Gerdin | Health Careers Today | Buch | 978-0-323-04474-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 496 Seiten, Hardback with CD-ROM, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm


Health Careers Today

Buch, Englisch, 496 Seiten, Hardback with CD-ROM, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-04474-5
Verlag: Mosby US

Covering more than 45 health careers, this book offers a practical overview to help students make an informed decision in choosing a profession. Not only does it discuss the roles and responsibilities of various occupations, it provides a solid foundation in the skills needed for all health careers. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology provide essential knowledge of health related to the human body, and show how this applies to different careers. Content in the book now adheres to and reflects National Health Care Skills Standards.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Unit One - Core Knowledge

Chapter 1: Health Care of the Past, Present, and Future

Chapter 2: Interpersonal Dynamics and Communication

Chapter 3: Safety Practices

Chapter 4: Legal and Ethical Principles

Chapter 5: Culture and Health Care

Chapter 6: Employability Skills

Chapter 7: Foundation Skills

Chapter 8: Wellness, Growth, and Development

Unit Two - Anatomy and Physiology

Chapter 9: Body Organization

Chapter 10: Integumentary System

Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System

Chapter 12: Circulatory System

Chapter 13: Respiratory System

Chapter 14: Skeletal System

Chapter 15: Muscular System

Chapter 16: Digestive System

Chapter 17: Urinary System

Chapter 18: Endocrine System

Chapter 19: Nervous System

Chapter 20: Sensory System

Chapter 21: Reproductive System

Unit Three - Career Clusters

Chapter 22: Laboratory Careers

Chapter 23: Imaging Careers

Chapter 24: Nursing Careers

Chapter 25: Medical Careers

Chapter 26: Dental Careers

Chapter 27: Complementary and Alternative Careers

Chapter 28: Veterinary Careers

Chapter 29: Community and Social Careers

Chapter 30: Mental Health Careers

Chapter 31: Rehabilitative Careers

Chapter 32: Emergency Health Careers

Chapter 33: Information and Administration Careers

Chapter 34: Environmental Careers

Chapter 35: Biotechnology Careers


I: Common Prefixes, Word Roots, and Suffixes

II: Abbreviations and Symbols

III: Vitamins and Minerals

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