Prof. Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar
is Professor in Department of Civil Engineering and Institute Chair Professor, Fellow INAE, Member European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Former Head, School of Environmental Science and Engineering and Former Head, P. K. Sinha Centre for Bioenergy and renewables and Professor In-Charge, Aditya Choubey Centre for Re-Water Research at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He had been visiting Scientist to Ben Gurion University, Israel and University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK under Marie Curie fellowship by European Union and had stint as faculty of various capacities in renowned engineering colleges and research institutes. He has been working in the field of anaerobic wastewater treatment, bioenergy recovery during wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell and bio-electrochemical systems. He is recognized worldwide in scientific community for his research contribution in the development of bio-electrochemical processes and his research group stands among the top two research lab in the world in terms of scientific publications. The first of its kind MFC based onsite toilet waste treatment system `Bioelectric toilet' developed by him received wide publicity in electronic and print media. He has successfully completed multinational collaborative projects with European Countries and few of the projects are ongoing. He has also provided design of industrial wastewater and sewage treatment plants in India and abroad. He has been working on setting up wastewater treatment plants to produce reusable quality treated water at affordable cost. At present he is coordinating one such project jointly funded by European Union and Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He has worked as a member of IIT consortium for rejuvenation of water quality of River Ganga. He has been helping various states Government (Odissa, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand) and industries for providing wastewater collection and treatment solutions. He has guided 28 Ph.D. Research Scholars and 62 Master students' projects. He has contributed 286 research papers in journals of international repute, and contributed 76 book chapters. His research work has been presented in more than 262 conferences in India and abroad. He has authored a book `Wastewater to Water' published by Springer and two edited books by Wiley VCH. He has delivered invited lectures in the various reputed universities in the world to name a few UiT, Narvik Norway; TU Delft, Netherlands; Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; University of Bremen, Germany; University of Augsburg, Germany; University of Tartu, Estonia; University of California, Berkeley, USA; Hong Kong University, etc. He has received recognition of his research contribution by getting elected as Fellow, INAE; VAISWIK award 2020, Member ASCE; receiving Swachha Bharat Award 2017; Gandhian Young Technology Innovation awards;National Design Award; Best paper Awards by IEI, etc.Last year he was inducted as Member European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Prof. Shalini Yadav is a Professor in the Dept. of Civil Engineering and Head of the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Water and Environmental Research, Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal, India. Her research interests include solid and hazardous waste management, construction management, environmental quality, and water resources. She has executed a variety of research/consultancy projects in environment and water science, and has got rich experience in planning, formulating, organizing, executing, and management of R&D programs. She has got to her credit guiding of an appreciable number M.Tech. & Ph.D. students. She has published more than 100 journal articles and technical reports. She is a member of the organizing and scientific committee of several conferences and reviewer in several international journals. Also she has published a number of edited books, namely Climate Change Impacts, Water Resources Management, Groundwater, Energy and Environment, Environmental Pollution, Hydrologic Modeling, Water Quality Management, Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resources and Built Infrastructure Management in the Water Science and Technology Library of Springer Nature; and Environmental Management in India: Waste to Wealth, Wastewater Assessment, Treatment, Reuse and Development in India, in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Library of Springer Nature.Prof. Ram Narayan Yadava holds position of Advisor of Research and International Affairs in Mansarovar Global University, Sehore, (M.P.), India. He has also worked as a advisor of AISECT Group of Universities, and a founding Vice Chancellor of the AISECT University, Hazaribag (Jharkhand), India. Prof. Yadava is also a founding member of Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI) under the umbrella of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India. His research interests include Solid Mechanics, Environmental Quality and Water Resources, Hydrologic Modeling, Environmental Sciences, and R&D Planning and Management. Dr. Yadava has executed a variety of research/consultancy projects in the area of Water Resources Planning and Management, Environment, Watersheds Management, and Remote Sensing. He has adequate experience in establishing institutes/organizations. In addition, he has adequate experience in planning, formulating, executing and managing R&D programs including organizing seminars/symposia/conferences at national and international levels. He has got to his credit guiding several M. Tech. and Ph.D. students in the area of Mathematical Sciences and Earth Sciences. Dr. Yadava has visited and delivered invited lectures at different institutes/universities in India as well as in abroad in the various countries such as USA, Canada, UK, France, Thailand, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Costa Rica, The Netherlands, France, China, and Australia. He is Recipient of Raman Research Fellowship and other awards. Also, Dr. Yadava has been recognized for four decades of leadership in research and service to the hydrologic, environment and water resources profession. Dr. Yadava's contribution to the state of the art has been significant in many different specialty areas, including water resources management, environmental sciences, irrigation science, soil and water conservation engineering, and mathematical modeling. He has publishedmore than 100 journal articles, four text books; sixteen edited reference books. He is a reviewer of scientific journals and member of the scientific committee of international conferences.