Dirk Geeraerts (°1955, PhD 1981) is professor of linguistics at the University of Leuven, where he founded the research unit Quantitative Lexicology and Variationist Linguistics. His main research interests involve the overlapping fields of lexical semantics and lexicology, with a specific descriptive interest in synchronic and diachronic variation and a strong methodological commitment to corpus analysis. As the founding editor of the journal Cognitive Linguistics, as co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, and as managing editor of the book series Cognitive Linguistics Research, he played and plays a significant role in the international expansion of Cognitive Linguistics.
His publications include the following monographs: Words and Other Wonders (2006), and Theories of Lexical Semantics (2010). For details about these publications, see here. He also collaborated on the Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal (the Dutch counterpart of the OED), and was editor of the Van Dale Groot Woordenboek van de Nederlandse Taal (the main desk dictionary of contemporary Dutch) between 1995 and 2005.