanol Relapse and its prevention.- Effects of psychoactive drugs on the brain.- Drugs abuse by adolescents.- Early Detection and Treatment Options for Psychosis in Transition from Childhood to Adolescence - a Review about 3 Decades of Psychiatric Clinical Experience.- DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF COMORBID ADHD IN PATIENTS WITH SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS.- From stigma to therapy: the evolution of psychiatry in substance use disorders.- Addiction as a rigid disposition towards akratic actions.- Attachment and its relationship with pornography´s addiction.

Pascual Ángel Gargiulo, MD, PhD

Specialist in Psychiatry

Professor of Psychopathology

Catholic University of Argentina


Laboratory of Neurosciences and Experimental Psychology

Los Andes Academy of Sciences (ACLA-LAAS)

Latin American Technology Corporation Foundation (FUCOTEL)

National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)

Professor of Pharmacology

National University of Cuyo

Mendoza, Argentina

Humberto Luís Mesones-Arroyo, M.D., DPM

Psychiatrist by University Complutense of Madrid and University of Buenos Aires

Former Director of National Institute of Mental Health (Argentina).

Los Andes Academy of Sciences (ACLA-LAAS)

Latin American Technology Corporation Foundation (FUCOTEL)

Member of the Council of the Institute of Neurobiology (Buenos Aires)

Member of the Board of Certification, National Academy of Medicine (Argentina)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Member of the Council on Medical Ethics (CAEEM) of the National Academy of Medicine

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