Genetics in Aquaculture III | Buch | 978-0-444-88159-5 |

Buch, Englisch

Genetics in Aquaculture III

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-444-88159-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The Third International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture was held in Trondheim, Norway in June, 1988 with 143 participants. The Institute of Aquaculture Research and the International Association for Genetics in Aquaculture were responsible for arranging the symposium.

The symposium had three sessions with the topics Biotechnology, Breeding plans and New fish species. In the Biotechnology session, gene technology, and immunological aspects of disease resistance were reviewed, and it has been concluded that much knowledge has been accumulated in these fields in recent years and that large inputs in research will be necessary in coming years. With regard to breeding plans, the theoretical basis and the application of breeding schemes are discussed. Good possibilities for obtaining genetic change through breeding programmes have been demonstrated. For the future development of the aquaculture industry it is essential to have domesticated and productive organisms. Problems in farming marine fish species like halibut, cod and wolf-fish are also discussed.
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BIOTECHNOLOGY. Gene technology. The application of gene manipulation to aquaculture (N. Maclean & D. Penman). Transfer of the gene for neomycin resistance into goldfish, Carassius auratus (S.J. Yoon, E.M. Hallerman, M.L. Gross, Z. Liu, J.F. Schneider, A.J. Faras, P.B. Hackett, A.R. Kapuscinski and K.S. Guise). Factors affecting survival and integration following microinjection of novel DNA into rainbow trout eggs (D.J. Penman, A.J. Beeching, S. Penn and N. Maclean). Homeobox sequences of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) (A. Fjose, H.G. Eiken, P.R. Njølstad, A. Molven and I. Hordvik). Retrospects and prospects of fish genetics and breeding research in China (C. Wu). Gene Markers. Strain differences in cultured fish-isozymes and performance traits as indicators (J. Macaranas & Y. Fujio). Immunology. Genetics of resistance to disease in fishes (B. Chevassus & M. Dorson). The genetic influence on serum haemolytic activity in rainbow trout (K.H. Røed, E. Brun, H.J. Larsen and T. Refstie). Characterization of new immunogenetic markers using carp alloantisera: evidence for the presence of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules (R.J.M. Stet, P. Kaastrup, E. Egberts and W.B. van Muiswinkel). BREEDING PLANS. Basis for evaluating breeding plans (G.A.E. Gall). Phenotypic and genetic parameters. Genotype-environment interactions for growth of blue, channel and hybrid catfish in ponds and cages at varying densities (R.A. Dunham, R.E. Brummett, M.O. Ella and R.O. Smitherman). Sources of family variability for maturation incidence in cultivated Atlantic salmon (C.M. Herbinger & G.F. Newkirk). Selection. Application of breeding schemes (T. Refstie). Correlated responses to selection for grilse length in Atlantic salmon (G.W. Friars, J.K. Bailey and K.A. Coombs). Phenotypic correlations among behaviour and growth variables in tilapia: implications for domestication selection (B.W. Robinson & R.W. Doyle). Genetic changes in the growth of coho salmon, (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in marine net-pens produced by ten years of selection (W.K. Hershberger, J.M. Myers, R.N. Iwamoto, W.C. McAuley and A.M. Saxton). Response to mass selection for growth rate in Oreochromis niloticus (C-M.Huang & I.-C. Liao). Interaction between test and reference populations when tilapia strains are compared by the ``internal control' technique (Z.U. Basiao & R.W. Doyle). Ploidy manipulation and performance. Androgenetic rainbow trout produced using sperm from tetraploid males show improved survival (G.H. Thorgaard, P.D. Scheerer, W.K. Hershberger and J.M. Myers). Genetic variation in quantitative characters of meiotic- and mitotic-gynogenetic diploid ayu Plecoglossus altivelis (N. Taniguchi, H. Hatanaka and S. Seki). NEW FISH SPECIES. New marine fish species for cold-water farming (S. Tilseth). An aquacultural evaluation of Florida, northern, and hybrid largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (J.H. Williamson & G.J. Carmichael). Variation in growth and survival between two anadromous strains of Canadian Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) during long-term saltwater rearing. (J.L. Delabbio, B.D. Glebe and A. Sreedharan). Cold tolerance in maternal mouthbrooding tilapias: phenotypic variation among species and hybrids (L.L. Behrends, J.B. Kingsley and M.J. Bulls). Evaluation of the salinity tolerance of Oreochromis mossambicus, O. niloticus and their F1 hybrids. (C.T. Villegas). Effective population size and rate of inbreeding in aquaculture of Indian major carps (A.E. Eknath & R.W. Doyle). Family studies on genetic variability in growth and reproductive performance between and within test fish populations of the zebrafish (U.von. Hertell, G. Hörstgen-Schwark, H.-J. Langholz and B. Jung). Abstracts of Poster Papers. Author Index.

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